Eraser Cuffs, also known as, Epithet Cuffs[1]are handcuffs that causes the user to forget their epithet. It is routine for any officer of the Sweet Jazz Police Department to have a pair or two on them at all times.
Eraser Cuffs erase the memory of their wearer's epithet from their wearer's mind. Anyone wearing a set of eraser cuffs will no longer remember how to use their epithet.
History[edit | edit source]
Museum Arc[edit | edit source]
Mera Salamin and Indus Tarbella are wearing eraser cuffs when they are captured.[2]
[[Western Arc]

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Percival King binds both herself and Ramsey Murdoch when fighting Zora Salazar.[3]
Capabilites[edit | edit source]

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If you never had an epithet, or if you had one but didn’t know what it was, they would just glow and then do nothing, since no memory would be removed. [4] Although the arrested may have difficulties remembering their epithets if they are cuffed, they will still have blurry memories about the circumstances, and the epithets side effects will not be erased either.[5]
While Eraser Cuffs make the wearer forget their epithet, they do not make the user forget other people's epithets. [6]
Brendan Blaber has talked at length explaining how the confrontation with Ramsey Murdoch, Percival King, and Zora Salazar functioned while the Eraser Cuffs were at play - (to be expanded)[7] The eraser cuffs were fully consistent there - you forget your epithet and how to use it, Ramsey wrote his down, and he was like "okay, I know that I can get out if this if I can get the Cuff off, even for one second, even if it means chopping my arm off." Then he forgets the epithet again but remembers he needs to get his arm cut off because of something with his power which he'll remember once the cuff comes off. And Percy's like "I'm tired, I remember that much, it makes me tired, I can't do it anymore."
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- In a future novel, Epithet Cuffs will be explained more in depth.[1]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Art of Epithet Erased, Backgrounds - Deepwoods
- ↑ Epithet Erased | EP4 - Reflection
- ↑ Epithet Erased | EP7 - Winner Take All
- ↑ Ask:If it's widely known what eraser cuffs are... - December 24, 2019- JelloApocalypse on Tumblr
- ↑ If eraser cuffs makes an epithet user forget they - December 15, 2019- JelloApocalypse on Tumblr
- ↑ Watching All My Videos (for Kickstarter)
- ↑ Watching All My Videos (for Kickstarter)