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Zora Salazar

From Epithet Erased Wiki

"Just gonna out me like that, huh? You're no fun."
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I guess I'm a bit of a romantic, at heart... I like the idea of "true competition." Duels at dawn! Battles of destiny! Just two warriors givin' it their all where the only decidin' factor is pure old-fashioned skill! But these days? Skill don't matter anymore! You can train your whole life and be the best you that you can be, just to get beat by some schmo born with a superpower. That's why I wanna get rid of these things! You shouldn't get to be strong just 'cause you're lucky. You really think you can stand in my way?

—Zora Salazar, "Winner Take All"

Zora Salazar is a bounty-hunting cowgirl and Bliss Ocean officer who originally was sent to hunt down Ramsey Murdoch for forgery and embezzlement, before her orders changed to have her retrieve the Arsene Amulet from Giovanni Potage for the Bliss Ocean organization.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Zora is a tall, thin woman with long brown hair, tan skin, and yellow triangle markings on her face. She dons a cowboy hat with a triangle patterned brim, a red neck bandanna, and a poncho which has a symbol that resembles the sun in the middle. Under her poncho, she wears an orange long-sleeved embroidered button down shirt, a belt with a plus-shaped golden buckle that has a sun symbol in the center, brown and dark brown striped leggings, and brown boots with golden sun-shaped spurs on its ends.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Zora enjoys her job as a bounty hunter and seems to be quite confident in her own skills. She can seem quite 'intimidating' at times, and she is even able to make Ramsey fear her, as she is an adept dueler and can easily beat anyone whom she deems as obstacles.

She is incredibly ruthless and selfish when it comes to achieving her goals, as shown by how she de-aged Bugsy Pugsler after he refused to hand over the Arsene Amulet, or her turning Howie Honeyglow into an old man. However, she claims that generally she doesn't prefer going power-mad often, as it’ll make things boring for her and is against the spirit of Bliss Ocean, therefore favoring fair duels (not that she isn't ready to play dirty if she gets angry enough). Her underhanded tactics are reflected by her erratic nature, such as hitting Ramsey’s “horrible, horrible” face with her second gun in a fit of rage after Ramsey broke her first one and soon after cheating the “fair duel” and using her epithet on Percy’s discarded sword in an attempt cut and then age both of them into dust, this is the first case we see of an attack doing infinite damage.

Although a proficient epithet wielder, she actually hates her own epithet because, as a thrill-seeker, she sees it as a killjoy for being overpowered, hence joining Bliss Ocean.

Zora can be hypocritical with her actions, e.g. damaging a building Howie was constructing for no reason, while getting angry at Ramsey for breaking a gun she had made. This extends to using loopholes to justify herself cheating: She was in-favor for fighting Ramsey and Percy without her epithet (since they weren't using their own), but also waited until an advantageous time to undo her power on time-stopped bullets she had fired beforehand, claiming that it was fair for her to do so.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

She was born in northern Taiga Country.[3] She grew up in a family of paleontologists. One day when her mother and her father were digging, they found a golden box. Banzai Blasters, however, stole the box, and then shot her parents till they died. Leaving her an orphan she grew up in the woods, alone and learned to be a marksman. She would use those skills to be a gun for hire.[1] As well at some point discovering her epithet, Sundial.

While bounty-hunting, she chased down am escaped prisoner, who was bleeding by the time she found them. She challenged them to a classic pistol duel, Zora presumably winning. She then goes after an entire gang, using her epithet to make "physics look askance". When there was one left, she challenged them to a duel, with her again winning. Later, she was hired by a client seeking revenge on a woman who has a notch on her watch for every man she killed, Zora noting its cute she still has room. Zora easily defeats her.[4]

One day someone approached her in the woods and told her "her gun is misguided." After having a one-sided fight, she realized she had found someone on her level, joining Bliss Ocean. Now she has a reason for her fighting and met two others who were on her level as well.[1]

At some point Zora tracked down and killed a person in the woods.[5] Leading to her reflecting on her life up to this point.[1]

At some point she become #1 on the MOST WANTED List.[6]

At some point she started chasing down Ramsey Murdoch.[Citation Needed]

Museum Arc[edit | edit source]

After Yoomtah failed to retrieve the Arsene Amulet, she contacted the Bliss Ocean Leader and explained that Giovanni Potage had it. Leading to the leader to assign Zora the job to get it due the nature of it being a manhunt.[7]

Western Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[8][9][10]

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

Among Us Script[edit | edit source]

to be added

TWO-LOWEEN[edit | edit source]

to be added

I Want it That Way Animatic[edit | edit source]

Percival King is at the Sweet Jazz City police station, looking at a police lineup for suspects. Sylvester Ashling is running the operation, asking Percy if she knows who in the lineup is the criminal. Percy responds she only heard the criminals voice whilst singing the song "I want it that way". Sylvie asks the criminals to sing "I want it that way". Number one, Ramsey Murdoch, hesitates before singing the opening section. Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella, and Giovanni Potage sing the following sections. All five criminals then sing the following section together. Criminal five, Zora Salazar, sings the section "I never wanna hear you say" by herself. All of the criminals sing the last section together before Percy makes a comment that criminal number five is the one who killed her brother. Sylvie then admits he forgot they were looking for a criminal in the excitement of singing.

That Beautiful Sound Cover[edit | edit source]

Zora arrives at the house that Molly Blyndeff, [[Giovanni] Potage]] and his minions are staying at. She asked for the whereabouts of Vincent Murder. Molly stated to Giovanni that he just needs to find something that people are scared and takes out a bar of soap. Zora, terrified at the sight of the soap, runs off screaming as Molly and the others start laughing in delight.

Campground Ghost Stories AU[edit | edit source]

to be added

Ramsey's Art Commissions[edit | edit source]

to be added

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Skillset[edit | edit source]

"Yeah! Those are... words!"

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  • She is a proficient shooter that can use her pistol to knock out her opponents in only a few hits, and accurately hit an acorn on the ground while standing on top of a building.[Citation Needed]

Unique Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Zora's "time gun".
    Epithet: Sundial: Her epithet Sundial allows her to dial things forwards and backwards in any process which includes gravity, inertia, the cycle of the sun, and even a person's lifespan.
    • She can also imbue her epithet into an object (i.e: her bullets). Whatever gets hit by one of these objects will be affected by her epithet.
      • This allows her to do things like instantly destroy any object with a single hit from her weapons.
    • However, once a process has ended she can't reverse it. (e.g: She can't float if she hits the ground, once her gun breaks it's permanently broken, and if someone is dead she can't bring them back)
    • Her aging ability does not noticeably impact things which do not corrode. (i.e: pure gold)
    • If she turns off her epithet, the afflicted victims will return to normal.
    • Her epithet allows her to be functionally immortal by slowing her aging process or turning back the clock every few years.[11]
    • Jello thinks that when she freezes objects they lose their kinetic energy, however he has not confirmed this.[12]
    • She can heal certain wounds, but has to be extremely careful. If she sped up time on a wound that wasn't fully disinfected, she could cause it to become diseased rather than healed. Bones have to be correctly set or else they will heal wrong.[13]
    • Tree!: By rapidly aging a seed or sapling, she is able to quickly grow a tree which can be used to launch herself into the air, or to attack and disarm opponents.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Twin Pistols: Zora made her own pistols[10]. One was destroyed by Ramsey.[10] They are six-shooters and are often imbued with her epithet to move forwards or backwards someone's age, often to point of turning someone to dust.[10] Making these much more deadly then regular fire-arms in the World of Epithet Erased.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Ramsey Murdoch[edit | edit source]

Zora enjoys targeting Ramsey and always aims to destroy him, not only because he has committed embezzlement but also due to Ramsey having a bounty on his head.[14]

Bliss Ocean Leader[edit | edit source]

to be added[1]

Theme[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • Her height is 6'3".[15][2]
  • She kind of smells and sleeps in the woods.[15]
  • She is bisexual.[16]
  • She is into girls with hourglass figures,[17] which is seemingly a pun based on her time themed abilities.
  • She would definitely hurt a child if she deemed them as an obstacle.[18]
  • If she could be an animal, she would be a wolf.[19]
  • Zora is the first character to perform an attack that does -∞ damage, since she can age almost anyone or anything into dust.
  • Zora currently has the highest stat total of any character: a total of 39★.
    • Zora has the highest proficiency and creativity stats in the show so far.
  • In the episode Redwood Run, when Car Crash sees Zora, she is whistling “Great at Cowboy”.
    • Zora is also whistling “Great at Cowboy” when breaking into Ramsey's jail cell at the start of the episode.
  • If Zora was from the United States she would be from Northern Arizona or New Mexico.[20]
  • Her revolver is based on the Schofield revolver or Smith & Wesson Model 3.[Citation Needed]
  • It was revealed in the Among Us Script that she has tried to normalize child murder. (in Among Us, at least)
  • Her eye markings are the results of her potent Epithet. She cannot get rid of them because they are permanent. [5]
  • Zora is the first character in the series to speak censored profanity. She swears 3 times.
  • Despite being in Nova Class, Zora isn't the strongest officer in Bliss Ocean.[21]
    • She is the third leading officer of Bliss Ocean.[10]
  • Jello describes Zora as the kind of Smash Bros player who "picks a top tier fighter and sticks with them the entire night" but still loses to Yoomtah who "changes her character every round and [messes] around all night doing gags like FALCON PUNCH ONLY and still wins." [22]
  • That Beautiful Sound Cover revealed that she has an aversion for soap.
  • On Twitter, Jello revealed how she would play Among Us, which is:[23]
    • CREWMATE: Third imposter. Purposefully sabotages people and doesn't do tasks. Will pick a target and follow them around menacingly for half the game for no reason.
    • IMPOSTER: Brutally efficient but honestly pretty obvious the second someone suspects her.
  • She is from northern Taiga Country.[3]
  • She doesn't like to shower.[2]
  • Her birthday is July 5.[2] This makes her a Cancer.
  • Her favorite animal is the wolf.[2]
  • Her favorite food is Pine Jam. "Pine Jam" is short for Pine Cone Jam which is a real thing you can make with foraged pine cones. Forest Fact™[2]
  • She likes “Whistlin', Shootin', Huntin', Beer, and Scootin'”.[2]

Design[edit | edit source]

  • Zora is a Slavic name that means "dawn".
  • In the Episode 5 commentary track, jelloapocalypse revealed Zora's name was inspired by a highschool friend of his, whose full name is "Theodora Zora Salazar"..

Tier Lists[edit | edit source]

  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Zora in "Well-Liked (w/ Rare Exceptions)."[24]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Zora being paired with Haley because "Haley insults Zora the first time they talk and Zora spends a month gifting her trash. Then she's like "I'll make her fall for me.. then tell her I'm not interested! That'll show 'er!" But then the event where Haley plays in the mud and Zora was like 👀"[25]

Fanworks[edit | edit source]

  • On Twitter, Jello revealed he was sent a set of teas inspired by characters from Epithet Erased. Zora was used on a tin of pu-erh spice, chocolate chai pu-erh, and gunpowder tea titled "Zora Sip-azar". It had the caption "Cardamom And Cinnamon Just Like Zora: Spicy!".[26]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Zora Salazar | Gallery

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Great at Cowboy Extended
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Infocard to promote Prison of Plastic
  3. 3.0 3.1
  4. Countdown
  5. 5.0 5.1
  6. Epithet Erased on Tumblr - December 30, 2019
  7. Epithet Erased | EP4 - Reflection
  8. Epithet Erased | EP5 - Redwood Run
  9. Epithet Erased | EP6 - All's Well That Ends Well
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Epithet Erased | EP7 - Winner Take All
  15. 15.0 15.1 Zora Trivia 1
  16. Epithet FaQ
  20. Ask: Dunno if the EE universe is geo-politically - February 14, 2020 - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr
  23. Among Us - October 18, 2020 - Brendon Blaber on twitter (7)
  24. Epithet Erased on Twitter - 12/20/22
  25. EpithetErased character Stardew Spouses - 12/13/2023 - Epithet Erased on Twitter

External Links[edit | edit source]
