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Giovanni's Villain Group, formerly known as Giovanni's Banzai Team, is a gang of delinquents led by Giovanni Potage. Originally a squad in the Banzai Blasters, but the group split off from the the crime syndicate after Bugsy Pugsler and Arnold Markdown beat Giovanni and stole the Arsene Amulet from him at Redwood Run. He was disillusioned with the Banzai Blasters after this encounter due to their treatment of their minions. Its current goals, outside of being evil, and name have yet to be decided.
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"Museum Arc"
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"Western Arc"
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Post-"Western Arc"
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Prison of Plastic
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Giovanni Gives Bear Trap an Order
to be added
Giovanni Potage/Vincent Murder
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- If one of Giovanni Potage's boys mentioned that they didn’t like being called a "Boy" he’d stop, but to him "MY BOYS" is a gender-neutral term, hence why he calls Molly Blyndeff and Spike boys.[1]
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