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Notes:Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! [PART 2]

From Epithet Erased Wiki
Notes:Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! (PART 2)

This is the Notes page for Prison of Plastic - CAST LIVESTREAM! [PART 2].

Notes[edit source]

  • Molly and Lorelai both have a tick where, in very stressful situations, they react by saying, "Oh no. Oh nonononononono." (7:00 - 7:32)
    • Tiana was given Dani's reading of this tick for her to replicate it. (7:32 - 7:39)
    • Lorelai and Molly also share a tick in how they pronounce "suppose" (8:05 - 8:12)
  • Ramsey and Percy bodyswap skit (16:12 - 16:56)
  • Bo makes wax and clay sculptures to reference from for his art (21:45 - 22:01)
    • List of Bo Sculptures
      • Spelling Bee (He has made two of them, one of them tinier then the other). (24:06 - 24:17)
      • Lorelai, specifically for her appearance on the cover art. (24:23 - 24:26)
      • Chapter 5 illustration (where the tinier one is used) (24:44 - 24:47)
      • Unknown Molly sculpture (25:58)
      • Cover Art Molly (26:25)
  • Dawn dubs a Zora comic by Doodle (Unknown source) (51:59 - 52:03)
  • Bo's keychain models of Giovanni and Molly appear at (52:31)
  • Ramsey is very skilled at dancing (54:22 - 54:26)
  • Zach dubs a Sylvie shitpost by dinochasm ( (1:04:29 - 1:04:33)
  • Zach, Dawn, and Jello dub a fanart collage with Sylvie, Zora, and Giovanni by Tams (Unknown source) (1:13:28 - 1:13:54)
  • In a bodyswap scenario, each person's Epithet would also swap, due to being attached to one's soul. (1:16:17 - 1:16:22)
  • Taiga Country is described as a cowboy country that also specializes in planes (1:22:43 - 1:22:46)
  • Deepwood Country is a large mountainous region. Belmouth is the capital, built within a hollowed out mountain range. It specializes in subway systems and, overall, being underground. (1:22:53 - 1:23:04)
    • The Honeyglow Marsh is where Howie originates (1:23:11 - 1:23:14)
      • The backdrop of the Blyndeff family photo is the Marsh (1:23:16 - 1:23:21)
    • Aminata Shore was the old capital of Deepwood before it exploded. Zombified life and vegetation now reside there. (1:24:05 - 1:24:16)
    • Belmouth skyscrapers are built into hallowed out redwood tree roots within the mountain range (1:34:50 - 1:34:59)
  • Longshot is the boisterous and theatrical capital of Desert Country. Jello describes it as a fusion of Las Vegas and Broadway (1:24:30 - 1:24:40)
    • Out of universe, Longshot was designed to have new age dungeons (1:31:19 - 1:31:24)
  • Geodes litter Desert Country as a result of meteor strikes. (1:24:48 - 1:24:51)
    • These geodes destroyed the ancient city, leaving ruins and geode caves in its wake. (1:31:03 - 1:31:15)
    • Out of universe, Desert Country was designed around dungeon-crawling and classic TTRPG material. (1:31:15 - 1:31:19)
  • Coriolis, the capital of Island Country, is a ring built around a whirlpool with a 50-mile wide circumference. Because of it making a full rotation every four days, there are no permanent addresses there. As a result, shopkeepers compete by focusing on their storefront's facades and overall aesthetics (1:24:58 - 1:25:18)
    • Island Country civilians use currents for travel. (1:25:18 - 1:25:22)
  • Ocean Country is magic and glass themed. (1:25:32 - 1:25:38)
  • Australia is considered "the end of the world" (presumably like the edge) and extends infinitely. It is Epithet Erased's "end-game area". Gigantic dinosaurs roam here. (1:25:48 - 1:25:57)
  • Anime Campaign Episode 4's 12 hour playthrough was necessary, due to Chula not having any dates open two months before or after the stream date (9/11/16) (1:27:36 - 1:27:59)
  • All TTRPG location illustrations are drawn by Cameron Ax (1:30:00 - 1:30:05)
    • They are based on mail stamps and post cards. (1:30:06 - 1:30:14)
  • The Taiga and Island Country war can be boiled down to boats versus airplanes, with Taiga Country winning due to their superior vehicles. Additionally, airplanes are a recent invention. (1:30:28 - 1:30:38)
  • TTRPG Taiga Country illustrations
  • TTRPG Desert Country Illustrations
  • TTRPG Island Country Illustrations
  • TTRPG Deepwood Country Illustrations
  • TTRPG Ocean Country Illustrations
  • TTRPG Australia Illustrations
  • The Whims are a secret society who remained in the ancient city ruins of Desert Country, not wanting to abandon their homes while also forsaking modern technologies and medicine. They wear blue robes and live under the ruins and in tombs. Treasure hunters were usually scared away by them by swords. However, their reputation for being seen around ancient treasures made them become a icon of luck amongst adventurers and Longshot inhabitants. Eventually, they were labeled as spirits of fortune by locals and their appearance was turned in Longshot's mascots. As Longshot grew, the Whims became aware of their commercialization (1:32:22 - 1:33:49)
  • Desert Country was cursed after the ancient city was destroyed (1:32:28 - 1:32:30)
  • Each island in Island Country has a mafia family who specialize in a trade, hence them calling themselves "Trade Families." Examples include the Iron Family, the Clown Family, and the Calculator Family (1:34:15 - 1:34:35)
  • Aminata Shore info (1:35:05 - 1:35:51)
  • Phossix (no official spelling I know of, it's pronounced Fausix, but Phospherous Glass is a thing and the captions have him say it as Fossix) is a magic academy in Ocean Country that teaches witches and wizards how to be gaffamancers, sorcerers who can use glass magic to shape and meld glass. (1:36:07 - 1:36:21)
    • Gaffamancers maintain the Ocean Country domes. (1:36:21 - 1:36:24)
    • Menagerie gardens are kept outside Phossix (1:36:25 - 1:36:28)
  • Towering Thunderstorm Dinosaurs are similar to sauropods in appearance, with green bodies and red necks and heads. When they grow, thunderstorms develop around them and surround their neck and back. (1:36:58 - 1:37:08)
  • Lorelai was into dolphins and mermaids in her childhood. (1:38:35 - 1:38:42)
    • When recording in 2021, Tiana responded to that info by doing a dolphin laugh, definitively certifying it as Lorelai's laugh (1:38:42 - 1:38:46)
  • Tiana has a best friend from college who is a massive fan of Epithet Erased. After listening to Prison of Plastic, she sent Tiana a tweet from her private Twitter, featuring an image of Skeletor, Spider-Man, and a multitude of other characters pointing a heart with the caption to give Tiana het Oscar. (1:39:46 - 1:40:38)
  • All cities in Australia are named after real-world countries. (1:37:23 - 1:37:28; 2:15:50 - 2:16:30)
  • Moot is one of the antagonists of Sweet Escape. (1:57:03 - 1:57:05)
  • Moot's Anime Campaign counterpart will be heavily ignored for her Epithet Erased counterpart due to him being "boring" and "a throwaway joke." (1:57:08 - 1:57:17)
  • Jello's goal for Epithet Erased Moot is to take the character from Anime Campaign's "worst and forgettable" one and to make her the coolest one. (2:03:07 - 2:03:15)
  • Moot is Indus Tarbella's sister (1:57:21 - 1:57:22)
  • Moot has negative space tattoos, which cover up about ninety percent of her body. She fights very quickly and whippy, which makes her look like she's a snapping black cable while in combat. (1:58:17 - 1:58:44)
  • Moot's composure is brooding and scholary, letting her persona seep into her voice. However, in extreme scenarios, she drops the act and regains her native tone, sounding more akin to Indus (1:58:44 - 1:58:55)
  • Moot's personality is that she has a philosophy of questioning everything and is keen to debates and reflecting on how purposeful or relevant a concept or thing is.
    • Indus's personality is that he wholeheartedly believes everything anyone tells him and trusts them implicitly.
      • Both of these are confirmed accurate by Jello (1:59:20 - 1:59:22)
  • Indus is the short one in his family. (1:59:28 - 1:59:32)
  • Moot's epithet allows her to touch things and make them disappear, alongside a set of additional unanounced powers (2:00:17 - 2:00:27)
    • It's similar to Okuyasu Nijimura's stand from "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". (2:00:24 - 2:00:27)
  • Rhea made a hypothetical Moot design after Season One that Jello said to model her after "a gaming chair but a person" (2:01:10 - 2:01:18)
  • Moot left her culture to follow her own path, which eventually caused Indus to leave Desert Country to find her and bring her back on "the path" (2:01:24 - 2:01:55)
  • Moot writes poetry to keep up her "cool and quiet" persona (2:02:38 - 2:02:45)
  • Moot is 7'2" (2:02:51 - 2:02:54)
    • Jello wanted her design to fit the vibe of a social media post he saw, describing how a female barista's build would have landed her the role of temple guard if she was born thousands of years earlier. (1:57:30 - 1:57:52)
  • Moot's eptihet manifestation occurs when she loses her composure, where her tattoos fully cover her body, including her hair, and turning her eyes fully white, making her look like a wraith-like being (2:13:47 - 2:14:36)
  • When eptihets manifest, it's usually in or around the eyes (2:13:53 - 2:13:58)
  • If Moot were to be turned into an animal, she would be an octopus (2:17:10 - 2:17:14)
  • Jello enjoyed making the character sheets and writing Taiga Country's lore (2:17:25 - 2:18:17)
    • The latter was due to adding airplanes and aviation to the country's interests, which clicked with previous Anime Campaign lore (there's 5 or 6 airplane related characters) and the Banzai Blasters' uniform designs (2:17:50 - 2:18:18)
  • The musical Lorelai went to was the Epithet Erased universe's version of Beetlejuice: The Musical (2:23:48 - 2:23:55)
  • Prison of Plastic's theming went from pirates to witches only because of the plot needing a less convoluted way of physically moving the Neo Trio towards Lorelai (2:26:01 - 2:26:37)
  • Desert Country has a religion. It more so resembles a way of life. Indus follows it. (2:27:52 - 2:28:06)
    • Outside of Desert Country, Jello has not thought of religions the rest of the world may follow (2:27:42 - 2:28:06)
  • Originally, Desert Country's biome were plains, which provided rich farmland. (2:28:32 - 2:28:42)
  • Constellation was an ancient Desert Country city that got its name from its large city centers connected by elevated highways. (2:28:42 - 2:28:53)
  • The Sand King was the king and unifier of ancient Desert Country. His epithet, Undeath, allowed him to steal the lifeforce out of a nearby organism to heal himself if hurt. This is how he earned his title, as whenever he was injured, the grass beneath him turned to dust. Due to the rarity of epithets back then, the people saw him as magic and made him king. Coincidentally, when he was coronated, a meteor struck next to his palace. Inside of that geode was a crown shaped rock. The Sand King took notice of this and made a speech about how living up to your potential results in the stars rewarding you, to which his was becoming king. This led to an interest into reading the stars amongst the people. Throughout the following years, the King made many heirs. In his 70's or 80's (during which his epithet made him look 30), conspirators began to arise throughout Constellation at the realization of the King's inability to die, therefore stopping any heirs from taking the throne. One night, in his sleep, the conspirators threw him in a sarcophagus and buried it in the middle of the kingdom. However, the King's epithet continued to keep him alive by siphoning the life force out of the entire kingdom's plant life. Every direction from his sarcophagus eventually became desertified for 500 miles. This caused those who were unaware to believe they were cursed and that they had angered the stars. By coincidence, this seemed even more true when a giant meteor shower then wiped out most of Constellation (2:28:11 - 2:31:34)
    • The Sand King was originally not meant to figurehead the Desert Country religion, but after writing his story, Jello figured there would be impossible for no one to make a religion out of his legacy. (2:28:16 - 2:28:30)
    • The Sand King's fate is intentionally left ambiguous for DMs to decide what happened (2:33:20 - 2:33:45)
  • In the time of Constellation, epithets were one in a million (2:29:00 - 2:29:06)
  • The destruction of Constellation caused a three-way split of cultures amongst the kingdom: the Whims, who ignored the stars and wanted to stay in the ruins, the Traditionalists, those who kept observing the stats and living to their potential, and the Futurists. Indus and formerly Moot are Traditionalists, and Ryatt is a Futurist. (2:31:37 - 2:31:54)
    • The Traditionalists live in small monasteries. They mediate and practice martial arts to hone the body and mind. They are altruistic and overall live simple lives. (2:31:56 - 2:33:05)
    • The Futurists are comprised of more recent generations of Desert Country civilians. They live by their desires, which comes from most of them moving to Longshot. (2:33:06 - 2:33:12)
  • All the characters have an animal motif, with Indus and Moot they were going to be the difference between a gorilla and a gibbon. (2:35:24-2:35:50)
  • (2:36:40)