"Hah! Is that it!?"
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Bellatrix "Trixie" Roughhouse is one of Molly Blyndeff's two best friends, along with Phoenica Fleecity XV, the three nicknamed the "Neo Trio." While walking on the beach, the three of them discoved Rick Shades and took him back to the Blyndeff Toy Emporium. Here she met her cousin, Giovanni Potage, and realized that he is the person that Molly reveres. Their teacher Naven Nuknuk was kidnapped by Molly's sister, Lorelai Blyndeff, leading to the Neo Trio infiltrating her Epithet-Powered "Dream Bubbles." During which she was helped by the Ghost Crow and raised her confidence. After the final battle, Molly was "kidnapped" by Giovanni, and Trixie was concerned before Molly assured her via text that she was OK.
Trixie suspects her power to talk to Ghosts is an Epithet, but this has yet to be confirmed in or out of Universe.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Trixie is a short kid with fluffy, pink hair and two bobby pins (crossed over to make an 'X') on their front bang. Their ponytail is off centered and tied up with a green and purple beaded hair tie. Their visible eye has an iris unlike most characters, being pure black. They're rather pale, have dark shadows between and under their hair, and a white adhesive bandage on their face (along with some scuff marks.)
They wear a baggy purple hoodie, with a short spiky skirt, and big green sneakers with a white rounded toe. They wear a necklace with three green and pink glowsticks connected to it, and a simple black backpack. Along with this, they wear purple leggings with white X marks over the knees.
Personality[edit | edit source]

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While they struggle in school, they have extensive street smarts.[6]
They appear to have a rough and tumble personality too, as they suggest poking the unconscious stranger (Rick Shades) with a stick.
When threatened, Trixie likes to act in ways that intimidate the enemy, such as pulling out a box cutter (even though they aren't going to use it). [7]
Despite their tough exterior, Trixie has a kind heart. They rescue worms off the sidewalk every time they see one.
History[edit | edit source]
Past[edit | edit source]

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Trixie was born into the Roughhouse crime family, which resulted in adopting many of family's malicious and delinquent behaviors. Trixie had never been in a real fight before, but did carry potions and multiple boxcutter knives for self-defense and was taught by family how to be tough and intimidating. Trixie and their twin brother Rex frequently enjoyed making these potions together.[8]
At some point the family moved into a mobile home.[9]
Giovanni Potage would occasionally meetup with Trixie when their family had get-togethers. Giovanni had a close bond with Trixie and Rex and the three frequently played together, even though Giovanni was otherwise an outcast among his family due to being dorky, embarrassing, and idiotic.[10]
At 6 years old, Trixie was trying out an Ouija Board and witnessed a spirit communicate through it. Trixie told kids at school about it but was mocked as a result. Shortly afterward, Trixie began actually seeing ghosts in public (which turns out to be hanging out nearly everywhere except--- ironically--- graveyards). But Trixie had trouble differentiating living humans from ghosts, which did cause Trixie to accidentally ignore humans or assume that the ghost that Trixie was talking with was a visible living human.[2]
Trixie's eldest brother Xerxes Roughhouse coached Trixie to become more confident and intimidating towards bullies. While Trixie was now able to scare away bullies, Trixie was still outcasted for being creepy.[2]
Trixie eventually met Molly Blyndeff and Phoenica Fleecity at school when the latter two wanted Trixie to attempt to contact their late mothers. While the séance failed, the trio became close friends ever since.[2]
For four time, Trixie cleaned out the big metal trash can behind her mobile home. Going as it for Halloween while Rex went as a recycling can. Trixie got more candy than Rex, Trixie noted the commentary on the environment,[2]
Museum Arc[edit | edit source]
The Neo Trio all ended up in different tour groups during the Sweet Jazz City Museum field trip. This caused Trixie and Phoenica Fleecity to be oblivious to Molly Blyndeff being left behind.[11]
Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]
to be added
Non-Canon[edit | edit source]
TWO-LOWEEN[edit | edit source]
to be added
Glow in the Dark Molly + Trixie Dolls[edit | edit source]
to be added
Neo Trio Boss Fight Encounter[edit | edit source]
to be added
Molly Hoodie Commercial[edit | edit source]
to be added
Bubblegum Renegade[edit | edit source]
to be added
Campground Ghost Stories AU[edit | edit source]
to be added
Trixie and Phoenica Body Swap Potion[edit | edit source]
to be added
Abilities[edit | edit source]
Skillset[edit | edit source]
- Potion-Making: They can make some liquid concoctions she calls potions. According to them they are magical while Phoenica Fleecity says they are not. She often will make them with Rex Roughhouse[11] They are just condiments mixed together into "Potions".[1]
- Potion of Stinky:[11]
- Recipe: Mix a bunch of things that smell good (like ketchup and perfume) and stir it backward (by holding the spoon upside down) to “turn the good-smelling magic into bad-smelling magic”. It presumably does not work.[11]
- Potion of Go Away: If you throw it at someone they go away. Trixie and Rex have tested.[11]
- Recipe: Grape Jelly, pine needles, hot sauce, and ladybug blood.[11]
- Potion of Stinky:[11]
- Street-Smarts: She has a lot of Street Smarts, most of this due to growing up with her family.[12]
- intimidation: As a Roughhouse, their family's reputation alone is enough to make some people avoid Trixie.[2] Xerxes Roughhouse taught Trixie how to be confident and intimidating.[8] Trixie managed to successfully intimidate Wolf[12], which is somwhat impressive since Wolf has an intimidation stat of 3 stars.[13] This could be related to Trixie's unique Haunted stat of 5 stars.[1].
Unique Abilities[edit | edit source]

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- Medium: Trixie has the ability to see and speak to Ghosts. The only issue with this is that Trixie sometimes cannot tell the difference between a human and a ghost.[2]
Former Abilities[edit | edit source]
- Fairy Form: to be added
- Flight: to be added
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Trixie's friend group, consisting of them, Molly Blyndeff, and Phoenica Fleecity, are referred to as the "Neo Trio" in Epithet Erased, due to their hair colors looking like Neapolitan ice cream.[14]
- Brendan Blaber believes that Trixie is Pansexual.[15]
- It's been confirmed that Trixie is Non-binary, and uses she/her, they/them, and he/him. [16]
- Everyone in Trixie's family has been to jail.[12]
- Trixie is sensitive to caffeine and can't have energy drinks. The last time they had one, they caused "the incident.[11]
- They can see ghosts.[5]
- Trixie sees the ghosts as kind of boring. According to her: "'Oh I died!' I get it. Being dead is not a personality."[5]
- Trixie is implied to be part demon or of demon lineage as seen at her horn and wings, which are both physical attributes shown on her glow-in-the-dark doll counterpart.
- Trixie's height is 4'3"[1]
- Their birthday is November 6.[1]
- Trixie is haunted.[1]
- Their favorite animal is the crow.[1]
- Their favorite food is sour gummies.[1]
- They like ghosts, aliens, bugs, and mixing condiments into "Potions".[1]
- Their favorite color is green.[17]
- On Twitter, Brendan made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Trixie in "Well-Liked (w/ Rare Exceptions)"[18]
- On Twitter, Brendan made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Rick being paired with Abrigal because "Trixie and Rick are here for the weird magic girl who likes ghosts."[19]
- On Twitter, Brendan retweeted a promotion for Rick Shades-inspired tea from a fan-made Prison of Plastic collection[20], after having been sent another Epithet Erased inspired tea collection from the same creator.[21] Trixie was apart of the former collection, her likeness being used for a raspberry, blood orange, and wild strawberry tea titled "Trix-Tea Roughhouse". It has the subtitle, "These Cranberry And Lemon Bits Make A Real Tart Potion!".[22]
- When Trixie goes into attack mode with her box cutters, she kinda resembles a character form a video series made by moonshine animation named "Cecilia".
Merch[edit | edit source]

Doll[edit | edit source]
A glow-in-the-dark doll was a pledge reward for the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter.[23]
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Main Article: Trixie Roughhouse | Gallery
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 Trixie Infocard to promote Prison of Plastic
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 6: As the Crow Flies
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Chapter 12: A Little Burnt but Still Good
- ↑ Bubblegum Renegade
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 More Epithet Erased in 3 Days!
- ↑ https://jelloapocalypse.tumblr.com/post/189873355317/i-saw-people-asking-you-why-mollys-dumb-epithet
- ↑ https://mobile.twitter.com/BrendanBlaber/status/1218613473904603142
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Prison of Plastic
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Chapter 6: The Way the Crow Flies
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Chapter 2: Vincent Murder
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 1: Fish out of Water
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Prison of Plastic, Prologue A: The Neo Trio
- ↑ Wolf Infocard to promote Prison of Plastic
- ↑ https://tmblr.co/Z0Wm1x2mqwWKv
- ↑ https://jelloapocalypse.tumblr.com/post/620249137995218944/actually-feenie-is-bi-and-i-believe-trixie-is-pan
- ↑ Epithet Erased CAST REUNION PANEL
- ↑ Prison of Plastic Chapter 11: Judgement
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - 12/20/22
- ↑ EpithetErased character Stardew Spouses - 12/13/2023 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ https://twitter.com/mac_toons/status/1614068829281464320
- ↑ https://twitter.com/EpithetErased/status/1241818221474430980
- ↑ https://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/blend.html?blend=194810
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Prison of Plastic Kickstarter
- ↑ https://www.makeship.com/products/trixie-imp-gitd-plush