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Lorelai Blyndeff

From Epithet Erased Wiki
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"Just gonna out me like that, huh? You're no fun."
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I just wanted to play, but I guess somebody always has to be the bad guy. Fine. FINE! You want to be the bad guy? Fine. I can't stop you from coming into my bubble, but that doesn't mean I have to make it easy for you.

Lorelai Blyndeff, Prison of Plastic, Chapter 3: Distance

Lorelainebacker[5] "Lorelai" Blyndeff is the eldest daughter of Martin Blyndeff and the late Calliope Blyndeff. She is also the older sister of Molly Blyndeff.

She grew up a happy child, developing her Epithet while spending time with Molly. One day their home burned down, leading to the death of their mother. After her mother's death, she and her family fell on hard times and her relationship with her sister became strained. On top of that, Lorelai suspects she killed her mother and would isolate herself in her bubbles whenever she could. This would come to a head two years later, where she would kidnap Naven Nuknuk in an attempt to woo Vincent Murder. Molly and her friends would invade her Dream Bubble to save him, driving a rift between the two of them.

Her epithet, ★Augment★, allows for her to augment reality within "Dream Bubbles".

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Lorelai is a teenage girl with brown skin, freckles, and curly dark brown hair with yellow highlights. She normally wears hot pink overalls over an aquamarine turtle neck with a beehive haircut. While portraying the "Hare-idan", she conjures a light purple dress, a white and gold bunny apron with a green sash and bow tie, white gloves, and a light purple pointed hat with two white bunny ears on the front and a white pom-pom (resembling a bunny tail) on the point. Lorelai has green eyes that are almost like Molly's. However, instead of having a quartet of dots in her iris, resembling holes in a button, Lorelai has a trio of eye dots positioned like an upside-down triangle, resembling a radioactive warning label.

Personality[edit | edit source]

"Unfortunately the group's disorganization and general rapscallyhood makes them difficult to track."

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Lorelai is a bratty and stubborn teenager. She is stated to be very similar to her father, Martin Blyndeff, as they are both very irresponsible and neglectful of their duties in favor of isolating themselves within their hobbies. She works at her family's toy store, the Blyndeff Toy Emporium, but after her mother, Calliope Blyndeff, died when she was 15[6], Lorelai began ignoring her responsibilities, choosing to play in her dream bubbles instead, leaving her sister, Molly Blyndeff to cover her shifts and do her chores.

Lorelai discovered her Epithet, ★Augment★, when she was a child. Although she was creative, using her powers to create different worlds to play in, she was also stubborn. When Lorelai was upset, she would lock herself away inside one of her dream bubbles for hours or even days at a time. This has caused difficulty for her parents growing up, but there was nothing they could do about it. Because of how powerful Lorelai's dream bubbles were, no one could bother her when she was inside one of them with one exception, Molly, whose Epithet could dumb down an idea until it no longer exists. This includes the worlds Lorelai creates and often frustrates Lorelai whenever Molly interrupts her stories.

Lorelai feels animosity towards her sister because no matter how complicated she makes her worlds or how much time she spends on them, Molly can erase them. Lorelai hates that Molly never wanted to play with her or cared about all the time she spent designing things. She believes that all Molly ever does is yell at her, make her do chores, pick up a shift, or help her out at the counter when the store is busy, seemingly not realizing that she herself might be at fault, demonstrating her egocentrism.

Lorelai has a good relationship with her father, Martin. Martin supports and encourages his daughter's creativity, taking ideas from her worlds to make new toys for the toy store. Martin is always nice to Lorelai and doesn't mind if she takes time off, enabling her irresponsible behavior. According to Molly, Martin always takes Lorelai's side in an argument.

It's implied that, although she seems carefree, Lorelai is secretly very upset, and is using her dream bubbles as a way to cope with the loss of her mother.

She is secretly very lonely.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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to be added[7][8]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

to be added

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

She Didn't Do Her Chores...[edit | edit source]

to be added

Campground Ghost Stories AU[edit | edit source]

to be added

Ramsey's Art Commissions[edit | edit source]

to be added

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Creations[edit | edit source]

Graham, Spelling Bee, Scaregrow, Ogre, fake-boyfriends, ghosts, crows, etc. are made by her Epithet, ★Augment★, and will mostly do what she says but will argue with her and question her much like a conscience. They will listen to her commands but often go against her actions. They could likely be puppeted by her Epithet but are instead given free will and are only assisted by her, implying a need she has to be around unpredictable and real people. She can make them disappear with her Epithet easily.

Molly Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

As her sister, Molly tries to get her to do her work and help out, but Lori is stubborn and mostly stays in her dream bubbles. Due to her reaction to her sister's proposal to play with her in the Cauldretorium, Lori likely wants to play and connect with her sister but still feels hostility towards her for not making good on her deal, destroying her worlds, and ending her playtime. She views her sister as bossy. She also does not appreciate her sister's bad comments to Giovanni Potage regarding her help around the house. Molly also intentionally did not provide Giovanni with any good words about her worth as a minion.

Naven Nuknuk[edit | edit source]

Naven is the interpersonal communications teacher of the Neo Trio. Lorelai fislikes that Naven does not stop the Neo Trio from bothering her. Naven stacks the rules of the minion test to get Lorelai to be honest about herselr with Giovanni Potage. Naven does, however, grow on her slightly when he helps her look at herself in the mirror, consider her involvement in her mother's untimely demise, and comfort her after she loses against the Neo Trio and their companions.

Phoenica Fleecity[edit | edit source]

Lori views Phoenicia as another one of Molly Blyndeff's annoying friends who ruined her chances to become a minion, annoying her while she plays, interrupting her bubble playtime, and acting like little brats. This makes her dislike them. She was turned into an angel by Lori. This implies that she feels some comradery between the two of them because they both want to be heroes.

Trixie Roughhouse[edit | edit source]

Lori views Trixie as another one of Molly Blyndeff's annoying friends who ruined her chances to become a minion, annoying her while she plays, interrupting her bubble playtime, and acting like little brats. This makes her dislike them. She was turned into a demon or grim reaper by Lori. This implies that she feels hatred or fear towards the four-foot monster as she comments that Trixie knows about gross stuff like chameleons and newts.

Rick Shades[edit | edit source]

After seeing him in as a body lying on the floor of their store, Lori doesn't give much thought to Rick Shades, turning him into a chameleon before focusing on wooing Giovanni Potage. It isn't until Lori nearly kills Rick and barely heals him that she gives him thought. She feels remorseful for what she did to Rick but does not have any feelings towards Rick himself.

Martin Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

Lori's father is more interested in her bubbles than her wellbeing. Due to her endless creativity, he often takes her side but his poor attention span makes you wonder if he remembers he has two daughters that are going hungry. Lori uses him to win arguments with Molly and never confides in him. Their relationship is not very healthy or positive. He also enables her bratty and irresponsible behavior. He seems to love her Epithet and creativity more than his own daughter.

Giovanni Potage (Vincent Murder)[edit | edit source]

Giovanni sees Lori as a close associate and playmate, though their bond doesn't quite reach the level of friendship. He appreciates the gargoyle powers she gave him and the time they spent together. He reprimands her for her bullying, poor sportsmanship, and overall "meaniness" at the end of their adventure in the Ambleglow Bramble. She desperately wants to be his minion so she can get an inn into a friendship and possible relationship with him but doesn't show the needed qualities of a minion or friend. Giovanni says the most important qualities of a minion and general ne'er-do-well are good sportsmanship. As well as the ability to pick yourself up after failing over and over again. As he puts it a villain does not do mean things, but they oppose those trying to do the right thing so they have someone to fight. He also says that villains can bend rules more readily than heroes and interact with other villains in complex ways. Lori says the most important quality of a minion is that they can be stepped on. He does give her a calling card that says he will coach her on being a bad guy instead of a bad person as well as giving her his phone number and real name. This puts them on a one-sided first-name basis as he still calls her the harridan, or HAREidan as she puts it. Despite this, she continues to try and make their relationship closer as she is smitten with him. For instance, she conjured kitten-themed oven mitts with her epithet to impress/flirt with Giovanni, literally calling them "smittens" because kitten, smitten, and mitten all share the same suffix. Giovanni seems oblivious to her advances. Immediately after being presented with the "smittens", he does not register the "sm" but instead only understands the first two root words. He is also the closest thing she has to a friend or good influence after she moved away from her friends and Molly Blyndeff decided to focus on herself. She does not want him to come to harm but does not demonstrate the character traits befitting a minion or a true friend.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

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  • Epithet: ★Augment★: Lorelai, like her sister, is inscribed. With the Epithet ★Augment★, she has the power to create augmented realities that she refers to as "dream bubbles".
    • Dream Bubble: Lorelai can manifest whatever she wants (castles, carnivals, ice cream parlors, etc) inside of these. Lorelai often this to create Wonderlands to play in, where she's always "the main character". She can also use her Epithet to summon creatures, who, according to Molly Blyndeff, are very destructive and cause damage to the Toy Emporium on a regular basis. Because of this, Molly learned to use her own Epithet, Dumb, to dispel these creatures, by dumbing them down to nothing.[4] To the outside world they are contained spheres that can vary in size. The only way to enter is with Lorelai's permission or an Epithet like Molly's.[9]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • While Molly has a bear motif, Lorelai has a bunny motif.[10] A clear example of this is Molly's bear hoodie and Lorelai being the Rabbit Knight.
  • Jello drew her for the charity stream.[11]
  • Unlike her father and sister, Lorelai doesn't have stars in her hair. Instead, she has freckles with the same color scheme as Martin and Molly's stars.
  • Sketches of her were released on Patreon.[12]
  • She makes wonderlands to play in where she is the main character.
    • She dresses and laughs like a cartoon witch in some scenarios in her wonderland. [13]
  • Her height is 5'9".[1]
  • Her birthday is October 18.[1]
  • her favorite animal is the rabbit.[1]
  • Her favorite food is waffles.[1]
  • She likes LARPing, lacrosse, anime, set design, and her OCs.[1]
  • Her Proficiency is in the high 60s.[14]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well-liked in the fandom each character is, placing Lorelai in "Strong Love or Hate, no Mid-Ground"[15]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Lorelai being paired with Sebastian because "This boy looks the most like Shadow the Hedgehog. They will have a wedding"[16]
  • On Twitter, the Epithet Erased account retweeted a promotion for Rick Shades-inspired tea from a fan-made Prison of Plastic collection[17], after having been sent another Epithet Erased inspired tea collection from the same creator.[18] Lorelei was a part of the former collection, her likeness being used for a white chai, vanilla green, and autumn mist greena titled "Lore-Chai Tea". It has the subtitle, "A Sprinkle Of Magic For An Enchanting Changing Chai!".[19]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Lorelai Blyndeff/Gallery

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]
