"Just gonna out me like that, huh? You're no fun."
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Phoenica Fleecity XV, or Feenie for short, is the latest descendant of the Fleecity family and a best friend to Molly Blyndeff and Trixie Roughhouse.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Phoenica is a tall girl with white skin, teal eyes, and long blonde hair with two pink bows on either sides of her head, each bow has a little golden bell in-between it. The ends of her hair are tied by two blue bows with two golden bells attached to them.
She wears a pink dress with long pink sleeves that have white cuffs, with a puffy pink skirt and a puffy white underskirt. She has a fluffy white collar around her neck with a blue bow under it, and a blue belt on her waist. She also wears long blue socks, pink shoes with a white fluffy topline, a white toe that's shaped like a heart, white sole, and one blue bow on both of them. The two bows on her shoes have a golden bell in-between both of them, like the bows on her hair.
In her fairy form she wears a white sleeveless dress, with a white (fading to blue) skirt, and a blue underskirt. She has a small pink scarf with two little pink bows on the sides of it. She also wears sandals with blue straps on them. She has white lace wings with a little heart on them, and a yellow halo above her head.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Phoenica is book-smart, but other than that she is just "stupid".[3] In fact, she is so ignorant and terminally stupid that she actually thinks the word "stupid" itself is a swear word.[4]
If she is threatened, she will politely ask the aggressor to apologize.[5]

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Phoenica is obsessed with the concept of love and crushing on people, but it's important to note that she doesn't really know what being "in love" with someone actually feels like. She has a bad habit of catching feelings for imagined versions of her classmates, and then after getting to know them better she quickly realizes the version of them that she was hoping to date isn't real and she isn't actually interested in them. This is how most of her marriage binders go. They're concerningly huge and over-decorated in a way that might make an outside observer think she's head-over-heels for her current target, but in reality she's just really into crafts and projects and often has more fun making the binder than perusing the boy.[6]
Phoenica is desperate to achieve some kind of relationship, because in her mind being in love and finding the love of your life is a very important, possibly even predestined mission. She is currently going down the class roster and developing crushes on her perfect, imagined version of all the boys in her school (because she has a preference for them). Once she runs out of those, she will probably swap to girls. If she doesn't find anyone she actually likes by the time she reaches the end of the list, she'll have an overdramatic phase where she thinks her life is over and she'll swap to wearing goth clothes, which she will look absolutely terrible in. Then she'll get over it after a week and immediately start scoping out other schools for new potential crushes.[6]
It's possible Feenie's had a marriage binder for at least one female classmate. She knows she's bi, but she focuses less on girls. This is because Phoenica is interested in very different personalities when it comes to potential boyfriends vs. potential girlfriends. She likes nice, dumb, heroic boys, but she actually has an interest in bad girls who don't follow the rules. The goody-two-shoes part of her is terribly embarrassed about this fact. She thinks it would hurt her family's reputation and would probably deny it if you asked her about it.[6]
History[edit | edit source]
Past[edit | edit source]

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Phoenica Fleecity XV was born to Phoenica Fleecity XIV and her husband, members of the wealthy Fleecity Family and so grew up in luxury, but also inherited the family duty of fighting the Songstress.[7] to be added[8]
At the age of 5, Phoenica was traumatized by a Halloween party that her family was hosting at their mansion. While the spookiness of the party was mild, it still gave Phoenica samhainophobia (fear of Halloween) and made Phoenica want to avoid anything spooky.[7]
At some point when she was young, Phoenica had a problem with sleepwalking so her parents gave her bell pajamas. She thought they were quite fashionable so she starting wearing them on everything.[9]
At some point, Phoenica was given the nickname "Feenie" from her parents.[10]

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At ten years old her mother died in a car crash, Phoenica was now responsible to inherit her family's mission to defeat the Songstress.[7] And the need to gather 5 magical girls, herself included.[2] But Phoenica still missed her late mother and so searched for a medium to communicate with her spirit. Phoenica and Molly Blyndeff, who had also recently lost her mother, were advised to ask Trixie Roughhouse to be that medium to communicate with the spirits of their mothers, becoming best friends who became known as the neo trio due to their hair colors.[7] These two Phoenica would consider to be two of the five magical girls she needs.[2]
At some point, she was given her signature bows as a gift from Trixie.[11]
Phoenicia says that she thought communism was bad, but Molly explains that was just propaganda from the Cold War. Trixie then yells at them because Molly had been talking about this, and Karl Marx, for 3 hours.[12]
Museum Arc[edit | edit source]
The Neo Trio all ended up in different tour groups during the Sweet Jazz City Museum field trip, this caused Phoenica and Trixie Roughhouse to be oblivious to Molly Blyndeff being left behind.[2]
Later, Molly mentioned to Giovanni Potage that her friend (Phoenica) would love the Counting Sheep summoned by Sylvester Ashling.[13]
Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

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to be added
Non-Canon[edit | edit source]
RAMSEY + FEENIE DOLLS[edit | edit source]

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Phoenica Fleecity spent the past 6 months crying because Molly Blyndeff and Trixie Roughhouse didn't tell her about them becoming marketable plushies, she hires the "professional director", Ramsey Murdoch to help her. Ramsey accidentally hands her his incriminating evidence instead of his credentials. She asks if money laundering is the same as forgetting to take her thousand dollar bill out of her dress in the laundry, which he says that it is and that his rate just went up. Ramsey then presents Feenie with a fake mustache as another person for their testimony, claiming to have lost weight and achieved a boy and/or girlfriend.
Neo Trio Boss Fight Encounter[edit | edit source]
to be added
Molly Hoodie Commercial[edit | edit source]
to be added
Bubblegum Renegade[edit | edit source]
to be added
Campground Ghost Stories AU[edit | edit source]
to be added
Trixie and Phoenica Body Swap Potion[edit | edit source]
to be added
Ramsey's Art Commissions[edit | edit source]
to be added
Relationships[edit | edit source]
to be added
Abilities[edit | edit source]

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Skillset[edit | edit source]
- Book-Smarts: She is quite skilled at academics. But she is only in 7th grade, so she can only do at most 7th grade work.[2]
- Mnemembos: She has a mnemembo for every word, including onomatopoeia and the Phylems of the animal kingdom.[10]
Former Abilities[edit | edit source]
- Fairy Form[14]: to be added
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Her family is the richest in the Epithet Erased universe, and her relatives work as professional Magical Girls to defeat the Songstress every three generations who was first sealed away by her ancestor. They earn their money from their services paid by the other countries.[15]
- Phoenica is one of the characters who has been used as the Twitter avatar of Brendan Blaber.[Citation Needed]
- Brendan knows that he had the authority to change her nickname into "Pheenie" in season 2, but has decided not to.[16]
- This spelling of her nickname was called to reference in Chapter 5 of Prison of Plastic, where the Spelling Bee attempted to spell her nickname as it. Phoenica claimed it to be wrong on the first letter.
- The only reason it was spelled as "Feenie" is because that was how her friends spelled it.
- This spelling of her nickname was called to reference in Chapter 5 of Prison of Plastic, where the Spelling Bee attempted to spell her nickname as it. Phoenica claimed it to be wrong on the first letter.
- She is pure Taiga race.[17]
- Phoenica originated as Jello's character in TheLoadingCrew's Pokemon Tabletop Adventures.
- Phoenica is bisexual.[18][19]
- This was referenced in the Non-Canon RAMSEY + FEENIE DOLLS when she was told to say she got a boyfriend and/or girlfriend due to having the Gold Collection Dolls.[20]
- Her dress has pockets, This is seen as a status symbol to others.[21]
- She is the richest girl in the world.[4]
- Her height is 5'3".[1]
- On Twitter Jello said she'll be 6'4" when she grows up.[22]
- She was born on January 6[1]
- Her favorite Animal is the Sheep.[1]
- Her favorite food is dairy.[1]
- She likes romance novels, illustrated encyclopedias, school, and writing fanfiction.[1]
- If you press into her, she squishes like a marshmallow.[23] She has also been described as "90% fluff and cotton".[24]
- She cries during every movie.[23]
- She also wears bells because she sleepwalks.[23]
- Her favorite flavor is warm milk.
Future of the Series[edit | edit source]
- It is likely that she will face the Songstress later in the series.[25]
Adaption from Anime Campaign[edit | edit source]
- In Anime Campaign, Phoenica is inscribed and has the Epithet “Fluff."[Citation Needed][26] She was made a Mundie to have more mundie characters.[Citation Needed]
Design[edit | edit source]
- Jello wanted to race bend either Molly or Phoenica for a few reasons. Obviously, he went with Molly.[27]
- Phoenica's friend group (consisting of herself, Molly, and Trixie) are referred to as the "Neo Trio" in Epithet Erased, due to their hair colors resembling neapolitan icecream (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry).[21]
- Her design was inspired by Maribelle from Fire Emblem.[28]
- The bell motif came from when Rhea Burtram, finding a cute image of a sheep with bells on her. Additionally, she likes how the hair strands look like little ram horns.[14]
Reception[edit | edit source]
- She is one of Brendan Blaber's favorite characters,[29] to the point of calling her his "stupid bell daughter".[30]
- Renae Fong finds her very cute, noting that is ok for a character to just be a cinnamon roll and cute in every aspect. Alos noting that they want to put her in their pocket and protect her so nothing bad happens to her.[14]
Tier Lists[edit | edit source]
- On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Feenie in "Yeah, You're Pretty Good"[32]
- On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Phoenica being paired with Elliot because "He's a writer! And he has long hair! @u@".[33]
Fanworks[edit | edit source]
- On Twitter, Jello retweeted a promotion for Rick Shades-inspired tea from a fan-made Prison of Plastic collection[34], after having been sent another Epithet Erased inspired tea collection from the same creator.[35] Phoenica was apart of the former collection, her likeness being used for a papaya pouchong, white eternal spring, and dragon fruit dream tea titled "Phoenica Tea-City". It has the subtitle, "A Lovely, Rich, Rose, And Mari-Gold Bouquet".[36]
Merch[edit | edit source]
Doll[edit | edit source]

- A Phoenica plushie was sold on Makeship.com because the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter reached the stretch goal of $260K.[37]
- It was sold out/ended on September 3, 2022.[38]
- It appeared in RAMSEY + FEENIE DOLLS.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Main Article: Phoenica Fleecity | Gallery
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Phenica Promotional Infocard for Prison of Plastic
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 1: Fish Out of Water
- ↑ Ask:I saw people asking you why Molly's dumb epithet... - December 25, 2019 - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic [Kickstarter Announcement!
- ↑ Brendan Blaber on Twitter - January 18, 2020
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 JelloApocalypse on Tumblr in reply to @adbotwithoolong - July 19, 2023
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Prison of Plastic
- ↑ Some people asked why Feenie can't just help Molly with her family's money problems. - 12/17/22 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - January 12, 2024 (1)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Prison of Plastic, Chapter 5: Love Spell
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - January 12, 2024 (2)
- ↑ But Molly...
- ↑ Epithet Erased | EP2 - Bear Trap
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 The Art of Epithet Erased, Characters - Phoenica
- ↑ Ask:Why did the museum accept Phoenica submitting a... - January 4, 2020 - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr
- ↑ JelloApoclaspe on Tumblr - Juanary 20, 2020
- ↑ Epithet Erased FaQ
- ↑ Ask:Actually Feenie is bi and I believe Trixie is pan... - June 7, 2020 - JelloApocalpase on Tumblr
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - June 23, 2021
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 Prison of Plastic, Prologue A: The Neo Trio
- ↑ "She's 5'3"???" - Epithet Erased on Twitter - December 4, 2022
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 More Epithet Erased in 3 Days!
- ↑ Prison of Plastic, Prologue A: The Neo Trio
- ↑ Hey so if the Phoenica's Family has to fight the... - February 28, 2020 - JelloApocalaspe on Tumblr
- ↑ Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic [Chapter 1 Preview]
- ↑ Ask: Lot of characters designs changed quite a bit when... - JelloApocalypse on Tumblr. - December 25, 2019
- ↑ https://twitter.com/BrendanBlaber/status/1296306434502778881
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - August 31, 2022
- ↑ https://jelloapocalypse.tumblr.com/post/190052964667/why-did-the-museum-accept-phoenica-submitting-a
- ↑ Epithet erased on Twitter - January 6, 2024
- ↑ Epithet Erased on Twitter - 12/20/22
- ↑ EpithetErased character Stardew Spouses - 12/13/2023 - Epithet Erased on Twitter
- ↑ Mac O'Connell on Twitter - January 13, 2023
- ↑ [https://twitter.com/EpithetErased/status/1241818221474430980 Epithet Erased on Twitter - March 22, 2020
- ↑ Phoenica Tea-City on adagio teas
- ↑ Prison of Plastic Kickstater
- ↑ Phoenica Plush on Makeship