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From Epithet Erased Wiki

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Words are a malleable tool of language used to convey complex thought, and I will malley them as I see fit!

—Stink, "TWO-LOWEEN"

Stink is Molly Blyndeff's classmate and is the worst. He went on a field trip to Sweet Jazz City Museum and stole a cursed sword to throw at girls.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He has spiky dark brown hair and a signature red STINK shirt. As well as having a green and black backpack. He also has some black pants and some red, green, and black shoes.

Personality[edit | edit source]

"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."

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Stink is an extremely insolent boy who prides himself in being a troublemaker, and revels in causing mischief. He also seems to enjoy messing with girls, as he is quick to suggest throwing a sword he found in the Sweet Jazz Museum at his female classmates and is also quick to tease Molly and Trixie in "TWO-LOWEEN".

In "TWO-LOWEEN", he seems to jump on trends, saying slang such as "poggers" or dabbing in front of Molly and Trixie alongside his friend Stonk.

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

Stink was born on April 10[1] in Sweet Jazz City, Taiga Country.[2]

At some point, he met and became friends with Stonk.[3]

to be added[4]

"Museum Arc"[edit | edit source]

to be added[5]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

to be added[4]

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

TWO-LOWEEN[edit | edit source]

to be added

Bubblegum Renegade[edit | edit source]

to be added

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Cursed Sword: to be added[5]
  • Favorite Shirt: to be added

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Stonk[edit | edit source]

Stonk is one of his closest friends and is often seen bullying girls with him.[3]

Girls[edit | edit source]

to be added

Trixie/Non-Binary People[edit | edit source]

to be added[3]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Despite being merely a background character, Stink is the first character to have merchandise themed after them.
  • His height is 4'8"[1]
  • His birthday is April 8th.[1] This makes him an Aries.
  • His favorite animal is the cow on his shirt.[1]
  • His favorite food is play-doh.[1]
  • He likes those make your own slime kits form the 1990s[1]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Stink in "Mid"[6]
  • "Stink" is his legal first name.[4]

Merch[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Stink | Merch

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Stink | Gallery

References[edit | edit source]