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That Beautiful Sound Cover

From Epithet Erased Wiki

"I can't have a minion named Molly."
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"Why do I feel like I'm being ignored?"
"Because you are."

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That Beautiful Sound Cover is a cover of "That beautiful Sound" (from Beetlejuice: The Musical) in which Giovanni sings with Molly. It was be produced because the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter reached 200K.[1]

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

Note: Both = Giovanni+Molly | Boys = Molly+Ensemble | Blasters = Giovanni+Ensemble | All = Giovanni+Molly+Ensemble | Italics = Talking | (Perenthesis) = Outside info not being spoken

Giovanni: Do you hear that sound?

Sylvie: *Scream*

Molly: That beautiful sound?

Sylvie: *Louder scream*

Giovanni: That is the sound of clean white shorts turning brown! Torture and pain,

Sylvie: Hey! H-Hey, hang on!

Giovanni: Breaking a brain,

Sylvie: I'm not a little pee-pee boy! >:(

Giovanni: A sound that says: "I will never sleep well again!" Hah!

Sylvie: AAAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!- (Sylvie gets cut off by Molly's Epithet.)

Molly: To silence a scream, it's music to me. Cathartic enough to stand in for therapy!

Giovanni: Trauma and fear, it sings in my ear!

Both: Ain't it the sweetest noise around, That Beautiful Sound? (Doorbell rings.)

Giovanni: Ooh, someone's at the door!

Molly: You wanna scare 'em this time?

Giovanni: More than anything!

Molly: Okay, good luck boss! :3

Giovanni: Thanks, Bear Trap!

Naven: Hello! I'm with the Sweet Jazz Census Bureau. Do you have time for a-

Giovanni: BL$%6@]?&#GH!!!

Naven: Um. I... (Again, cut off.)

Giovanni: MMRBL3@RBLLA∀GH!

Naven: Okay! I'll come back later then! ^_^

Giovanni: Awe, man... He wasn't *freaked* out, just *weirded* out!

Molly: You’ll get ‘em next time, Boss.

Giovanni: Aww... Panic and stress!

Molly: Panic and stress!

Giovanni: Oh, ain't it the best?

Molly: ...I-Is it the best?

Giovanni: The sound of a heart-

Molly: heart-

Both: exploding inside a chest!

Molly: Well buddy, you tried..?

Giovanni: Hoo! We're ruining lives!

Both: Ain't it the sweetest noise in town, That Beautiful Sound?

Giovanni: Hey! Y'know what would make this even more awesome?

Molly: What?

Giovanni: MY BOYS!!! All we wanna do is hear that sound, all we wanna do is hear that sound. Booooys~!

Car Crash, Dark Star, Gio: All we wanna do is hear that sound, all we wanna do is hear that sound.

Ben, Car Crash, Dark Star, Gio: All we wanna do is hear that sound, all we wanna do is hear that sound.

Ben x3?, Car Crash, Dark Star, Gio: All we wanna do is hear that sound, all we wanna do is hear that sound!

Giovanni: Ha hah! (Doorbell rings again.) Ooh, ooh! Somebody's at the door! (Boys giggling) Alright, this time I'll get 'em for sure!

Zora: Got a bounty for a "Vincent Murder"?

Molly: You just need to know what people are scared of! Watch. Ooooooh!

Zora: Ah! Soap! MY WEAKNESS!!! (Doorbell rings yet again.)

Giovanni: Ohhh, I get it! Okay, okay! Shhh! Shhh! Shhh-hhh!

Mera: Hey string bean, where's that kid?!

Giovanni: Ugh, it's *this* lady.

Molly: I hear she's scared of ducks...

Mera: Wh- n-n... N-N-No I'm... I'm not!

Giovanni: Oh yeah..? Quack... Quack! Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack! Quack quack quack...

Mera: (Screaming while Giovanni quacks.) (Doorbell, again... I swear, if another doorbell rings, I'll smash Martin's head in.)

Giovanni: Ugh... Holy moly! A lot of people come to this house!

Molly: Shhh..!

Giovanni: Okay, okay! LIGHTS!

Martin: Hello..? Is Molly there? Have ya seen my kid? She's s'posed to be workin'! Huh... I can't see anything! (Nevermind, he's here now. I'll just do it anyways. Oh, and he also gets cut off by Giovanni or something...)

Giovanni: OOGA BOOGA!

Martin: Aaaah!

Giovanni: Yeah! That's right! Get outta here! or I'll give you... RESPONSIBILITIES!!!

Martin: NO!!!

Giovanni: Yes, I hear that sound! (Ensemble: Yes, we hear that beautiful...)

Both: That Beautiful Sound! (Ensemble: Yes! We do, it's beautiful!)

Molly: A sound that means no more condescending adults-

Boys: hangin' around!

Giovanni: Every groan... (Ensemble: Ooh, ooh ooh ooh...)

Both: Each wail and each moan! (Ensemble: Ooh, ooh ooh ooh...) Adds up to:

All: Dad is leaving-

Molly: -Me the HELL alone! Hey little bear!

Blasters: That's our little bear girl!

Molly: Life's finally fair!

Blasters: Life's finally fair, girl!

Molly: I was inaudible-

Blasters: She was inaudible-

All: -but now I/she can swear!!!

Molly: A round of applause! Because I know-

All: all of you care! Ain't it the sweetest noise around, That Beautiful Sound? That sound? That sound? That sound? That Beautiful Sound! That Beautiful Sound! That Beautiful Sound! That Beautiful Sound![2]

Preview[edit | edit source]

to be added[3]

Cast[edit | edit source]

see: That Beautiful Sound Cover/Full Credits

Production[edit | edit source]

  • to be added - to be added
  • to be added - It will be produced because the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter reached 200K.[1]
  • March 1, 2022 - It was announced on twitter that they had finished recording and that it was very charming so far.[4]
  • March 28, 2022 - On Twitter, it was announced that they had 9 parts of the song would rap this week.[5]
  • April 4, 2022 - On Twitter, it was announced the Beetlejuice cover was done and that a lyrics video will be up this week. As well as releasing a preview in the same tweet.[3]
  • April 15, 2022 - The Official video was released on YouTube.[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Images[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]