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"Just gonna out me like that, huh? You're no fun."
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“ |
At the end of the challenge, The two of us will confer whether or not you fit the bill. So It would seem that your fate rests in my tiny, tiny hands~ |
” |
—Naven Nuknuk, Prison of Plastic, Chapter 4: From the Heart |
Naven Nuknuk is the CEO of STEM. In Prison of Plastic, he acts as an interpersonal communication teacher for Molly Blyndeff and her friends. He is later kidnapped by Lorelai Blyndeff to impress Giovanni Potage, before being saved by Molly.
Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]
Naven is a short adult man with a slender build, fair skin, bushy eyebrows, and messy lime green hair with a long cowlick (resembling a green apple). He wears a dark green cape over a green sweater, which he wears over a white button-up shirt. He also dons cream and lime green pants (held up by a dark green belt with a pink and lime green buckle), a pair of green slip-on shoes, pink glasses and a single heart-shaped earring hanging off his left ear. In his artwork, he is seen holding a red apple.
Personality[edit | edit source]

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Naven is a sweet, gentle teacher who enjoys helping others to a fault, taking on added responsibilities such as his role as an interpersonal communication teacher in addition to his already heavy workload. He is generally a pushover, as evidenced by the fact he can be bullied by children. Naven engages with people on their own terms, consenting to be Giovanni's co-judge for Lorelai's entry tests and taking on a more paternal role for Molly and her friends. He is upbeat, prim and proper in normal life.
When a more serious situation arises, however, he will adopt a more stern persona and effectively stand his ground. This persona arises when Naven or those that he cares about are seriously threatened. When in this position, he makes strategic use of his communication skills to learn as much about the threat as possible and acts on that newfound knowledge. This is illustrated in the scene where Lorelai threatens his life: his tone drops and he treats her threat seriously, catching her off guard and allowing him to shape her emotions. Naven is shown to be highly empathetic as well, going so far as to cry along with Molly in a moment of intense emotional distress.
History[edit | edit source]
Past[edit | edit source]

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Naven Nuknuk was born thirty years prior to Prison of Plastic on April 11[1] in Sweet Jazz City, Taiga Country.[6] He was born a Mundie.[2]
He majored in Impersonal Communication in college, and got a college degree.[7]
A few years prior to the events of Prison of Plastic, Naven became the CEO of STEM bringing the company to great success. This was because the company started specializing in "a little bit of everything". As well as the company primarily hiring Mundies over Inscribeds, taking advantage of the surplus of talented mundies in the market caused by other companies' Lexism. Naven became known for his silver tongue and diplomatic approach to business meetings. Prison of Plastic suggests that the reason he ran the company the way he did was because he was a Mundie himself.[2]
At some point he fell in love with Yoomtah, eventually marrying her.[8] She would pose as his chauffeur, changing her appearance to make it seem as if it was a different woman every time.[2]
Tabloids speculated what Naven was really like, thinking of him as a rich mysterious man and calling him a womanizer as a result of Yoomtah's constantly-changing appearance. Others, such as his valet, became unimpressed by him, or even jealous of him.[2]
A few months prior to Prison of Plastic, he went out on an errand and agreed to give Molly Blyndeff interpersonal communication classes. She asked if her friends, Phoenica Fleecity and Trixie Roughhouse, could join and he enthusiastically agreed. He would continue to do these classes for them despite struggling to find time to write lesson plans.[2] Molly would always be very punctual.
After discovering her poverty and working conditions (a 12-year-old forced to constantly work at the store and do household chores due to how unhelpful her family is), he called child protective service but after they were unhelpful he started sliding her money under the table to pay bills and buy food.[3]
During a conversation with Molly, Naven told her that it was important to find a way to deal with stressful situations. He illustrated this by explaining that he coped by writing lesson plans. When Molly commented that he was usually writing lesson plans, Naven looked at her sadly.[9]
The break-in at the Sweet Jazz City Museum was a complicating factor for Naven's organization, as they had several investments in the museum.[2] Despite this, Naven still planned to teach Molly's speech class next week. He even prepared a lesson where Molly and her friends would recite the lyrics of songs out loud without the melody.[3]
Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

Naven got hung up in meetings about the recent museum break-in and how it disrupted his organization's plans. Despite this, he needed to go to his planned speech class with Molly Blyndeff at the Blyndeff Toy Emporium. After the meetings, he entered the elevator with Yoomtah, who caused the elevator to plummet to the underground garage. She rushed to the car beckoning him while Naven felt nauseous and disoriented from the fall. He greeted the valet as Yoomtah yelled at him to hurry up.[2]
When he entered the car, Yoomtah started zooming down the road at high speed with pinpoint accuracy. Naven said they didn't have to override the elevator but Yoomtah explained that with his busy schedule the only thing they can cut is the transit time. She continued to make fun of him for being a slowpoke as Naven continued being nauseous. He started thinking about how the Museum Incident had affected business and how he met Molly before the car suddenly stopped outside their destination.[2]
Naven sat down by the plastic table and waited for Molly to arrive but nearly half an hour went by and she had not arrived. Starting to get worried since they are usually punctual. Naven started browsing the shelves, noting the various one-of-a-kind playsets and toys from other companies, including from his own. He then discovered a small white sphere behind the register, but before he could investigate, he spotted Sylvester Ashling as he came from behind the shelves. He explained he worked there but as a speech teacher, not usually as a cashier. He rang up for him a pack of Horizontal Pilot Command trading cards. Sylvie asked him if he played and Naven said no, but some of his friends do, so he thought about giving it a shot. The boy recommended Naven a few good starter decks and mentioned there was a big tournament coming up. The boy also said he came to meet a friend before leaving.[3]
Lorelai Blyndeff came out of the sphere and asked what all the noise was about, so Naven pointed out that he had a ring up a customer so she responded that it didn't matter if he was here and no one comes here anyway, before disappearing back into the Dream Bubble. He sighed and reflected on the fact that their speech class would be loud before checking his phone and seeing no messages from Molly. He began being worried, since Molly is usually really punctual, he was starting to get worried.[3]
Molly, Phoenica Fleecity, and Trixie Roughhouse then ran into the store, carrying what appeared to be a dead body. Molly called for his help as she ran to get water. He asked what was wrong and heard two different stories in unintelligible squabble. He did his best to understand the situation before realizing the man was Ocean Race. Trixie and Naven both comment on how they are both ocean Race before Molly came back with fruit, a granola, and some water. Naven pours some water in his mouth. Molly asks if he is going to die but Naven reassured her that he is going to be OK, and he pointed out he might not have lived if they didn't find him when they did, he traveled a long way from Ocean Country.[3]
He told them they did a good job just as Molly's father, Martin Blyndeff entered the room. Naven watched as Molly helped him put down the playset he was working on before walking over and taking the bag of granola out of Molly's hands. He joked about them doing CPR on a dummy as Molly and Feenie tried to object to him stealing the food. Naven told them it was a human man causing him to make another joke. Naven hated this interaction. Martin continued to be annoying as Lorelai popped her head out of the bubble. Naven watched as Martin showed her the playset and Lori explained she was into Witch stuff now instead of Knight/Dragon stuff, causing him to run off with a new idea. [3]

And just as thing quieted down, Vincent Murder exploded into the store. Naven watched, confused, as Molly recognized the costumed man. He said a speech before Molly informed him of Rick. He switched tones immediately and began caring for the man by feeding him his Liqud Pheonix. Phoenica asked him what his epithet was but the two gave 3 different answers. Naven asked how Molly knew him and Molly explained he was the boss of a "club" she was in. Trixie realized Vincent was her cousin, leading to a livelily argument between the two. Naven decided to speak up about how he is overwhelmed and Molly quickly decides to get the two to make up. Naven was proud she was able to speak up, however hard of an action it was for her. Also noting that it was Vincent that helped get her to this point.[3]
Vincent informed the group that he has left the Banzai Blasters and is making a new villain group. At first Phoenicia was worried about his villainy but changed her mind, even offering the group $5000 when Molly reframed it as a start-up. Naven decided to step in here, pointing out that she shouldn't use reframing (a tool taught in interpersonal communication classes) for evil. Molly pointed out that he never said she couldn't. Vincent said it was time to move on, Naven asked if it was time for him to get medical attention, he pointed out that he gave him his Liqud Pheonix so he'll be fine. He then explained that what they need to decide is a cool name for his villain group, leading to a loud discussion.[3]
Lorelai left her dream bubble once again and yelled at them for being loud while she is trying to make potions. Although, she quickly and noticeably began flirting with Vincent, even giving a potion that'll turn him into a Gargoyle. She wanted to join his group but Vincent wasn't willing to let her join with a reference (which Molly would not provide) or a test. Lorelai decided to kidnap Naven to impress him, expanding the dream bubble and bringing them all in.[3]
Inside this dream bubble, was the Hare-iden's Hovel inside the Ambleglow Bramble she turned him into a Pixie, and trapped him in a golden cage. He left him in the "Cauldratorium" room before walking off. Vincent gave him a tour of the place, told him he was the one who robbed the Sweet Jazz City Museum, and had tea with him. (Taking a toy tea set from a nearby doll house.) Afterwards, offered him the co-judge of the upcoming "minion test" for Lorelai, even telling him what the important quality that he was looking for. He then placed his cage in the kitchen so he'll be there for when the test began.[10]
Later, when the two entered Lorelai asked what he was doing here and he explained that she brought him into her dream bubble, and when Lorelai said that was not what she meant, he further explained that Vincent put placed him here after being a much better host than her. Lorelai used her magic to flip his cup upside down, spilling its contents, and she reminded him that he was a prisoner and was supposed it be scared. He managed to convince her to give him a new cup of non-poisoned tea by reminding her that he was a valuable hostage and she was still being evaluated. He also pointed out how big the gaps in the bars of the cage are, being effectively useless. Vincent wrote some notes but stopped Lorelai from peeking at them. They talked about the test and when Naven tried to butt in, Lorelai snapped at him saying he has nothing to do with it, but Naven informed her that he was the co-judge. Lorelai asked what he knows about being evil but Naven reminded her that he was a CEO.[10]
At some point Lorelai left to go control the Spelling Bee, her summon, as he faced his students, leaving the cookies unattended in the stove. Naven watched as Lorelai was rude the Spelling Bee before destroying him before comening that "she clearly has no respect for anything she creates", annoying her before she noticed that her cookies had burnt to a crisp.[11]

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Chapter 7 “Prison of Plastic”
Naven sat atop Giovanni’s shoulder as Lorelai presented her rainbow cookies to them. Despite Lorelai’s disappointment in her cookies, both Naven and Giovanni tell her that her cookies look great, with Naven commenting how it would be perfect for a children’s birthday party. Tasting the cookie, Naven declares the cookie “absolutely scrummy” and “cram jam full of flavor”.
During the “technical challenge” where Lorelai must bake cookies using an incomplete recipe where she must extrapolate the missing components. Giovanni lets Naven explain that the the banning of any use of magic is that using magic goes against the spirit of the “technical challenge” as she could use magic to help her to do her work for her.
When Giovanni and Lorelai leave the room, Naven returns to his cage. He’s then met by Molly, Feenie and Trixie who enter the room through a Chimney. The children are quite concerned for Naven's well-being, but he assures them that he is okay and informs them what Lorelai and Giovanni are doing. Naven explains that although Lorelai can be a bit difficult, his situation isn’t entirely bad. He is then offered to become friends by Rick, to which he politely declines. Naven lets the children know that Lorelai is unable to use magic due to the rules of the challenge, which causes Trixie and Feenie to decide to sabotage Lorelai’s cookies. When Lorelai entered the room, the children quickly took shelter.
As Lorelai pondered on what candy Giovanni likes, Naven happily offered to let Lorelai know what flavours he himself liked. She scoffs and calls Naven “stupid” which makes Naven remark on how she was mouthing off to a judge, much to Lorelai’s annoyance. Lorelai’s mixer begins to splatter mixture everywhere due to the children’s tampering, and a mixing spoon falls onto her drawing she was making, soaking it. This causes Lorelai to point a finger at Naven, asking if he saw who did that. Naven responds that he cannot see anything as his eyes are always closed. Lorelai in turn, threatens Naven by summoning a flame on her finger. He is unfazed and in his usual cheerful tone just says that will be a point deduction for using magic. Lorelai again asks if he has seen any “rats” -referring to Molly and her friends- around the kitchen. Naven doesn’t reveal the whereabouts of Trixie and Feenie who were hiding within the curtain of the cage. He lies that he doesn’t see any rats. Naven is able to cooly save the situation after Feenies phone begins ringing, raising Lorelai’s suspicions, claiming it’s his own phone alerting her that there’s only 45 minutes left in the challenge. Lorelai asks if she could use magic to clean up the mess created by the mixer. Naven grows more sarcastic with Lorelai as his patience starts to waver. Telling her that she “could use more practice helping out in the kitchen” in reference to her failing to do the dishes, as well as commenting that the surprise cookie won’t be much of a surprise if Lorelai asks Giovanni what his favourite flavour is. This causes Lorelai to grow more frustrated towards him. He happily tells Lorelai that his favorite flavor is “rose” as she leaves the room.
When Molly tells Naven that she’s going to apologize to her sister. He is quite perplexed by this and attempts to tell her that it’s okay for her to be angry but is cut off. As Molly starts to shout, Naven calms her down and tells her that she doesn’t need to apologize for other people’s mistakes. When Molly responds by saying that it is her responsibility to fix people’s mistakes, Naven simply asks: “is it?”. A question that causes Molly to go silent. Naven commends Molly for her confidence and assertiveness but adds that nothing has changed with her sister. He tells her that it’s not always on her (Molly), and that she “can extend her hands as many times as you want, but at the end of the day, it’s up to [Lorelai] to take it. You can’t force her to do that.” Molly argues that Naven told her to try to talk out their problems to which Naven responds by saying that he did, and she tried, but he doesn’t want her believing she can talk her way out of every problem. It’s clear that Naven is attempting to protect Molly and keep her from being hurt. Explaining to her that not everything can be fixed by being nice. He recommends that Molly wait for Giovanni before confronting Lorelai, but Molly refuses and decides to go talk to her on her own. Naven cannot do anything but let her go.
In the aftermath of Mollys confrontation with Lorelai. Naven flies down to the bottom of the hovel in an attempt to comfort her. Worrying for her safety. As Molly begins to question everything, Naven is unable to find the words to say to Molly, replying to her questions with a sorrowful “I don’t know.” His attempts at getting Molly away from her current home situation and into a better life by calling CPS had failed and the reality of him being unable to help Molly had silenced him. All he could do was hug Molly and cry along with her.
Chapter 9 “A Real Mess of Things”
Naven had since returned to the bird cage, but in place of his usually cheerful demeanor and light sarcasm, was acidity and anger. Wearing a look of disdain towards Lorelai. His patience towards her had now completely worn away and he was much more direct with his criticism of her. When Lorelai snapped at him after he surprised her with his sigh, Naven bitterly told her that she made Molly cry. Lorelai angrily replied by blaming her sister and then blaming him for messing her up, Naven sarcastically remarks about how she seems to believe that nothing ever seems to be her fault. This causes Lorelai to cover his cage in a blanket and then slap it. She yells at him, but when Naven doesn’t respond to her, Lorelai panics that he might not be able to breathe and opens the curtain to poke air holes. She bitterly gives a “you’re welcome” to Naven, which he responds with heavy sarcasm that she’s being too kind. Lorelai’s frustration towards Naven reaches a head and she decides to take Naven to the Cauldratorium. hanging his cage above the cauldron on a chain. She threatens Naven with a finger of magnesium starlight if he told Giovanni -who stood in a frozen stature- of what happened.
In that moment, Naven's tone shifts and he suddenly asks if she will murder him, much to Lorelais surprise. He asks if what Lorelai is implying is that she will murder him. Then asks if she had done it before, wondering if she had the spine that she COULD do it. He begins to taunt Lorelai to do IT, to murder him, even pressing her finger close to his face. When Lorelai hesitates, Naven concludes that she wont. But adds that maybe with her powers, she didn’t need to, and that maybe it was an accident- he was then cut off by Lorelai pulling a curtain closed on him and she sent him up above the cauldron.
Chapter 11 “Judgement”
Naven is summoned into the kitchen through a portal with Giovanni, Molly, Trixie, and Feenie for the final judgment of Lorelai’s cookies. As he and the others taste the cookies, Naven explains that the cookie tasted doughy and that he didn’t like it, adding that she had thrown it in the Sun. When Molly asks why there’s no green in the rainbow cookie, Naven and Trixie comment that green is their favorite color. Naven disappointedly told Lorelai that he had expected better, especially since she had used magic -which was against the rules- to assist her. Lorelai questions Naven on how he was aware she used magic on her cookies despite never seeing her directly doing so. Naven explains that, as an interpersonal communications teacher, he’s aware she used magic on her cookies based on her nervous expressions whenever the topic of magic came up. Giovanni and Naven begin to speak to each other to discuss the final judgement eventually concluding to her with the letter grade Z. Which is 0. Naven comments how he wanted to give her a negative score due to the times she used magic. He explains how the point system was to demonstrate the most important quality a minion can have. The willingness to lose. When Giovanni confronts Lorelai about how she had bullied everybody, Naven explains that Lorelai had kidnapped, manhandled, and locked him in a cage like a prisoner of war.
Naven is sent back into the Cauldratorium as Lorelai snaps and decides to become a villain.
As Lorelai scans through the wreckage of the building after it collapsed in the battle, she finds Naven's cage, crushed and mangled. Believing that she had killed Naven, she sobs until she hears a voice coming from a closet. Naven's voice. Naven, within the closet, gently calls her closer and asks her to open the door. Reassuring her that she can do it. As Lorelai opens the closet door of her childhood, Naven sat atop a shelf above a bunny hoodie that belonged to Lorelai. When Lorelai says that she’s not worthy of wearing the hoodie, Naven asks why before answering for her. Saying that Lorelai thinks she killed her mother. Lorelai asks through tears if she did it, if she killed her mom, to which Naven responds with: “I don’t know….”. Naven guesses that Lorelai is afraid what happened to her mother could happen to Molly or the others, and that’s why she hides in her bubbles. When Lorelai cries that her magic is too strong and that she wishes it could just go away, Naven responds by saying that he understands.
Chapter 13 “Wrecking Ball”
As everybody was spat out of the dream bubble, Naven appeared sitting upright on a chair. Naven and Molly embraced in a hug and he thanked everybody for coming so far to save him. After Molly and Giovanni had left, Naven's name is suddenly called from outside the Emporium by his chauffeur. The chauffeur barges into the store and angrily shouts at Naven that he was missing and late for 3 hours. Naven apologizes to her and introduces her to Rick Shades, mentioning how he’s from Ocean Country. He offers Rick a place to stay at his company after realizing that he had washed up on the shore that day. Naven explains how he’s more than happy to provide a foundation for Rick to stay on the surface. Before he leaves the emporium, Naven walks up to Lorelai’s room and doesn’t stay long, staying long enough to tell her to look inside her pocket which contained a baseball with Giovanni’s writing and phone number written on it, before heading back down the stairs.
Non-Canon[edit | edit source]
That Beautiful Sound Cover[edit | edit source]
“ |
Okay! I'll come back later then! ^_^ |
” |
—Naven Nuknuk, That Beautiful Sound Cover |
Naven, acting as a spokesperson for the Sweet Jazz Census Bureau, rings the doorbell at a house and Giovanni Potage answers the door. When Naven begins to speak to him about the Sweet Jazz Census Bureau, Giovanni interrupts him by shouting in gibberish. This confuses Naven, but cheerily says that he will come back later, despite his disturbed tone of voice, before leaving.
Ramsey's Art Commissions[edit | edit source]
to be added
Abilities[edit | edit source]
Skillset[edit | edit source]

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- Teaching: He teaches Molly and her friends. Although he is kinda bad at it.[12]
Relationships[edit | edit source]

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Molly Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

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Molly is one of Naven's students who promptly gets warped into one of Lorelai Blyndeff's "bubbles" together (Along with Rick Shades, Trixie Roughhouse and Phoenica Fleecity). They are likely on good terms because of this.
Chauffeur[edit | edit source]
to be added
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Naven has an apple motif, evident by his color scheme, hair shape and apple found in his hand.
- His apple motif may be a reference to the tradition of students giving apples to their teachers.
- His apple motif may also be a reference to Anime Campaign, where he is the CEO of the "Toilet Apple" company.
- If you yell at him, he might cry. (x2)
- In the That Beautiful Sound Cover, Naven appears briefly as a salesperson, replacing the mail man character from the Beetlejuice musical.
- He is the type of person to adopt every stray cat if no one stopped him.[1]
- His height is 5'7".[1]
- His birthday is April 11.[1]
- His favorite animal is the gerenuk.[1]
- His favorite food is rose tea.[1]
- He likes sunrises, his wife, decorative glass, and orchards.[1]
- He is bisexual.[13]
- He carries around apples 24/7 due to teachers being associated with apples.[12]
- On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Naven in "Strong Love or Hate, no Mid-Ground"[14]
- On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Naven being paired with Emily, because "Aww... she's just a little guy. Oh. she's a little messed up actually."[15]
- On Twitter, Jello retweeted a promotion for Rick Shades-inspired tea from a fan-made Prison of Plastic collection[16], after having been sent another Epithet Erased inspired tea collection from the same creator.[17] Naven was a part of the former collection, his likeness being used for a earl grey lavender, rooibos almond, and rooibos jasmine tea titled "Earl Gray-Ven Nuknuk". It has the subtitle, "Soft And Sweet Like Roses, Full Of (Apple) Juicy Secrets".[18]
- Jello finds him attractive.[19]
- Naven will say "Later Losers" in Sweet Escape.[20]
- His favorite color is green.[21]
- He writes lesson plans when he is nervous, which is most of the time.[9]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Promotional Art[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Promotional Infocard for Prison of Plastic
Promotional Trivia for Prison of Plastic
Screenshots[edit | edit source]
Sell it To Me![edit | edit source]
Illustrations[edit | edit source]
Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]
Prologue D - The Instructor
Sprites[edit | edit source]
Other[edit | edit source]
Artwork by Rhea Burtram
A Sketch made by Bo Hello of Naven with a ponytail
Art of a lovebird themed Naven made by Bo Hello
Art made by Bo Hello of Naven dressed up as Ralsei from DELTARUNE
Custom Doodle of Naven and Molly for Prison of Plastic
Icons for the Characters page of EpithetErasedOnline.com
Unused Icons for the Characters page of EpithetErasedOnline.com when you click on them.
Anime Campaign[edit | edit source]
Naven’s portrait
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Naven Promotional Infocard for Prison of Plastic
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Prison of Plastic, Prologue D: The Instructor
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 2: Vincent Murder
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Chapter 7: Prison of Plastic
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 9: A Real Mess of Things
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - October 19, 2022
- ↑ EpithetErasedOnline.com - Naven
- ↑ Prison of Plastic: Chapter 13: Wrecking Ball
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Naven
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 4: From the Heart
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Chapter 5: Love Spell
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 More Epithet Erased TOMORROW!
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter replying to someone saying "HE ISNT GAY ?????"
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - 12/20/22
- ↑ EpithetErased character Stardew Spouses - 12/13/2023 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Mac O'Connell on Twitter - January 13, 2023
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 22, 2020
- ↑ Earl Gray-Ven Nuknuk on adagio teas
- ↑ Brendan Blaber on Twitter - January 22, 2023
- ↑ Epithet Erased in reply to Hopingfordespair on Twitter - November 26, 2021
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Chapter 11: Judgement