See Also: Prison of Plastic Kickstarter|Gallery
This is the gallery page for Prison of Plastic.
Videos[edit | edit source]
Advertisements[edit | edit source]
Kickstarter Annoucement | Say No Lyric Video | Original Trailer |
Previews[edit | edit source]
Work-In-Progress Videos[edit | edit source]
Unlisted Original Version of Trailer | Additional Animation by Ky Bullock |
Promo Trivia[edit | edit source]
Main Article: Promotional Trivia Videos
Promotional Streams[edit | edit source]
Images[edit | edit source]
Illustrations[edit | edit source]
Cover Art
Cover Art (Hardcopy)
Soundbooth Cover Art
Prologue A: The Neo Trio
Prologue B: The Banzai Blasters
Prologue C: The Rabbit Knight
Prologue D: The Instructor
Chapter 1: Fish Out of Water
Chapter 2: Vincent Murder
Chapter 3: Distance
Chapter 5: Love Spell
Chapter 6: As the Crow Flies
Chapter 7: Prison of Plastic
Chapter 8: Briding the Distance
Chapter 12: A Little Burnt But Still Good
Chapter 12: A Little Burnt But Still Good
Chapter 13: Wrecking Ball
Promotional Infocards[edit | edit source]
Main Article: Promotional Infocards
Promotional Artwork[edit | edit source]
Physical Announcement
First 6 Chapters Preview Thumbnail
Physical Announcement
Concept Art[edit | edit source]

This article or section is in need of expanding. You can help the Epithet Erased Wiki by finishing it! (visual edit)
This notice may be removed when this article/section is completed.
Other[edit | edit source]
Physical Copies
All Physical Copies Signed
Custom Doodles[edit | edit source]

This article or section is in need of expanding. You can help the Epithet Erased Wiki by finishing it! (visual edit)
This notice may be removed when this article/section is completed.
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff and Giovanni Potage
Custom Doodle of Lorelai Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Lorelai Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Trixie Roughhouse
Custom Doodle of Mera Salamin
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Sylvester Ashling
Custom Doodle of Trixie Roughhouse
Custom Doodle of Trixie Roughhouse
Custom Doodle of Rick Shades
Custom Doodle of Phoenica Fleecity
Custom Doodle of Indus Tarbella
Custom Doodle of Indus Tarbella
Custom Doodle of Rick Shades
Custom Doodle of Ogre
Custom Doodle of Naven Nuknuk and Molly Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff as a Pikmin
Custom Doodle of Ramsey Murdoch
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff as a Hamtaro
Custom Doodle of Phoenica Fleecity as a Llama
Custom Doodle of Trixie Roughhouse
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Lorelai Blyndeff camping
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Molly Blyndeff skull
Custom Doodle of Phoenica Fleecity
Custom Doodle of Rick Shades as an alien
Custom Doodle of Lorelai Blyndeff as Sherlock Holmes
Custom Doodle of Lorelai Blyndeff spying on Molly Blyndeff
Custom Doodle of Phoenica Fleecity