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Season 2

From Epithet Erased Wiki
"You can always try again some time in the future. Just . . . not right now."

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"Hah! Is that it!?"
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Season 2 is the unproduced season 2 of Epithet Erased, due to its high budget of about around $550K. It would be 8-9 episodes.[1][2]. It would also be an adaption of Prison of Plastic and Sweet Escape.[3]

Voice Cast[edit | edit source]



Episodes[edit | edit source]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

No. in series No. in season No. in arc Titlecard Title Airdate
8 1 1 No Image Available Prison of Plastic Part 1 Unproduced
The first episode of the adaption of Prison of Plastic.
9 2 2 No Image Available Prison of Plastic Part 2 Unproduced
The second episode of the adaption of Prison of Plastic.
10 3 3 No Image Available Prison of Plastic Part 3 Unproduced
The thirdepisode of the adaption of Prison of Plastic.
11 4 4 No Image Available Prison of Plastic Part 4 Unproduced
The fourth episode of the adaption of Prison of Plastic.
12 5 1 / 5 No Image Available Untitled Animated OVA/Untitled Filler Episode Unproduced
Molly Blyndeff and Giovanni Potage bake 'illegal cookies" with Percival King as the unwitting antagonist.[1]

"Prison Arc"[edit | edit source]

It will be an adaption of Sweet Escape.

Production[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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  • to be added - Epithet Erased was not renewed for a second season.
  • to be added - It was announced that Deepwood Country would be the primary location of the second half of Season 2.[11]
  • February 3, 2020 - It was announced in a stream that there was plans for Slim, an Anime Campaign character, in Season 2[12]
  • February 28, 2020 - In an interview, he explained how payment for the next season's pay would not work the same as Season 1. In the same interview he revealed he had an episode planned where Molly and Giovanni try and make cookies but because Giovanni is a criminal it's difficult.[13]
  • November 27, 2021 - He confirmed that he will be hiring more staff for season 2 if/when he it enters production and he reconfirmed it would be 9 episodes.[2]
  • November 28, 2021 - Animated OVA was added as stretch goal to the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter and that it would be the filler episode. As well as being revealed that Percy would be the Antagonist.[14]
  • December 26, 2021 - The Prison of Plastic Kickstarter finished with Animated OVA's stretch goal not being met.[15] Thereby, making it unclear if/when Season 2 will be produced if that episode would be included.
  • August 12, 2022 - On Twitter, it was further explained that in the first half, Molly Blyndeff, Giovanni Potage, Phoenica Fleecity, Trixie Roughhouse, Lorelai Blyndeff, Rick Shades, and Naven Nuknuk will be major characters, and that Sylvester Ashling and Yoomtah will be minor characters. In the second half, Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella, Ramsey Murdoch, and Yoomtah will be major characters while, Molly, Giovanni, Sylvie, Percival King, Phoenica, Trixie, Zora Salazar, and Naven will be minor characters.[16]

References[edit | edit source]