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From Epithet Erased Wiki

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Graham is a creation of Lorelai Blyndeff. He was created two years ago and ever since Lorelai played with him. One day, he and Lori were interrupted by Molly Blyndeff who was mad at Lorelai, ruining the mood. He would later fight Molly and her friends.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

to be added

Personality[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Although he may act tough he is actually just a sweetheart.[2] Graham frequently would play pretend with Lorelai, normally by pretending to be a monster for Lorelai (who viewed herself as a hero) to slay. He is absolutely loyal to Lorelai and will obey her commands and defend her life without question. While he normally is not actually violent, Graham is still willing to harm Lorelai's enemies if ordered to do so.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

Graham was created by Lorelai Blyndeff two years before the events of Prison of Plastic at 3:17 AM, with her epithet, ★Augment★.[1]

Lorelai started using him as the villain of her Dream Bubbles, him willing to play along.[Citation Needed] However, he secretly wanted to play the princess.[1]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

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Graham watches Lorelai and Molly argue.

Graham is introduced seemingly dueling Lorelai after she hunted down Graham in revenge for his destruction of her village; however, it is revealed that they were playing pretend. Molly Blyndeff interrupts the two to demand that Lorelai do her chores. Graham is uneasy by the awkwardness of the situation. Lorelai, now bored and frustrated, effortlessly wraps up the duel by de-summoning Graham.[3]

Vincent Murder challenged Lorelai to bake cookies without using magic but she ended up cheating multiple times anyways, which resulted in her failing the challenge. Lorelai, in a final act of desperation, created a small cute statue of a dragon for Vincent Murder, but Vincent ignored the gesture and scolded her for using magic again.[4]

Vincent then joined Molly and her friends to a final attempt to rescue Naven, who Lorelai kidnapped to impress Vincent. Lorelai, who was already very stressed out and panicking, lashed out by enlarging the dragon statue until it fully transformed into Graham.[4]

Molly's Dumb Epithet was able to delete parts of Graham but not enough to delete his entire massive body in a single hit. Lorelai used her magic to heal Graham's injuries and enhance his powers, including creating extra heads and firing projectiles. Vincent intercepted Lorelai's magic by dueling against her. But Lorelai saw one of Graham's smaller heads lacerate Molly, which horrified Lorelai who still cared for her younger sister. Graham also accidentally damaged the Hare-idan’s Hovel, which caused Lorelai to flee into the ruins in order to save Nathan.[4]

But Lorelai's deteriorating mental state mutated Graham into a hydra that became increasingly wrathful and monstrous. Molly and her friends launched one final climatic strike just as Graham fired a mouth beam at them, which resulted in Graham's destruction and the Dream Bubble being popped.[4]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

to be added

Abilities[edit | edit source]

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Graham is a dragon made out of a combination of fire, ash, and smores. He can breathe fire that can terraform land into a wasteland and the cracks between his spine are constantly producing smoke. He's described as having an ashen armor and chocolate scales. His massive size also makes him physically powerful and gives him high stamina.[5]

Graham's melty body is able to ignore pain (Lorelai confirmed he has no nervous system), close wounds, and reattach amputated limbs. Graham is also able to still control his limbs after they are amputated, which can surprise enemies who are unaware of this skill.[5]

Lorelai can use her Epithet to heal Graham and increase his power either by shapeshifting him or parts of his body into a hydra, increasing the intensity of his fire, or having Graham launch projectiles.[5]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He is the size of a skyscraper.[2] His height is 120'.[1]
    • He is the first character to have a Size Stat, which is Maxed. He is also the largest character of Epithet Erased so far.
  • He is also actually just a sweet heart.[2]
  • Literally speaking, he's made of smores.[2]
  • He was born at 3:17 am.[1]
  • His favorite animal is the dragon.[1]
  • His favorite food is lumber.[1]
  • He likes play-acting.[1]
  • He wants to play the princess instead of the dragon for once.[1]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Graham in "Mid"[6]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Promotional Images[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic [Kickstarter Announcement!][edit | edit source]

Illustrations[edit | edit source]

Sprites[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]