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"Hah! Is that it!?"
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Yoomtah is a member of Bliss Ocean, working as the errand girl. She also acts as Naven Nuknuk's chauffeur, disguised in various colorful outfits.

She notably monitored the situation at the Sweet Jazz City Museum, unable to acquire the Arsene Amulet due to multiple thieves also being there. She also attended the meeting after Zora Salazar returned from Redwood Run, she also failed to acquire the amulet.

While acting as Naven's chauffeur, she drove him to the Blyndeff Toy Emporium, and became annoyed how long it took until Naven returned, but became excited after hearing what happened.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Yoomtah is a short woman with white cyborg limbs, wearing a suit and top hat of the same shade. She has green robotic circuits on her cheeks, and matching streaks in her hair. Her suit has pink accents, and she wears a large flower on the side of her hat. Her hair is a medium pink, and sectioned off into two large strands.

In her chauffeur outfit, she has long black hair with purple streaks, wearing an off-white suit with white gloves, a yellow-green tie and matching 'bus boy' cap.

Personality[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Yoomtah seems to have an energetic, childlike personality. She is always keeping watch of certain people. This is more evident when she takes pictures of Giovanni Potage[7], causing Bliss Ocean to send Zora Salazar to retrieve the Arsene Amulet from him. She is described as a "tiny electric gremlin".[2]

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

At some point in the 9 years prior to Prison of Plastic,[1] Yoomtah was created and later joined Bliss Ocean.[2]

At some point she married the CEO of STEM, Naven Nuknuk, and would start acting as his chauffeur, taking a different disguise each time, causing tabloids to think he is a womanizer.[3]

Museum Arc[edit | edit source]

Yoomtah sends texts to the Bliss Ocean Leader.

Yoomtah goes to the Sweet Jazz City Museum in hopes of stealing the Arsene Amulet. However she finds several other people there trying to steal it. She watched the situation finding it hilarious. Taking photos of Giovanni Potage, Giovanni meeting Molly Blyndeff, their battle with Sylvester Ashling, the final battle with Mera Salamin, encounter with the police, and Giovanni's Banzai Team outside with the Mushroom Girl.[7]

Yoomtah texted the Bliss Ocean Leader on her phone explaining the recent events and how she failed to retrieve the Arsene Amulet. They decided to send Zora Salazar after Giovanni to get the amulet.[7]

Western Arc[edit | edit source]

Yoomtah watches Zora arrive.

She later attended a meeting for Bliss Ocean about Zora Salazar's mission. She waited for Zora to arrive with Moot Tarbella and when she did arrive the Bliss Ocean Leader appeared on the screen and asked how it went.[2]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

to be added[3][4]

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

Among Us Script[edit | edit source]

to be added

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Skillset[edit | edit source]

  • Stealth: She is able to carefully sneak into the museum without anyone noticing, which allows her to garner details about Giovanni Potage.[7]
  • Driver: She is an expert driver, and when combined with her Electrical Manipulation, she can zoom down the road at pinpoint accuracy, taking the most efficient route.[3]

Unique Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Electrical Manipulation: She is able to make machines like Naven Nuknuk's car or an elevator override by seemingly electrical related means.[3] Also, sometimes electricity will spark from and around her body.[7]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

to be added

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Yoomtah's first name comes from the sound Wigglytuffs make in some of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games.[8]
  • Yoomtah was originally the Twitter profile picture for JelloApocalypse before being replaced with Phoenica Fleecity, one of Molly's friends.
  • She never sleeps.
  • Jello describes her as "the kind of Smash Bros player who locks in Villager, picks the ugliest color, names herself ";)" and then only uses the tree ability the entire match."[9]
  • Yoomtah is straight.[10]
  • On Twitter, Jello revealed how she would play Among Us, which is:[11][12]
    • CREWMATE:??? You have not seen her the entire game. Where is she? Does not mute her mic. Constantly giggling.
    • IMPOSTER: Sometimes openly fucks around as the imposter, bouncing in and out of vents like a trampoline. Other times she is RUTHLESSLY efficient. Will go online to public servers while hacking. Most of the hacks are harmless like she'll be wearing multiple hats at once. Plays White with friends but mains Brown online and if she sees someone being racist she will find their IP address and dox them.
  • Her height is 4'11".[1]
  • Her birthday is May 5.[1]
  • Her favorite animal is the cuttlefish.[1]
  • Her favorite food is anything she hasn't tried.[1]
  • She likes gacha, gumball, physics, biology, mathematics, cooking, speedrunning games, and various other things, switching between them all.[1]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Yoomtah in "Strong Love or Hate, no Mid-Ground"[13]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Yoomtah being placed in the "Marries everyone to see what happens" tier because "Haha, neat! Now let's see what happens when I do it with Rabbit foot in my inventory."[14]
  • On Tumblr, Jello said that he wants a musical number for Yoomtah at some point in the series, but instead of having a high pitch woman's voice, she has a male lounge singer voice.[15]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Promotional Art[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Screenshots[edit | edit source]

"Reflection"[edit | edit source]

"Winner Take All"[edit | edit source]

Great at Cowboy[edit | edit source]

Outro Version[edit | edit source]
Cropped Screenshots[edit | edit source]
Extended Version[edit | edit source]

Illustrations[edit | edit source]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

Sprites[edit | edit source]

Concept Art[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

Anime Campaign[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]