Spike is a purple-haired female former member of the Banzai Blasters. Like Crusher, she holds a major crush on Giovanni.
Not much is known about Spike's personality due to how little she appears. She's very dedicated to Giovanni and doesn't mind being referred to as a boy by him despite being a girl.
Spike has very sharp teeth and dyed blue hair. She has spikes on her Banzai Blaster uniform's wrist guards and her helmet.
Outside of uniform, she wears a purple shirt that slips off her shoulders, revealing what appears to be black straps of her bra. She also wears black nail polish and multiple bracelets, although they're only visible on her left arm and the angle makes it unclear if they're also on her right. Her left ear has two piercings (right ear also unclear). She wears a dull red beanie and her hair is revealed to have prominent brown roots.
"Museum Arc"
to be added
Prison of Plastic
to be added
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