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Car Crash

From Epithet Erased Wiki

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You crash ONE car FOUR times, and suddenly it's your name!

—Car Crash, "Quiet in the Museum!"

Fred Donaldson is a former member of the Banzai Blasters, whose alias, Car Crash, was coined by others attributing to his previous numerous car accidents. After he and his fellow Banzai teammates broke into the Sweet Jazz City Museum, he, alongside Flamethrower and Ben, was tasked with keeping watch over Molly Blyndeff. Fred also drove Giovanni Potage to Redwood Run before crashing, panicking when Percival King showed up before he drove them back to safety. Afterward, he was grounded by his parents and had to attend Giovanni's meeting about resigning from the Banzai Blasters via a video call.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Fred is well known for crashing his car, hence his Banzai name. Aside from this, Fred is friendly and helpful, especially towards his friends, giving them rides in his car when they need it. He can get nervous easily, specifically when driving or facing Percival King again after robbing the Sweet Jazz City Museum.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Fred is around the same height as Giovanni Potage. He is thin and has pale skin. When he was working for the Banzai Blasters, he wore the generic Banzai Blaster uniform, but with tears on his pants and arms, as well as a chunk missing from his helmet.

When not wearing his Banzai uniform, Fred is shown to have freckles and curly brown hair in the style of a mullet. He wears a yellow hoodie, over a red shirt, and a pair of blue jeans. He also has a band-aid on his nose.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Fred Donaldson was born in Sweet Jazz City, Taiga Country,[2] to his parents.

Museum Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[3][4]

Western Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[5][6][7]

Post-Western Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[8]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

to be added[8]

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

HEIST NIGHT[edit | edit source]

Giovanni Potage, with the help of Molly Blyndeff, Ben, and Car Crash disguised as Ben attempt to steal a valuable gemstone named the Ocean's Eye. Whilst this is happening, they are in plush form to advertise the then-new merch that can no longer be purchased. Molly distracts a guard so Giovanni and his boys can get into the vents, then using the magnets in their hands to make a human chain, they descend to steal the Ocean's Eye. Molly cuts the red string lasers surrounding the valuable gem and Ben tries to pick it up. After he struggles with this, Giovanni muses that in the movies the thieves have no trouble carrying the valuable treasure. Giovanni realizes he can carry Car Crash with no problem and that friendship must be the real treasure. Giovanni and Car Crash leave gleefully via the vent they were dangling from accidentally leaving Ben in the museum. The three of them, Giovanni, Molly, and Car Crash go on to steal ice cream.

That Beautiful Sound Cover[edit | edit source]

to be added

Skillset[edit | edit source]

to be added

Vehicles[edit | edit source]

  • First Car: to be added
  • Truck: to be added

Relationships[edit | edit source]

to be added

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • As stated by Percival King, he has crashed his car five times in the month of the Redwood Run Banzai Blaster occupation.[5]
    • Percy and Meryl had a bet running concerning his crashes. While the exact nature of their bet is unknown, Percy stated that Meryl owed her a dollar upon learning that he had crashed once again.[5]
  • He dislikes being called by his Banzai name when not doing crimes.[5]
  • As commented by Giovanni Potage, Giovanni is 80% sure that he has astigmatism or something and wants him to get it checked out.[5]
  • In the Great at Cowboy outro, a wanted poster can be seen reading, "WANTED FOR GTA 5$ AWARD".
  • Car Crash is the only one of Giovanni's boys, alongside Ben and possibly Spike, whose real name is currently known. Though, unlike Ben. his last name is known, confirmed by Percival King and Eros on a call to be Donaldson.
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well-liked in the fandom each character is, placing Car Crash in "These Are Giovanni's Boys"[9]
  • Car Crash is Jello's favorite Banzai Blaster.[10]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Car Crash/Gallery

References[edit | edit source]