"Quiet in the Museum!" is the 1st episode of the first season of Epithet Erased, the 1st episode of the "Museum Arc", and the 1st episode overall in the series. It will be adapted in the EP 1-4 Novelization.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
12-year-old Molly Blyndeff finds herself trapped overnight in the Sweet Jazz City Museum. Now she’s trying to break out on the same night that a group of thieves have decided to break in.
Cast[edit | edit source]
See Also: Quiet in the Museum! | Credits
- Dani Chambers as Molly
- Kyle Igneczi as Giovanni
- Sandra Espinoza as Woman on Phone
- Jay Preston as Molly's Father
- Lindsay Sheppard as Mera
- Anthony Sardinha as Indus
- Marissa Lenti as Stink
- Lindsay Sheppard as Skull Shirt Kid[1]
- Zack Maher as Sylvie
- Wyatt Baker as Car Crash
- Caleb Yen as Flamethrower and Crusher
- Brendan Blaber as Ben
- Meg McClain as Spike
- Cyrus Rodas as Dark Star
Plot[edit | edit source]

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Molly Blyndeff wakes up in the middle of the night in the seemingly empty Sweet Jazz Museum, where she realizes that she has been abandoned by her father. She also realizes her Dad has her phone so she turns to leave though the doors but they are locked. She comes to the assumption that she must of accidentally stepped on some security lasers, therefore she is a criminal, and so, she decides to turn herself in. However, just as she was calling 911 to do so, a group of thieves calling themselves the "Banzai Blasters" burst in unannounced and their leader tells her that they are going to rob the museum blind, she puts the 911 Operator on hold.

Earlier that same day, Molly's father is obnoxiously dancing and annoying the tour group. The museum tour guide, Mera Salamin, also annoyed, asks him to quiet down so she can continue with the tour, succeeding in quieting him down. and gives the class a general explanation of Epithets. She turns to ask who out of the class has an Epithet. Molly's father begins directing attention to his daughter, and she is asked by Mera what her Epithet is. Molly tells her that it's dumb, which is misinterpreted as a dismissal of her abilities.

Mera asks if anyone else in the crowd is inscribed, to which Indus Tarbella, the other tour guide, replies enthusiastically and begins showing off his Epithet, Barrier. As the class cheers, Molly's dad explains to Molly that she'll be working the night shift at the Blyndeff Toy Emporium. Molly, incredibly annoyed and disappointed by all of this, tries to point out that she worked the last two night shifts and more, but he refuses to concede and takes her phone so he can play some games. Indus tries to keep the kids entertained by telling them about the Arsene Amulet, an Epithet-stealing necklace. Sylvester Ashling joins the group of students before Mera chides him, mentioning the Amulet isn't up for display yet, and tells him to stick to "moving boxes".

He says he will with GUSTO, but accidentally drops the box he was holding, its contents of various artifacts spilling onto the floor, which the kids dogpile on to try to take. Molly's father soon joins the dogpile, misinterpreting Mera's request for him to do something. The commotion and noise begins to overwhelm Molly, so she uses her Epithet to drown out the noise accidently causing her to slip out unnoticed. In the hallway, she bumps into Sylvester Ashling, and a strange dust coats her, so as she continues to walk past him, she begins to fall asleep. She falls asleep past close and the class leaves, including her father, leaving Molly behind. As they leave two of Molly's classmates discuss throwing their new-found cursed sword at girls.

The leader of the Banzai Blasters, Giovanni Potage, gives a very clumsy speech about how they're going to terrorize the museum-goers and he attempts to assert his authority as a "Certified Bad Dude™". Giovanni notices, to his dismay, that no one besides Molly is present in the museum. While he gives a further speech about the dangerous threat his group poses, Molly tries to call the police and report a robbery. Giovanni lobs a "rolling ball of red liquid" at the phone to knock it out of her hands, which Molly deduces is tomato-basil soup (Giovanni tries to pass the soup off as a ball of "LavAcid"). She asks him if his Epithet is soup, and Giovanni is stunned/embarrassed and in response he tricks her into revealing hers one as well. Giovanni remarks that he doesn't have time to deal with her. He ties Molly to the receptionist's chair before assigning three of his Blasters to guard Molly (Flamethrower, Car Crash, and Ben). He argues with Ben about this, before taking the other three Blasters (Dark Star, Crusher, and Spike) along to find "the vault".

The remaining Blasters begin to bicker, while Indus enters the room unnoticed by them. Molly casts a silence bubble and grabs Indus's attention before asking him to get her out of the chair. He obliges, first, he tries producing a barrier and tapping it against the tape like a caveman, then is instructed by Molly to simply rip the tape. He resolves to drive the Blasters out of the museum in order to protect Mera. He at first tries to challenge them yo an honorable duel before Molly tells him about the Silence bubble. Indus, after shuffling outside the bubble, challenges the Blasters to a duel again. They accept and get into a battle-pose formation. Indus, realizing it is a duel of posing, poses himself, looking "downright majestic" while and Flamethrower uses his male cheerleading skills to form a pyramid. Flamethrower asks Molly to be the judge of who poses the best. Molly chooses Indus, and he takes the first strike, bowling the Blasters over and getting himself lodged in the adjacent wall.

With Flamethrower knocked out, Car Crash and Ben decide to take matters into their own hands. Ben deems himself "Kidpuncher" and makes to attack Molly. She attempts to distract them by throwing a box of thumbtacks across the floor (dubbing them "Dumbtacks"), and it works for a second until Car Crash mentions they can just go around the thumbtacks. When they reach Molly, Indus (still lodged in the wall) encourages her and reminds her to use her Epithet. She uses her Epithet to "dumb" Ben down, making him susceptible to any suggestion or command. Molly convinces Ben that he's a car on the loose, and Ben promptly chases Car Crash down; The two are presumably down for the count. Indus finally dislodges himself from the wall and is informed by Molly that there are still Blasters in the museum premises. He immediately runs off to find them, Molly following close behind.

Meanwhile, Giovanni, Crusher, Dark Star, and Spike discover Mera in the back room of the Museum. Mera antagonizes the group, noting their lack of forethought; Giovanni is very offended. As Mera continues to heckle the Blasters, they attempt to shoot at her. Their bullets are promptly stopped by... a barrier! Indus rushes into the room. Giovanni decides that since ranged attacks are useless, he'll have to get melee-range. He builds up steam, and uses his "Teleports Behind You" attack, attempting to hit Mera with his "Soul Slugger Doom Bat of Maximum Destruction" (a wooden bat with a knife taped to it), but his attack does a trivial amount of damage. Molly appears, explaining that she dumbed down Giovanni's attack so it wouldn't hurt Mera. Upon realizing what Molly's Epithet is capable of, Mera orders Indus to grab her. She also orders him to get rid of Giovanni, which takes the form of pitching him at his Blasters. Mera and Indus perform a combo attack, with Indus creating a barrier that Mera promptly shatters and buffets the Blasters with; They are promptly knocked unconscious.

Mera announces that she doesn't want anyone interfering while she robs the museum, much to the surprise and confusion of Molly.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Brendan Blaber dislikes this episode due to the animation being very limited even for Epithet Erased standards.[2]
- When Molly Blyndeff dumbed down the intelligence of Ben, it seems the radius of the attack covers Car Crash as well. Implying that Ben was the only one able to be affected. The factor may be intelligence since Car Crash was the only one of the two to think of simply going around the thumb tacks.
- In this episode, Giovanni Potage is to the right of Dark Star at the end while in the next episode, he is to the left of him at the beginning,
- This episode, with the rest of the series, was originally available on VRV, but after their merge with Crunchyroll, it is now not available on either platform.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Main Article: Quiet in the Museum! | Gallery