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Ben is a member of Giovanni's Villain Group and formerly apart of the Banzai Blasters. He is the only member to not have a "cool minion nickname".

He, alongside Flamethrower and Car Crash, was tasked by Giovanni Potage to keep watch over Molly Blyndeff during the Museum Hiest, however he was knocked unconscious, later being saved by Giovanni when he was captured by the Sweet Jazz Police Department. Later, He attended the meeting where Giovanni officially announced he was leaving the Banzai Blasters and is making a new group, one Ben and the rest of the his minions immediately.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

to be added[2]

Museum Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[3][4]

Post-Western Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[2]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

to be added[2]

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

HEIST NIGHT[edit | edit source]

"Yeah! Those are... words!"

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Giovanni Potage, with the help of Molly Blyndeff, Ben, and Car Crash disguised as Ben attempt to steal a valuable gemstone named the Ocean's Eye. Whilst this is happening, they are in plush form to advertise the then-new merch that can no longer be purchased. Molly distracts a guard so Giovanni and his boys can get into the vents. After they use the magnets in their hands to make a human chain, they descend to steal the Ocean's Eye. Molly cuts the red string lasers surrounding the valuable gem and Ben tries to pick it up. After he struggles with this, Giovanni muses that, in the movies, the thieves have no trouble carrying the valuable treasure. Giovanni realizes he can carry Car Crash with no problem and that friendship must be the real treasure. Giovanni and Car Crash leave gleefully via the vent they were dangling from, accidentally leaving Ben in the museum. The three of them, Giovanni, Molly, and Car Crash go on to steal ice cream.

That Beautiful Sound Cover[edit | edit source]

to be added

Campground Ghost Stories AU[edit | edit source]

to be added

Personality[edit | edit source]

Ben is the most dim-witted member of the Banzai Blasters. While the other members seem to care about safety and are relatively harmless, Ben seems to have no problem with beating up a small defenseless child and had absolutely no remorse when his fellow Banzai Blaster, Flamethrower, got knocked out cold by Indus Tarbella. Despite his faults, his friends still seem to care about him (at least to an extent).

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ben is thin and has pale skin. Since he has yet to earn his "cool" villain nickname, he's forced to wear a generic uniform and isn't allowed to customize it at all yet.

When not wearing his Banzai uniform, Ben is shown to have messy orange hair in the style of a mullet. He wears a blue sweater vest, over a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, which he wears over a black shirt.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

to be added

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • His Casual design was released on Twitter by Bo.[5]
  • Brendan Blaber knows what his Banzai Blaster name will be, as well as when and how he'll earn it.[6]
  • Ben is the only one of Giovanni's boys alongside Car Crash, and possibly Spike, whose real name is currently known. Though, unlike Car Crash, his last name is still unknown.
  • He was originally going to be played by Ry McKeand, but due to his lines being directed wrong and not having the budget nor time to rerecord them, the role was instead done by Brendan.[7]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Ben/Gallery

References[edit | edit source]