Prison of Plastic/Credits

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This is the Full Credits page for Prison of Plastic.
- Author: Brendan Blaber
- Editor: Amy Ellis
- Casting Director: Marissa Lenti[1]
- Project Manager: Marissa Lenti[1]
Audiobook[edit | edit source]
Cast[edit | edit source]
- Dani Chambers as Molly, the overworked protagonist.
- Bryn Apprill as Phoenica, Molly's fluffy friend. Has a lot of money.
- Elsie Lovelock as The Wolf, a mugger after Phoenica's money.
- Siv Ryan as Trixie, Molly's gremlin friend. Can see ghosts.
- Kyle Igneczi as Giovanni, the up-and-coming criminal mastermind.
- Caleb Yen as Crusher and Flamethrower, Giovanni's most passionate minions.
- Meg McClain as Spike, the scariest of Giovanni's minions.
- Cyrus Rodas as Dark Star, the most mysterious of Giovanni's minions.
- Wyatt Baker as Car Crash, the unluckiest of Giovanni's minions.
- Keith Silverstein as Graham, a giant dragon made of s'mores.
- Tiana Camacho as Lorelai, Molly's frustrating and magically-gifted older sister.
- Sarah Weidenheft as The Chauffeur, a hyperactive driver.
- Ray Chase as Rick Shades, your friend.
- Zack Maher as Sylvie, the child psychologist.
- Marissa Lenti as Stink, the worst.
- Paul Guyet as The Spelling Bee, one of Lorelai's creations.
- Kent Williams as The Scaregrow, one of Lorelai's creations.
- Brendan Blaber as Naven, Molly's teacher, as well as the book's Narrator.
- Brendan Blaber as Ben
- Scott Frerichs as The Valet
- Marissa Lenti as Ogre
- Jay Barrett as Xerxes Roughhouse
- Cassie Ewulu as The Ghost Crow
- Wyatt Baker as Hexicon
Audio[edit | edit source]
- Composed by: Plasterbrain
- Recorded at: Sound Cadence Studios, Addison, Texas
- Lead Engineer: Wyatt Baker
- Assist. Engineers:
- Patrick Murphy
- Sawyer Fletterer
- Lindsey Roberts
- Natterly Vance Azine
- SFX: Kennedy Phillips
Art[edit | edit source]
- Illustrator: Bo Hello
- Portrait Designer: Ky Bullock[3]