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Ramsey Murdoch

From Epithet Erased Wiki

I don't need money, kid. I literally just made this worth my time.

Ramsey Murdoch, "Redwood Run"

Ramsey Murdoch is a rat-faced underworld appraiser with a literal heart of gold. He formed an uneasy alliance with Percival King to save his own skin from the bounty hunter Zora Salazar.

His epithet, Goldbricker, can transmute his body and anything around him into solid gold and back.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ramsey is a man with red hair tied in a low ponytail. He has white skin, and pointy ears. He wears a red Hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it, a red belt with a golden buckle, white khaki shorts and red slippers. He also has two golden piercings on his right ear. His right eye is gold with a scar on it, and he has a golden tooth.

His formal clothes consists of a black suit with golden buttons, worn over a white button up with a magenta colored necktie. He also wears black pants and black shoes.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Ramsey is a very sly con-artist who is good at manipulating people into unknowingly helping him achieve his goals.

In general, he acts laidback and cool when negotiating, but when being placed between a rock and a hard place such as possibly being legitimately arrested or his life at risk, he becomes panicky and cowardly. He is often compared to a gerbil or a rat, which reflects his facial features and personality.

Despite his sly and manipulative nature, Ramsey is seen willingly be helpful, shown when he helped Giovanni sneak past the police (Specifically Percy), and also gave Percy a pinecone to drink.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

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"Unfortunately the group's disorganization and general rapscallyhood makes them difficult to track."

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At some point he got an art degree and started doing commissions.

At some point, Ramsey Murdoch became a con artist, selling gold to rich folks for spendable cash before days later he turned all of their gold back into trash, dirt, or worse. He made about 25 million dollars swindling half a dozen companies out of their life savings before catching the attention of bounty hunters. Most notably Zora Salazar. One of these cons was "Operation Mid-ass" which involved a case of "golden buttocks".

At some point, Ramsey Murdoch became a contact for the Banzai Blasters as an appraiser, being listed as such in the Banzai Blaster Manual.[2]

At some point, Ramsey lost his right eye to a Mundie, replacing it with a golden one.

After his bounty became too high, Ramsey went to Redwood Run so he could legally be imprisoned whilst being treated nicely.

Western Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[2][3][4]

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

Among Us Script[edit | edit source]

to be added

TWO-LOWEEN[edit | edit source]

Artwork drawn by Ramsey.

to be added

I Want it That Way Animatic[edit | edit source]

Percival King is at the Sweet Jazz City police station, looking at a police lineup for suspects. Sylvester Ashling is running the operation, asking Percy if she knows who in the lineup is the criminal. Percy responds she only heard the criminals voice whilst singing the song "I want it that way". Sylvie asks the criminals to sing "I want it that way". Number one, Ramsey Murdoch, hesitates before singing the opening section. Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella, and Giovanni Potage sing the following sections. All five criminals then sing the following section together. Criminal five, Zora Salazar, sings the section "I never wanna hear you say" by herself. All of the criminals sing the last section together before Percy makes a comment that criminal number five is the one who killed her brother. Sylvie then admits he forgot they were looking for a criminal in the excitement of singing.

RAMSEY + FEENIE DOLLS[edit | edit source]

to be added

Epithet Erased Figurines![edit | edit source]

to be added

Percy and Howie Film Noir AU[edit | edit source]

to be added

Ramsey's Art Commissions[edit | edit source]

to be added

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Skillset[edit | edit source]

  • Art Degree: Ramsey is a skilled freelance artist who has an art degree. He does commissions but he used his talents for mostly for forgery an apparel[2], becoming exclusively for appraisal after being arrested by the Sweet Jazz Police.[4]

Unique Abilities[edit | edit source]

Epithet: Goldbricker:[edit | edit source]

Allows him to transmute objects into solid gold and back, which even includes himself (but, seemingly, not other characters). He is able to turn objects into gold from a distance and can do this to disorient his opponents by making their weapons worthless or making their clothes too heavy. Although, the effect seems to only last a day at most. Ramsey can move normally while he turns his whole body gold and is even able to repair severe damage done to him, such as reattaching his severed arm. He is so proficient at turning his body to gold that he can use it instinctively to block himself from damage to the point where can precisely match Zora's aim on him.

  • Fool's Gold: Ramsey can seemingly duplicate an object he has in his possession into an almost perfect golden copy. However, the copies do not last very long and seem to decay after a short time. He has historically done this to commit fraud or theft.[2] He used this to trick Zora by switching out copies of the Arsene Amulet.[4]
  • Crayon Darts: Ramsey carries a deceptively normal box of crayons with him since he can turn the tips of the crayons into gold, making the crayons become painful darts.[3]
  • Static Cling: A combo technique he performs with Percy, Ramsey turns himself into gold. He then gives a bear hug to the opponent only to allow Percy to summon a bunch of Wizard Towers to zap him & the opponent.[4]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Golden Eye: This eye was created after a Mundie destroyed his natural one.[3] It does not work.[5]
  • Crayons: to be added
  • Phone: to be added

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Zora Salazar[edit | edit source]

Zora and Ramsey are intense rivals. Ramsey has claimed that he has made several enemies in the past, but none of them seem to scare him quite as much as Zora Salazar. While it is unknown how long he has been running from her, it is implied that they have a long history together.

Percival King[edit | edit source]

As soon as they meet, Ramsey sees Percy as a way to gain some much-needed protection from Zora, so he makes a deal with her almost immediately.  He offers to help her catch criminals in exchange for being let out of jail and protection from "any dangerous folks" they "might run into" which, unannounced to Percy, means he's hoping to avoid himself being captured by Zora. After some thought and quite a bit of hesitation, Percy agrees and from then on, an unlikely, very uneasy alliance is formed.

Despite everything, Ramsey does seem to take a liking to Percy quite quickly. He enjoys her wit and genuinely does want to help her out when he sees she needs it. However, Percy is still a cop and, like her or not, Ramsey knows that if he isn't careful, she can and will send him straight back to jail, where Zora would soon find him, so his guard is up around her from start and he can't bring himself to trust her completely.

As a precaution and a way to get an edge over Percy if their alliance goes south, he lies to her when she asks him if he has an epithet and tells her he's a Mundie. He continues to hide his ability from her even in battle. He also deceives her by helping Giovanni behind her back. He even debates ditching Percy altogether, wondering if he could catch the train out of town and escape from both her and Zora this way, but decides the train, which he doesn't doubt is just as run down as the rest of Redwood Run, would be so slow, so he might as well be walking and sticks with his current plan.

Ramsey's alliance with Percy may be uneasy and they may be unsure if it will even end well but they've still managed to make it functional for the time being. They make a good team and get along well, despite being polar opposites. They have a mutual respect for each other, even though their places in society as a police officer and a criminal should make them enemies by default. It's just that, when it comes to Percy, everything about him is on a need-to-know basis, especially his abilities, and the fact that he has an epithet. The way Ramsey sees it is plain and simple. She doesn't.

After Percy knows about his epithet and proceeds to arrest him, Ramsey is upset at first. But after she offers to give him a comfortable cell and allows him to make up for his crimes by letting him use his appraisal skills in the future, he accepts her offer.

Giovanni Potage[edit | edit source]

Ramsey was very supportive of Giovanni and even states that he's a 'good kid'. However, he also considers Giovanni to be an idiot, saying it's a shame that he's going to get swindled by the Banzai Blasters.

He also was shown to be willing help him slip past the police, specifically Percy.

Mera Salamin[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Not much known about their relationship, but he'll team up with her in Sweet Escape.

Indus Tarbella[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Not much known about their relationship, but he'll team up with him in Sweet Escape.

Merch[edit | edit source]

Doll[edit | edit source]

One of the photos used in the Makeship page for the plushie.

Theme[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • He is listed as a contact for appraisal in the Banzai Blasters Manual.[2]
  • He draws art commissions online as a side job, and supposedly has an Art Degree[7]. This is a reference to his voice actor, William T. Sopp, who also does commission work.[Citation Needed]
    • He, in fact, accepts all kinds of commissions, no matter how weird they are.[7]
    • Nevertheless, he probably won’t draw gore or racist topics.[8]
  • He hates and judges birds.[7]
    • The reason Ramsey hates birds was originally just because William T. Sopp thought it was funny. The in-universe reason is because, as a fellow artist, he hates when birds poop on statues because a lot of love and care went into them. Also implying Ramsey does not understand that they are not doing it intentionally.[9]
  • The gold stars on Ramsay's epithet statistics are actually fake stars.[10]
  • In "All's Well That Ends Well", Ramsey wrote down the basics of his powers on a piece of paper because he was afraid of his memory of his epithet being erased. Ramsey didn’t write down what his word was, or even how he could do any of those things. But it didn’t matter. Ramsey is a clever guy. Just seeing that limited information was enough to make him think “Hm. If I can morph gold and turn myself into gold, maybe I can reattach fallen limbs. If that’s the case, I can get my own arm cut off to remove the eraser cuff with no negative consequences, thus turning my powers back on and saving us from Zora.” Within 30 seconds Ramsey had already forgotten what his power was again, but he remembered that he thought it was a good idea to cut his arm off. It was a stupid-sounding plan, but it was better than getting cut in half with a sword. So he gave it a shot.[11]
  • Brendon Blaber originally believed that Ramsey is 34 but cannot confirm due to other crew members being his creators.[12] He would later be confirmed to be 31.[1]
  • He has a golden eye in his right eye socket.
    • His gold eye is fake. It is for replacing the original one which has been lost during an incident that involved a Mundie attacking him. In fact, this eye does not work at all.[13]
    • Because character models are mirrored when they are facing the opposite direction, it is common to see Ramsey having his golden eye be on his left as a result of such mirroring.
  • If Ramsey ever turns a person into gold, the said victim will remain static and cannot move.[14] While he can move when he turns himself to gold.[4]
  • Ramsey can still be afflicted even when in his gold form. In fact, you can still melt him or use rapid changes in temperature to damage him.[15]
  • He is not Bisexual.[16]
  • He is wanted in four countries for fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and Smuggling a single pigeon with a small hat.[17]
  • On Twitter, Brendan Blaber revealed how he would play Among Us, which is:[18]
    • CREWMATE: The guy constantly checking in on Security and Admin to make sure everyone's story lines up. Good at spotting liars but bad at convincing other people.
    • IMPOSTER: Kills the smart people first so they can't talk. Overall the best player.
  • His height is 5'10" when slouched, 6'1" when not.[1]
  • He was born on June 16,[1] this makes him a Gemini.
  • He is probably divorced,[1][19] at least once.[19]
  • Unsurprisingly, his favorite animal is the rat.[1]
  • His favorite food is Beef + Broccoli.[1]
  • He likes burying treasure, art commissions, and staying in his lane.[1]

Design[edit | edit source]

  • The term 'Goldbricker' is an informal term used to refer to con artists. The term originates from the practice of coating bricks of a much less valuable material in gold to make them appear to be solid gold.

Tierlists[edit | edit source]

  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Ramsey in "Well-Liked (w/ Rare Exceptions)"[20]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Ramsey being paired with Leah because "Artist Solitary"[21]

Fanworks[edit | edit source]

  • On Twitter, Jello revealed he was sent a set of teas inspired by characters from Epithet Erased. Ramsey was used on a tin of thai chai, mango mate, and kona pineapple tea titled "Ram-steep Murdoch". It had the caption "This Tea Has Been Turned Into Solid Mari-Gold".[22]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Ramsey Murdoch/Gallery

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Ramsey Infocard for Epithet Erased
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Epithet Erased | EP5 - Redwood Run
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Epithet Erased | EP6 - All's Well That Ends Well
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Epithet Erased | EP7 - Winner Take All
  5. Ask:Is there a reason for Ramsey's eye being gold? Was... - December 13, 2022 - Epithet Erased on Tumblr
  6. Prison of Plastic Kickstarter
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Ramsey Trivia 1
  8. Ask:Does Ramsey consider anything off limits in... - January 5, 2020 - JelloApoclaspe on Tumblr
  9. Epithet Erased QnA Stream (feat. The Epithet Cast) (6:57:02 - 6:57:35) (Clip)
  10. - December 6, 2019 - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr
  11. Ask:Sorry if this has already been answered. I haven’t... - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr - December 24, 2019
  12. Ask:May I ask the ages of Zora, Percy, and Ramsey? - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr - December 7, 2019
  13. Ask: s there a reason for Ramsey's eye being gold? Was... - December 13, 2019 - JelloApocalapse on Tumblr
  14. Ask:If Ramsey turned someone else to gold, would they... - January 8, 2020 - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr
  15. Ask:So does Ramsey not age in gold form? He took a... - January 5, 2020 - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr
  16. Jelloapocalypse on Tumblr - April 24, 2023
  18. Among Us - October 18, 2020 - Brendon Blaber on twitter (6)
  19. 19.0 19.1 - Ramsey
  20. Epithet Erased on Twitter - 12/20/22
  21. EpithetErased character Stardew Spouses - 12/13/2023 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
  22. Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 22, 2020

External Links[edit | edit source]