Animated OVA is an unproduced OVA set after the events of Prison of Plastic but before Prison of Plastic's Sequel. It would have been made if the Kickstarter reached $450k.[1]
Official Synopsis
This episode will take place after the events of Prison of Plastic. It will star Molly, Giovanni, and Giovanni's Banzai crew trying to steal the ingredients to make ILLEGAL COOKIES. Percy will be the episode's unwitting antagonist.[1]
- Feb 28, 2020 - In an interview, he revealed he had an episode planned where Molly and Giovanni try and make cookies but because Giovanni is a criminal it's difficult.[2]
- November 28, 2021 - Zora Villain Song was added as stretch goal to the Prison of Plastic Kickstarter. As well as being revealed that Percy would be the Antagonist.[3]
- December 26, 2021 - The Prison of Plastic Kickstarter finished with Animated OVA's stretch goal notbeing met[4]