This is the Full Credits page for That Beautiful Sound Cover.
Cast[edit | edit source]
- Kyle Igneczi as Giovanni
- Dani Chambers as Molly
- Zack Maher as Slyvie
- Brendan Blaber as Naven
- Dawn M. Bennett as Zora
- Lindsay Sheppard as Mera
- Jay Preston as Martin
- Backup Vocals:
- Wyatt Baker
- Dawn M. Bennett
- Cyrus Rodas
- Brendan Blaber
- Ben
- Ben 2
- Ben 3.
- Lindsay Sheppard
- Sarah Wiedenheft
Other[edit | edit source]
- VOCAL DIRECTOR: Dawn M. Bennett
- MIX/MASTER: Altr Audio (Alterclad)
- ARTWORK - Denaseey
- Original song from the musical Beetlejuice, written by Eddie Perfect.