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Anime Campaign

From Epithet Erased Wiki

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Anime Campaign was a Tabletop RPG stream series, using Roll20, where JelloApocalypse and his friends played the game of the same name. The series is what Epithet Erased and its subsequent books are based on. Due to potential spoilers for Epithet Erased, the series' VODs were taken down by Brendan Blaber. Because of the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter reaching $70K, Jello uploaded official edited versions of Episodes 1 & 2.

Production[edit | edit source]

to be added

Episode 1 & 2 Re-Release[edit | edit source]

  • December 26, 2021 - The Prison of Plastic Kickstarter finished with the $70k stretch goal of "Anime Campaign 1-2" being reached.[1] JelloApocalypse also announced most of the editing to the first two Anime Campaign episodes would be to salvage the audio quality.[2]
  • May 31, 2022 - On Twitter and Kickstarter, Jello explained that, due to their low priority, the edits have yet to be started. He further explained that, if anyone were to watch Anime Campaign, they should not watch episode 3 and especially not Episode 4. This would help viewers avoid spoilers and, in his opinion, avoid watching worse versions of future entries of Epithet Erased.[3][4][5]
  • January 4, 2023 - On Twitter, Jello made a poll over what priority the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter stretch goals should be produced in. The results ended with "Anime Campaign EP 1-2 VOD" at 32.6%, "Neo Trio Song" at 27.1%, "Behind-the-Scenes Artwork" at 20.9%, and "Zora Credit Song Extended" at 19.1%.[6]
  • January 5, 2023 - Later that day, Jello began working on it, noting on Twitter that Tom Laflin, Percy's player, was really quiet.[7][8]
  • January 6, 2023 - On Patreon, Jello announced the reuploads would be released on Patreon at the $15 dollar tier and may include tool tips for how to run the game better. He also announced all reuploaded YouTube VODs of Anime Campaign would be copyright struck.[9]
  • January 8, 2023 - On Twitter, Jello announced he managed to cut 2 hours off the runtime,[10] This was mainly done through cutting long pauses and someone saying the r-word.[11]
  • January 15, 2023 - Jello announced episode 1 would be uploaded within a week.[12]
  • January 16, 2023 - Jello announced that he decided to redo the whole 7 hour render instead of using a YouTube trim edit, due to it actually be faster.[13]
  • January 17, 2023 - Jello re-released episode 1.[14]
  • January 20, 2023 - On Twitter, Jello announced he had begun editing Anime Campaign Episode 2 and noted that the entire 7.5 hours of footage had audio peaking issues.[15] He also noted that, for the first five minutes of the episode, he and his friends couldn't start because PlasterBrain had not downloaded Skype, the software they used to record.[16]
  • to be added

Cast[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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  • JelloApocalypse as GM, Dan Gansley, Chuck Jones, Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella, Molly Blyndeff, Abbott Arbuckle[17], Arnold Markdown, Howdy Morning, Howie Honeyglow, Zora Salazar[18], Naven Nuknuk, Milly Blyndeff, Pheonica Fleecity, and Martin Blyndeff[19]
  • Majin as Sylvester Ashling[17]
  • Siv as Moxie Roughhouse[17] and Trixie Roughhouse[Citation Needed]
  • Will as Charlotte Scarlet[17], Co-GM, Bugsly Pugsler,[18] and Ramsey Murdoch[Citation Needed]
  • WarpedLamp as Guile Manning[17] and Meryl Lockhart[18]
  • Roob as Giovanni Potage[17], Sergeant Eros[18], and Co-GM[19]
  • Chula as Devinia[17] and Gorou Shimazaki[18]
  • Plasterbrain as Allison McGillicudy[17], Quinton, Quinou,[19] and Regina Sandbag.[20]
  • Tom Laflin/Arim as Percival King[18]
  • Chris as Agitha Fuckwhistle[19]
  • Keen as Lenny Baxter[19]
  • Jay Barrett as Rick Shades[Citation Needed]
  • to be added as Moot Tarbella[Citation Needed]

Episodes Adapted[edit | edit source]

Anime Campaign Epithet Erased
Episode 0 - Regional Below Ceremony "Museum Arc"/EP 1-4 Novelization
Episode 1 - Bliss Ocean Curiosities "Western Arc"/EP 5-7 Novelization
Episode 2 - Monkey Toy Audience Prison of Plastic
Episode 3 - Hot! Crispy! Dazzling~! Sweet Escape
Episode 4 - Horizontal Pilot Command Horizontal Pilot Command

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Videos[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]

Promonional Art[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]