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Notes:Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM!

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This is the Notes page for Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM!.

Notes[edit source]

  • SoundBooth Theatre went down because of Prison of Plastic's audiobook's release and the ensuing traffic. Jeff Hays, SoundBooth's CEO, and Justin Thomas James, SoundBooth's project manager, had to fix it to an understanding audience. (2:10-3:51)
  • IngramSpark did not cooperate with the images Jello sent due to their DPI being too big (despite being the minimum for quality printing), thus delaying the release of Prison of Plastic's hard copy. He found this out right before the stream. (4:07-4:54)
    • IngramSpark also delayed the release of the EPUB version of Prison of Plastic. (5:01-5:13)
  • Prison of Plastic development started with one chapter in winter 2020 and wrote the rest in May 2021, with additional work continuing to be done until the book's release. (5:21-5:37)
  • Soundbooth made Brendan Blaber a PDF on how to Kickstarter Backers could get the Audiobook. This PDF was made by Justin who mad it quickly. (6:30-6:38;7:05-7:18)
  • Soundbooth, unlike most other steps in the Kickstarter, who's been willing to do extra and fixes problems on their own. (6:41-7:04)
  • Ky Bullock created the portrait designs for Wolf, Spelling Bee, and Rick Shades. (9:03-9:15)
  • Jello's favorite shot of the Say No animation is the whip between Molly Blyndeff and Lorelai Blyndeff near the end. (9:18-9:28)
    • Ky did that shot second due to its complexity. (9:30-9:34)

(After this needs to be added to Pages)

  • Jeff Hays, SoundBooth Theatre's CEO, really likes the Audiobook, to the point of offering Soudbooth Studios to help with the next one. (15:51-17:51)
  • (Rewrite) Jello is currently in contract negotiations with a Publisher, although they were stalled till he finished dealing with IngramSpark, noting the publisher will be able to handle industry standard illustrations. He also plans to make hardcopies through IngramSpark, calling them, "Alpha" copies.(20:10-22:38)
  • Jello also plans on releasing a paperback version of Prison of Plastic. (21:30 - 21:40)
  • Jello plans to record the audiobooks for the EP 1-4 Novelization and EP 5-7 Novelization at Sound Cadence Studios and edit them at SoundBooth Theatre. (22:59 - 23:20)
    • While editing the novelizations, Jello plans for Wyatt Baker and him to record Prison of Plastic's sequel, Sweet Escape. (23:20 - 23:28)
  • Both the novelizations will be shorter than Prison of Plastic. (23:30 - 23:40)
  • (Rewrite) Epithet Erased (the animated series) IS DEAD!!!!! (No Season 2 will ever happen) (unless someone comes to him with a very large budget) (24:18 - 26:24)
  • Jello was the sole manager of Epithet Erased (accounting and budgeting), which caused him to have to request his team if they could work at the lowest rate. The artists and portrait artists agreed, to which Jello still feels guilty for. (26:42 - 27:20)
  • Jello spent a month and half working in a wild magic table for the Epithet TTRPG, and, as of December 2022, it is not finished. (29:11 - 29:19)
  • Dan Gansley's appearance in Epithet Erased is confirmed to still be shaky at best. (31:54 - 32:01)
  • Marissa Lenti was the casting director for Epithet Erased Season 1 and Prison of Plastic at Sound Cadence Studios. (35:25 - 35:33)
  • Amy Ellis, AKA Yam, was the main editor for Prison of Plastic. (35:53 - 36:09)
  • The December 2022 release of Prison of Plastic will not be the one sold physically in stores. In order to turn a profit, Jello would have to sell a hardcover book at $50.00 to earn $1.50 per book, the lowest option avaiible. This is due to IngramSpark selling their customer's published books to stores at 50% discounts. (36:25 - 37:30)
    • Jello believes the hardcover version of Prison of Plastic could be sold by late 2023 at the earliest (a year or so). (37:30 - 37:34)
  • Jello wanted to novelize the Season 1 novelizations after Prison of Plastic to appease publishers (a fantasy series starting at book three without any books prior isn't a good selling point) and because of the two year content drought between Season 1 and Prison of Plastic (Releasing the novelizations of Season 1 after two years of no content would be lame in Jello's words). (37:34 - 38:10)
  • Prison of Plastic's initial concept was for Lorelai's main dream bubble to be pirate and candy themed, instead of witch and candy themed. (43:30 - 43:35)
  • The Surprise Cookie challenge Giovanni gives Lorelai was called the Technical Challenge in reference to the The Great British Bake Off. (43:50 - 44:08)
  • Yam noted "Nice philosophy, Jello" while editing Chapter 7's monologue. (44:14 - 44:28)
    • Can't figure it out myself but Arim brings up the Taiga Country lore in response to that. Presumably because of how the country is run from a very socialist perspective? (Me dumb me no politic *boowomp :[ ) (44:30 - 44:33)
  • Jello allows any fan animation to be done with the audiobook for Prison of Plastic. (45:32 - 45:56)
  • Jello thinks the definitive version of Prison of Plastic is the audiobook. (46:12 - 47:41)
    • Jello believes Lorelai is easier to sympthaize with via the audiobook, rather then the book due to Tiana Camacho's voice work. (47:43 - 48:10)
  • Jello does not have any current plans for any official translations of Prison of Plastic (48:15 - 48:32)
  • The Prison of Plastic soundtrack will release after Great at Cowboy Extended, the Giovanni Villain Song, and the Giovanni Lullaby are finished. It will include all the Kickstarter songs and the five new songs written specifically for Prison of Plastic. (48:53 - 49:57)
    • Jello hopes for it to release around the paperback and hardcover release of Prison of Plastic (49:57 - 50:02)
  • Giovanni Potage owns a Sailer Moon poster in his room (50:11 - 50:24)
  • Lorelai has no physical limit to her epithet's power, but her conscience or subconscious has to be concentrating on what she's creating (51:17 - 52:07)
  • Marissa Lenti prefers voicing Stink over Ogre, due to how long the latter took to record. (54:56 - 55:48)
  • Jello believes the hardest character to cast post Prison of Plastic is Moot. (56:10 - 56:28)
    • Moot's name and identity as the Cloaked Bliss Ocean Member are first(?) revealed. (56:51 - 57:08)
    • Moot is again (see 2020 cast reunion) identified as a trans woman. (57:50 - 57:55)
  • Bo Hello's favorite character design is Lorelai (as he designed her) (58:46 - 59:00)
  • Marissa Lenti's favorite character is Giovanni Potage (59:17 - 59:20)
  • Arim's favorite character is Mera Salamin (59:30 - 59:31)
  • Cyrus Rodas's favorite character is Indus Tarbella. (59:54 - 59:59)
  • Yam's favorite character is Naven Nuknuk. (1:00:04 - 1:00:07)
  • Oz's favorite character is Percival King. (1:00:17 - 1:00:19)
  • Sono's favorite character is Phoenica Fleecity. (1:00:29 - 1:00:31)
  • Wyatt's favorite characters are Rick Shades, Naven Nuknuk, and the Spelling Bee. (1:00:28 - 1:00:40)
  • Jello thinks the best written characters in Epithet Erased are Molly Blyndeff and Lorelai Blyndeff. (1:05:06 - 1:05:30)
  • Jello's favorite line in Prison of Plastic is when after the crows repeat Trixie's dialogue to her, it refers to them in parentheses as class traitors. (1:06:07 - 1:07:16)
  • One of Yam's editing notes include referencing the bear falling in river vine when Rick screams at Molly falling in the snow. (1:09:51 - 1:10:31)
    • Another of Yam's notes include "with a chair :)" after Molly realizes how she can beat Lorelai (1:10:31 - 1:10:45)
  • Yoomtah's pet name for Naven is "My Key Lime Guy" (1:14:29 - 1:14:42)
  • When learning of Rick's colosseum friends, both Yam and MacKenzie (another editor for the book) thought they had died. Jello said that wasn't his intention but never fixed it anyway. (1:15:58 - 1:16:42)
  • Oz's wanted epithet is Healthy. (1:16:44 - 1:16:53)
    • Oz thinks the epithet he would actually have would be Slime or Dustbunny. (1:17:38 - 1:17:58)
  • Ky Bullock's wanted epithet would be money. (1:16:44 - 1:16:59)
  • Lindsay Sheppard's wanted epithet is Boba. (1:16:44 - 1:17:04)
  • Sonocomics' wanted epithet is Insight. (1:16:44 - 1:17:16)
  • Cyrus Rodas's wanted epithet is Serotonin. (1:16:44 - 1:17:19)
    • Cyrus Rodas thinks his assigned epithet would also be Gak. (1:17:58 - 1:18:02)
  • Bo Hello thinks his assigned epithet would be Archive. (1:18:30 - 1:18:32)
  • One of Dani Chambers' outtakes for Prison of Plastic's release annoucement was her saying hardcore instead of hardcover, prompting her to say, "If you die in the book, you die in real life!" (1:21:08 - 1:21:41)
  • The VRV sponsors at the end of each YouTube upload of Epithet Erased were all improvised as Jello hadn't written scripts for them. (1:21:54 - 1:23:33)
  • More confirmation that Sweet Escape's main party is Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella and Ramsey Murdoch. (1:24:02 - 1:24:15)
Bo Hello's take on short hair Mera (1:26:10)
  • Prison of Plastic and Sweet Escape were considered to be titled Prison of Plastic Part One and Two respectively. This is because of the prison theming and, presumably, the storylines initially comprising Season 2. (1:26:18 - 1:26:34)
  • Prison of Plastic's sequel is currently titled Sweet Escape (1:26:36 - 1:26:39)
  • Prison of Plastic was originally called Sugar Cookie Jazz, but was changed to its current title after Jello wrote the Chapter 7 monologue. (1:26:39 - 1:26:57)
  • Mera Salamin has never eaten a tortilla chip unharmed. (1:27:40 - 1:27:44)
  • Prison of Plastic in all forms won't be on any Amazon platform because of their business practices. (1:36:17 - 1:36:38)
  • Oliver Tull was selected as Arnold Markdown due to Oz Ryan's audition packet artwork of Arnold looking like Oliver's character from Baccano!. Marissa Lenti asked Brendan Blaber if she should get Oliver due to the resemblance and Jello agreed. (1:38:17 - 1:38:55) - Can't find any credit for him from Baccano!
  • Lorelai would have a DeviantArt account and make stamps (1:46:26 - 1:46:44)
    • If Lorelai also had a TikTok account, she would post on how she was born in the wrong generation and that she would have strived in the mid-2000's (to which Jello thinks she actually would) (2:07:14 - 2:07:27)
    • Jello says that Lorelai would be the type of person to hypocritically follow cringe culture (calls people cringe when she knows she is cringe herself). (2:19:15 - 2:19:30)
  • Stink dresses up as an egg for Halloween and throws eggs at people's houses. When confronted, he reflects the accusations by saying to look at what their house did to his children. (1:48:55 - 1:49:11)
  • To get everyone's heights for the Prison of Plastic promotional infocards, Jello put himself and a tape measure up against a wall and deduced where everyone would stand to him in his kind. (1:54:50 - 1:55:07)
  • Stink made a driver's permit with crayon and wrote his height as 6'9". (1:57:41 - 1:57:54)
  • Bugsy Pugsler and Zora Salazar would consider themselves alphas. Zora would do so out of reading a subpar wolf fact book (the second and last time she'd ever read anything). Bugsy would do it because of misogynist YouTube videos. (2:07:59 - 2:08:44)
  • Genocide and Murder will never be epithets. (2:08:59 - 2:09:10)
  • One of Jello's bloopers as Prison of Plastic's narrator saw him call Pheonica "Fingerca", causing him to imagine the worst creature. (2:21:20 - 2:21:21)
Rhea Burtram's sketch of Lorelai Blyndeff (2:21:21)
  • Giovanni Villain Song may be a prattle song, under request by Kyle Igneczi. (2:33:34 - 2:33:59)
  • Giovanni Potage never had a Bi awakening due to having two mothers. (2:34:49 - 2:34:57)
  • A list of things Jello wanted to do with or without the Kickstarter (2:51:16 - )
  • The Anime Campaign episode 1 and 2 re-releases were the least favored stretch goals Jello had to accomplish (2:53:04 - 2:53:12)
  • Do You Hear That Sound was chosen as the Molly and Giovanni song, due to Dani and Kyle wanting to cover a Beetlejuice song and Dani officially owning the sheet music (2:53:20 - 2:53:30)
  • The poster print for Prison of Plastic will be the same artwork as the cover (2:53:30 - 2:53:37)
  • Jello thought the Kickstarter would only reach about $300,000 (2:54:54 - 2:54:58)
    • As a fail safe to ensure the Animated OVA wouldn't be easily reached, the orange tiers was filled with Villain songs due to them being "fun to make" and "relased whenever" (2:54:54 - 2:55:12)
  • To Jello's surprise, when contacting previous crew members in light of the OVA, most were happy to do more Epithet material (2:55:12 - 2:55:35)
    • When asked about being paid a normal rate, answers floated towards being double their total pay from Epithet Erased ($50,000), hence Jello deciding that the OVA would be worth $100,000 (2:56:16 - 2:56:35)
  • Animators on Epithet Erased were paid about $1,200 a day (2:55:50 - 2:56:04)
    • About every two weeks of work, Jello owed them about $25,000 (2:56:04 - 2:56:14)
  • Jello did most of Prison of Plastic's narration before any other voice actors did their lines (2:58:30 - 2:58:39)
  • Animated OVA would have been a segway between Prison of Plastic and Sweet Escape (2:59:30 - 3:00:02)
    • Jello contacted Dani, Sandra, and Kyle about meeting to write a few scenes of the OVA, but dealing with IngramSpark got in the way (3:00:03 - 3:00:31)
  • Don Infusio will not be returning (3:00:31 - 3:00:34)
  • Noah Finway will also not be returning (3:00:36 - 3:00:41)
  • Stan Goldstein may be a minor character in Epithet Erased (3:00:46 - 3:00:53)
    • Jello hopes to have Mike Pollock voice him (3:00:53 - 3:00:57)
  • Dirk Chappy will only be mentioned in passing (3:00:27 - 3:00:37)
  • STINK WILL BE IN EVERY BOOK (3:03:38 - 3:03:42)
  • Jello prefers Season One to be watched on his channel, then VRV (3:20:25 - 3:20:38)
  • VRV was stingy and had a very tight contract during the production of Epithet Erased, so much so Jello had to fight to elongate it twice (3:20:46 - 3:20:54)
  • Spring 2021, Jello was contacted by a former VRV employee who helped Jello with the contract so he owned the Epithet Erased IP. During their conversation, the former employee stated Epithet Erased had did phenomenal on VRV at release. Jello did not know this as VRV never contacted him after he finished the show. (3:20:56 - 3:22:10)
  • Dawn Bennett has read Jello's other major storywork, "Cornucopia" (3:27:17 - 3:27:46)
  • Justice Washington was familar with Jello before Epithet Erased, having done a fandub of Cornucopia (3:27:46 - 3:28:10)
  • Sandra Espinoza reads/Percy says "You fool. YOUR SOUL IS FORFEIT!" (3:41:02 - 3:41:05)
  • Percy's favorite pizza is a White Slice without the ricotta, as it's too indulgent. (Essentially, she likes her pizza with just bread and mozzarella) (3:44:37 - 3:45:16)
    • She's more fascinated with the pizza topper (the little table) than the actual pizza. (3:45:17 - 3:45:29)
Bo Hello's sketch of Trixie wearing Dixon's Smelters jersey (3:48:44)
  • Dixon Roughhouse is confirmed to still appear in a future entry (most likely Sweet Escape), as Jello says it'll be fun to cast him and easy to write him (the latter being true for all the Roughhouses). (3:48:56 - 3:49:14)
  • Jello thinks Scott Seiss skits fit Molly and Lorelai's dynamic (3:54:00 - 3:54:59)
    • He thinks one skit about coupons really fits Lorelai's energy because of the outward anger (3:55:14 - 3:55:39)
  • Gio's crystal mom is related to the Roughhouses. (3:58:26 - 3:58:31)
Rhea Burtram's art of Stink (4:01:30)
Rhea Burtram's art of Giovanni's parents (4:01:30)
Rhea Burtram's comic of Giovanni's parents (4:02:35)
  • The OVA would have had a scene where Molly and Giovanni did a "Kids in a trenchcoat bit" upon seeing Percy, which made Molly look gigantic. Percy asks about it, Molly replies "Puberty", and Percy reminisces on her puberty, with the camera zooming in on her face for 15 seconds as traffic and car crashes are heard in the background. Afterward, it cuts out to Percy saying, "Anyways ..." (4:03:29 - 4:04:36)
Bo Hello's sketch of Lorelai turning Molly into a puppet (4:19:31)
  • Dani Chambers reads/Molly says, "Bro, I'm just standing here." (4:27:17 - 4:27:23)
  • Dani Chambers reads/Molly says, "Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit?" (4:28:20 - 4:28:25)
  • Dani's favorite chapter of Prison of Plastic is Chapter 7 - Prison of Plastic (4:32:00 - 4:32:03)
  • Molly and Giovanni bodyswap skit (4:35:03 - 4:36:12)
Bo Hello's sketch of Moxie daring Giovanni to drink tea like this before she eats all the styrofoam containers (4:42:01)
Bo Hello's sketch of Moxie (4:43:22)
  • Regina Sandbag is president of Taiga Country and a war veteran (4:43:35 - 4:44:07)
  • Bo's Rick Shades shoe tying comic would have been dubbed but was not because of Rick Shades not having a voice actor when he made it (4:45:20 - 4:45:30)
    • The comic was also a major factor in Bo getting hired as illustrator for Prison of Plastic (4:45:33 - 4:45:47)