This subject of article or section pertains to an upcoming piece of media. Make sure all information is from a trusted Epithet Erased source (that is not Anime Campaign).
This notice may be removed when the piece of media is released.
For other uses see: Epithet (Disambiguation)

Epithet TTRPG is a Table Top Role-Playing Game based off of Epithet Erased and the Anime Campaign TTRPG. It will be produced because Prison of Plastic Kickstarter reached 330K.[1] It may be spilt up into Basic Rules and Settings Guide.[2]
Rules[edit | edit source]
Differences to Anime Campaign[edit | edit source]
- This version will include 7 general builds for making characters.[3]
- This version's Wild Magic sheet will be rolled with a 1d1000, instead of a 1d300, and will be "actually good". None of the spell are permanant nor fatal.[4]
- Known Wild Magic:
- 420. For the rest of the day, any time the target leaves a person's line of sight, they completely forget the target exists. Object permanence invisibility.[5]
- 506. Everyone is under the unshakable assumption that it is now the target's birthday. Everyone else must give them a gift in the next minute. if you fail to give the target a gift you become one of the birthday candles and instantly light on fire. [6]
- 507. For the rest of the day, the target may claim, "C'mon it's my birthday" once per round as an anytime action This claim can be used to stop an incoming attack or convince nearby combatants to do something. It is not the target's birthday. NOTE: If it IS the target's birthday, this ability always succeeds and you do not need to roll for it.[6]
- 599. The caster has got the target's nose. The nose appears in the their hand. the nose may be passed freely from person to person. Until the target reclaims their nose, they cannot smell anything and -2 to all rolls. This effect lasts until the nose is reclaimed, at which it pops back on immediately.[7]
- 655. All light sources within 100ft. cycle through different colors like a gaming computer. Anyone adjacent to these lights gains +5 aura of gaming. Add +5 to any rolls involving games (video game, board, etc.)[8]
- The Anime Campaign Wild Magic List was at some point updated to include 1004 Spells.[9] However, it was later privated so it is no longer viewable
- to be added[10][11]
- Known Wild Magic:
Differences to Epithet Erased[edit | edit source]
to be added
Production[edit | edit source]
- November 28, 2021 - Epithet TTRPG was added as stretch goal to the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter.[12]
- December 26, 2021 - The Prison of Plastic Kickstarter and the stretch goal of $300K had been reached.[1]
- December 26, 2021 - It was decided on twitter that a full version of Great at Crime will be produced before Epithet TTRPG Rulebook, Anime Campaign 1-2, and a full version Great at Cowboy.[13]
- February 19, 2022 - On twitter there was a poll about what the world-building session for Epithet TTRPG should be about. The results were, "Ocean Wizards", 52.3%, and "Rainbow Cowboys", 47.7%.[14]
- February 28, 2022 - On Twitter, a screenshot of the section, The World, describing: Taiga Country, Desert Country, Island Country, Deepwood Country, Ocean Country, and Austraila, was released.[15]
- March 1, 2022 - On Twitter he held a pole of what he should work on next, the results were: TTRPG Book Worldbuilding (35.4%), Edit Anime Campaign Ep 1-2 (28.1%), Zora Song lyrics (23.2%), Extend a Previous Song (13.25.)[16] He's written 120 pages of the Epithet TTRPG rulebook, most of which is mostly setting lore so he is thinking of making people pay for it separately from the rules. And that the setting Guide will be 100+ pages.[2]
- March 2, 2022 - On twitter, he asked for some one who can help him make a character sheet.[17]
- March 6, 2022 - On twitter, he said he had written 150 pages of world lore and some example campaign hooks he'll never run, is the most fun he'd in ages.[18]
- March 14, 2022 - On twitter, it was announced that Rhea began illustrations for the TTRPG,. Two were released featuring, Phoenicia, Bugsy, as well as, two ime Campaignharacters.[19]
- May 2, 2022 - On twitter, three postcard drawings for the cities of, Longshot (The Desert Country capital), Aminita (The former Deepword Country capital), and Canada (Australia's Capital).[20]
- May 30, 2022 - On Twitter, it was announced that the alpha version of the Setting Guide is done and that it is about 160 pages. As well as announced there are over 100 illustrations. He is currently working on example character sheets. And released another illustration.[21][22] He also confirmed the man in the illustration is Lawful Evil.[23]
- August 28, 2022 - On Twitter, a poll was held, with no context, besides it being related to the Epithet TTRPG, the results were Gambler (41.3%), Healer (23.7%), Support (19.4%), DPS (15.6%).[24]
- August 31, 2022 - On Twitter, Bo released the Concept Art of Sierra Saxton[25], who will appear in the Epithet TTRPG, with multiple of her kits.[26]
- September 5, 2022 - On twitter, Mundie Monday returned, where he announced that he is working on the Epithet TTRPG again, also revealing that there will seven general builds. They will each be given six example character sheets each, 3 of a Mundie and 3 of an inscribed. He released An Illustration of Meryl, who has the Healer build. And one of Sierra Saxton, who has the controller build, as well as releasing three Illustrations each corresponding to a specific build, "Rube Goldberg Device Maker", "Capture the Flag", and "Basically a Pokemon Trainer".[3][27]
- October 19. 2022 - On Twitter, he released a World Map that will presumably be in the Setting Guide.[28]
- October 20, 2022 - On Twitter, he announced he is working on a 1000 spell Wild Magic sheet. Asking for suggestions for the last 100.[4] Replying to some responses with ones he has already added.
- October 23, 2022 - On Twitter he said he would begin playtesting the sheet.[29]
- November 3, 2022 - It was confirmed the map was for the TTRPG, being drawn by Siv Ryan and cleaned up by Brendan Blaber. Rhea has drawn a lot more artwork for the book, including "a really cute drawing of casual clothes Giovanni" that will be released on Twitter.[30]
- November 12, 2022 - On Twitter, the "really cute drawing of casual clothes Giovanni" was released.[31]
- December 3, 2022 - During Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week! Jello showed off several Illustrations and shared lore from the World Guide.[32]
- January 5, 2023 - On Twitter, Jello announced that the book is 6+ months off due to having to playtest and work on it in other ways. There will never be a "Epithet TTRPG 2.0" so they have to get it right the first time.[33][34]
- January 17, 2023 - Jello re-released the first episode of AC with tips on how to the play the Epithet TTRPG.[10][35] On Twitter, Jello released an illustration[36] that was previously shown on Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!.[32] As well as releasing more on his Patreon and some character sheets from the original Anime Campaign and new ones.[36]
- January 27, 2023 - Jello re-released the second episode of AC with tips on how to the play the Epithet TTRPG.[11][37] On Twitter, Jello released illustrations[38] that was previously shown on Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!.[32] As well as releasing more on his Patreon and some character sheets from the original Anime Campaign.[38]
- May 9, 2023 - In a Kickstarter Update, Work is slow-going but new illustrations are being produced. Including a sketch for one of Mera. Further stating that there is a massive amount of work left.[39]
- The Anime Campaign Wild Magic List was at some point updated to include 1004 Spells.[9]
- October 10, 2023 - Due to length of the Production and Printing process for Prison of Plastic, the TTRPG is the last thing on the due lost, behind everything else on the to-do List, including the Season 1 adaptions.[40]
- October 17, 2024 - On Bluesky, 2 new illustrations were relased.[41]
- November 3, 2024 - On Bluesky/Twitter, it was annouced that there will be a Epithet 5-Year Anniversary event where on the second day there will be preview of the Epithet TTRPG.[42][43]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
to be added
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Illustrations[edit | edit source]
Postcard Artwork of Canada
Postcard artwork for Longshot
Postcard Artwork of Aminita
World of Epithet Erased, Drawn by Siv Ryan, clean up by Brendan Blaber
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Cropped Screenshot of Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)
Other[edit | edit source]
Concept Art[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Prison of Plastic Kickstarter
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 1, 2022 (2)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mundie Monday (1) - 9/5/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Epithet Erased on Twitter - October 20, 2022
- ↑ Wild Magic 420 - October 20, 2022 - Epithet Erase on Twitter in reply to Bo Hello
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Wild Magic 506-7 - October 20, 2022 - Epithet Erase on Twitter in reply to Extima Vult
- ↑ Wild Magic 599 - October 20, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Twitter in reply to Bo Hello
- ↑ Wild Magic 655 - October 20, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Twitter in reply to Hedgal
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Wild Magic!
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Anime Campaign EP1 - (Official Upload)
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Anime Campaign EP2 - (Official Upload)
- ↑ Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic on Kicktraq
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - December 26, 2021
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - February 19, 2022
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - February 28, 2022
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 1, 2022
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 2, 2022
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 6, 2022
- ↑ Mundie Monday - March 14, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Mundie Monday - May 2, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Mundie Monday (1) - 5/30/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Mundie Monday (12) - 5/30/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter, in reply to Star Power - 5/30/22
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - 8/28/22
- ↑ Sierra Saxton Concept Art - 8/31/22 - Bo Hello on Twitter (1)
- ↑ Sierra Saxton Concept Art - 8/31/22 - Bo Hello on Twitter (2)
- ↑ Mundie Monday (2) - 9/5/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Epithet Erased World Map - 10/19/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - October 23, 2022
- ↑ Prison of Plastic Kickstarter - Update #16
- ↑ "boy" - 11/12/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 32.2 Epithet Erased SEQUEL - Out Next Week!
- ↑ Epithet TTRPG - Jan 5, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Twitter (1)
- ↑ Epithet TTRPG - Jan 5, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Twitter (2)
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - January 17, 2023 (1)
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Epithet Erased on Twitter - January 17, 2023 (2)
- ↑ January 27, 2023 - Epithet Erased on Twitter (1)
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 Epithet Erased on Twitter - January 27, 2023 (2)
- ↑ Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic Kickstarter - Update #25: Soft Release Date for the Hardcover Book + Updates
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - October 10, 2023
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Bluesky - October 17, 2024
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Bluesky - November 3, 2024
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - November 3, 2024