“ |
A true officer of the law stands by her principles, no matter the circumstances. |
” |
—Percival King, "Winner Take All" |
Percival "Percy" King is a detective in the Sweet Jazz City Police Department. She responded to a 911 call from the Sweet Jazz City Museum, discovering multiple groups trying to steal the Arsene Amulet. While she managed to catch two of the culprits, a certain team of Banzai Blasters managed to evade her and escape with the Amulet. Nonetheless, her superiors still assigned her to spearhead the investigation to find the artifact. Once in the backwater town of Redwood Run, she, with the help of Ramsey Murdoch, were able to defeat the Banzai Blasters and Zora Salazar who stood in their way to acquire the Amulet.
Percy's Epithet, Parapet, allows her to instantly create miniature fantasy styled buildings that produce a variety of different effects, for example, an apothecary that heals physical wounds or a wizard tower that fires magical lightning.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Percival is a fairly tall, freckled woman with short, blonde hair that sticks up and out slightly with a spiky texture; her eyebrows are similarly spiky and bushy. She is always seen with her police uniform and badge on. The uniform has a blue collared shirt and gold shoulder tassels, a black tie with gold, brick-shaped patterns, and long, thick white gloves that run halfway up her lower arm and are adorned with a golden star on the back of each hand. At her side, she carries a “real ass goddamn sword” strapped on with a black “scabbard” that has no visual cover or connection for the sword and only wraps around her lower torso. Her pants are long and plain black with the exception of some gold details at the ends. She wears sturdy, brown police-issued shoes.
Personality[edit | edit source]

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Percy has a very strict moral code as a police officer and values order and safety.
However, she doesn’t have many social skills and tends to speak in a flat monotone with a dry humor. She can often come off as straight-laced and insensitive as well, unknowingly talking down to Mundies.
History[edit | edit source]
Past[edit | edit source]

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Percival King was born on April 19[1], in Sweet Jazz City, Taiga Country.[3] She would later join the Sweet Jazz Police Department and would become friends with Sgt. Eros and Meryl. Later, Fred Donaldson crashed his car several times, she made a bet with Meryl about if he would crash another one, Percy betting he would again.[4]
At some point, Someone came in with a case of 'golden buttocks' caused by the famous thief Ramsey Murdoch.[5]
Museum Arc[edit | edit source]
Western Arc[edit | edit source]
Non-Canon[edit | edit source]
Among Us Script[edit | edit source]
to be added
TWO-LOWEEN[edit | edit source]
to be added
I Want it That Way Animatic[edit | edit source]
Percival King is at the Sweet Jazz City police station, looking at a police lineup for suspects. Sylvester Ashling is running the operation, asking Percy if she knows who in the lineup is the criminal. Percy responds she only heard the criminals voice whilst singing the song "I want it that way". Sylvie asks the criminals to sing "I want it that way". Number one, Ramsey Murdoch, hesitates before singing the opening section. Mera Salamin, Indus Tarbella, and Giovanni Potage sing the following sections. All five criminals then sing the following section together. Criminal five, Zora Salazar, sings the section "I never wanna hear you say" by herself. All of the criminals sing the last section together before Percy makes a comment that criminal number five is the one who killed her brother. Sylvie then admits he forgot they were looking for a criminal in the excitement of singing.
Epithet Erased Figurines![edit | edit source]
to be added
Percy and Howie Film Noir AU[edit | edit source]
to be added
Trixie and Phoenica Body Swap Potion[edit | edit source]
to be added
Abilities[edit | edit source]
Skillset[edit | edit source]
- Sword Proficiency: Percy is shown to be very skilled in wielding a "real-ass goddamn sword".
- Architecture knowledge: Percy has a vast knowledge of architecture, so much so she takes architectural work as a side job.
- Cone Milking: She knows how to milk a pinecone to get stamina, a useful skill in battle.
Unique Abilities[edit | edit source]
- Epithet: Parapet: Percy's epithet allows her to instantly create small (approximately 3 feet tall[10]) buildings with a variety of different effects, but the quality of the building depends on its foundation. However, her towers cannot be built on organic matter. [11]
- Apothecary: Percy can create a little mushroom-hut apothecary that can heal injuries or calm someone within her range. However, it can not heal any mental injuries.
- Wizard Tower: Percy can create a tiny castle tower with electricity coming out from the top which she can fire at command. They also can exhibit electromagnetic fields capable of stopping bullets in the air, when used in a pair.
- Static Cling: A combo technique she performs with Ramsey, summoning as many Wizard Towers as possible to zap Ramsey (whilst he’s made of gold) while he's holding on to the opponent.
- Repairing: Percy can restore any broken inanimate objects in accordance with her stamina, such as a smashed saloon door.[9]
- Forge: Percy can create a small house shaped forge with a chimney and kiln. This apparently has a positive effect on defense, but it has yet to be shown.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Real-Ass Goddamned Sword: A real sword that can cut people. This sword is more intimidating than the pea-shooters and guns others use. This is because the sword can cut people whilst the guns only deal minor impact damage.
- Uniform: to be added
- Eraser Cuffs: Handcuffs that erase a persons memory of their Epithet. This keeps your Epithet out of your long-term memory so even if you are told it, you will forget in about thirty seconds. Any memories relating to a person's Epithet are like static fuzz in an inscribed mind.[12]
Former Equipment[edit | edit source]
- Gun: to be added
Relationships[edit | edit source]

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Ramsey Murdoch[edit | edit source]
Percy has a reluctant alliance with Ramsey Murdoch who is a con-artist, after being persuaded by him. The two end up to be a rather good team, however, Percy is still rather ignorant of Ramsey's health and safety. Upon realized he has been a criminal who has been reported on multiple forgery cases and witnessing his epithet, Percy is displeased with him lying and proceeds to arrest him, but still convinces him to use his appraising skills for the law force if he has a chance in order to allow him to make up for his past crimes, even promising him to give him a comfortable stay in jail.
Howie Honeyglow[edit | edit source]
Howie has a strained history with Percy and hence they are rivals since Howie is a Mundie who dislikes epithets, and they both work in construction. Percy has no understanding of being a Mundie, leading Howie to be rather snappy towards her when she talks about her epithet/other Inscribed. Despite this, Percy attempts to be amicable with him sometimes, even thanking him for when he helps her.
Themes[edit | edit source]
Be Nice, Be Cool[edit | edit source]
Oh Danny Boy[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- In universe, she is Taiga-race.[13]
- She eats the same breakfast everyday at 6 AM, a glass of water and a slice of bread.[14]
- On holidays she adds butter to the water.[14]
- In reference to this, her voice actor, Sandra Espinoza, drank water with butter in it for Christmas.[15]
- On holidays she adds butter to the water.[14]
- Owing to her low stamina, she has extremely bizarre methods of recharging herself, such as supping upon pinéd cone.
- In the Audition Packet she was said to be 26.[16] Brendan Blaber would later state that she was 29,[17] but she was revealed to be 32 in a Promotional infocard.[1]
- Percy's weapon of choice is a sword as to not cripple herself when using the electro-magnetic field from her Wizard Towers.
- Percy is asexual, and may also be aromantic.[18]
- Brendan (Jello) also leaves fans to interpret her as trans, non-binary or autistic. and says that she is the first purposefully ambiguous character he has ever created.[2]
- Percy would not smoke weed as she would see it as a medical thing and she has no anxiety to abate.[19]
- On Twitter, Jello revealed how she would play Among Us, which is:[20]
- CREWMATE: Great at keeping the peace during meetings, but uniquely terrible at spotting Imposters. Takes anything you tell her at face value.
- IMPOSTER: Uses the sabotage option and then feels bad about it and fixes the sabotage herself. Tries not to win with kills.
- Her height is 5'8".
- Her birthday is April 19.[1] This makes her an Aries
- Her favorite animal is Cheetah.[1]
- Her favorite food is Mushrooms.[1]
- She likes Architecture, Antiques, and clocks shaped liked animals.[1]
- Other options were Peeling an entire apple and not eating it, Counting, Being invited to domiciles, and Not eating garlic.[21]
Adaption from Anime Campaign[edit | edit source]
- In Anime Campaign, Percy is a player character who investigated Redwood Run alongside Eros and Meryl Lockhart.[22]
Design[edit | edit source]
- Her name means pierce, befitting her choice of being a sword wielder.
- It is also derived from the name of one of the Round Table Knights.
- Parapet is actually based on a tower defense game, in which the player chooses from a pool different small towers and constructs one per "turn". This can explain her low stamina.
Tier Lists[edit | edit source]
- On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Percy in "Well-Liked (w/ Rare Exceptions)"[23]
- On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Percy being paired with Harvey because " "You ask which partner would make the best spouse? hmmm... simple: The Doctor. His profession guarantees a stable home life with sufficient care. Oh! And he builds model airplanes? Ho ho! My cup runneth over!" "[24]
Fanworks[edit | edit source]
- On Twitter, Jello revealed he was sent a set of teas inspired by characters from Epithet Erased. Percy was used on a tin of cream, vanilla oolong and grapefruit oolong tea titled "Percival "Per-steep" King". It had the caption "Cornflowers, For The Law-Abiding Citizen."[25]
- Someone made fanart of Percy in a goth outfit and Brendan Blaber replied "Desperately trying to come up with an excuse for Percy to dress like this".[26]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Main Article: Percival King/Gallery
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Percy Promo Infocard for Prison of Plastic
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Ask: Will any non-binary characters be showing up? - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr - January 5, 2020
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - October 19, 2022
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Epithet Erased | EP5 - Redwood Run
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Epithet Erased | EP7 - Winner Take All
- ↑ Epithet Erased | EP1 - Quiet in the Museum!
- ↑ Epithet Erased | EP3 - The Doctor is In
- ↑ Epithet Erased | EP4 - Reflection
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Epithet Erased | EP6 - All's Well That Ends Well
- ↑ Ask: Hello, i have a weird question but a bet is - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr - December 25, 2019
- ↑ Ask: Combining your info about all the different - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr - December 31, 2019
- ↑ Jello states these two facts on his Tumblr.
- ↑ Epithet Erased FaQ
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Percy Trivia 1
- ↑ Season's Greetings - Sandra Espinoza on Twitter - December 25, 2019
- ↑ Epithet Erased - Original Audition Packet! (S1 + PoP)
- ↑ Ask: May I ask the ages of Zora, Percy, and Ramsey? - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr - December 7, 2019
- ↑ Ask: Hi jello! First off, I adore epithet erased, so... - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr - December 24, 2019
- ↑ Ask: Is weed legal in the Epithet Erased canon? I’m... - Epithet Erased on Tumblr - February 14, 2020 -
- ↑ Among Us - October 18, 2020 - Brendon Blaber on twitter (5)
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - November 29, 2022
- ↑ Anime Campaign EP1 - (Official Upload)
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - December 20, 2022
- ↑ Epithet Erased character Stardew Spouses - Epithet Erased on Twitter - December 13, 2022
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 20, 2020
- ↑ Brendan Blaber on Twitter in reply to @sentistrange - July 10, 2022