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Spelling Bee

From Epithet Erased Wiki
(Redirected from The Spelling Bee)

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The Spelling Bee is one of Lorelai Blyndeff's creations. He guarded the Hexicon and only allowed those through who could spell three words of his choosing. After The Neo Trio passed his challenge, he was transformed into a pile of flowers by Lorelai.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

to be added

History[edit | edit source]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

"Yeah! Those are... words!"

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Spelling Bee is the first Summon that Molly and her friends face to intercept them from traveling to Lorelai's Hovel. Bee challenges Molly's friends to win his spelling bee (constructed like a gameshow). Phoenica, with her extreme booksmarts, managed to immediately corner Bee by quickly spelling "onomatopoeia". Bee tries to secretly cheat and get direct assistance from Lorelai while still claiming that the gameshow is fair, but this too fails. When Phoenica wins, Bee is forced to allow Molly's friends to continue their journey. Bee then scolds and blames Lorelai for his failure, only for Lorelai to retaliate by desummoning Bee.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Spelling Bee is a snooty spelling bee gameshow host who initially acts like a polite gentleman even against his enemies. However, he is so prideful in his own intellect that encountering an opponent who is able to match or surpass his wisdom can be overwhelming for him. As a game host, he is willing to cheat and use dirty tactics in order to defeat his opponents. Despite all of this, he still acts as if his gameshow is fair and demonstrates this by commanding his swarm of bees to stand down unless his guests cheat. When overwhelmed, he turns to Lorelai for help but is also willing to blame her if her assistance fails.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Lorelai Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

Bee is a loyal servant to Lorelai as he acknowledges that she is responsible for creating him. Bee is still prideful enough to try to blame Lorelai for his own failures.[2]

Phoenica Fleecity[edit | edit source]

Bee was warned by Lorelai that Phoenica was a know-it-all and so was immediately antagonistic toward her. Phoenica managed to dominate Bee's spelling challenges with amazing accuracy and logic, which was overwhelming for him.[2]

Unique Abilities[edit | edit source]

  • Bee Control: Spelling Bee is able to command his hive of bees. While this can make him threatening, he would only attack his enemies who attempt to avoid or cheat his spelling bee challenge.[2]
  • Bee Physiology: Spelling Bee has wings and a stinger, although it's unknown if they are functional. The stinger resembles a pointing stick and he uses it as such when using the Hexacon.[2]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Hexicon: a lexicon that allows Spelling Bee to confirm the spelling of words. This does have limitations, like being unable to confirm the spelling of words that are made up or that he or Lorelai never heard of before.[2]
  • Monocle: Spelling Bee can receive information and instructions from Lorelai through his reflective monocle since Lorelai can already interact with reflective surfaces in this manner.[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He is an unimpressed schoolteacher.
  • He thinks if someone makes a typo their argument is invalid.
  • He was designed by Jello's friend Ky Bullock.[3][4]
  • His height is 3'0".[1]
  • He was born 30 minutes ago.[1]
  • His favorite food is Alphabet Soup,[1] which coincidentally is served at Howdy Morning's Tavern.[5]
  • He likes being the smartest in the world.[1]
    • However, as Molly pointed out, Lorelai cannot Summon a creature that is smarter than herself.[2]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Spelling Bee in "Mid"<ref>[

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]