Talk:Banzai Blasters/@comment-36189611-20200204221941
I already wrote this on reddit but here's my take on the banzai ranks:
Baron Zeppeli is at the top because of course he is,he's great!
After that is senpai which is also a word you might use to describe Zeppeli-senpai.
The third rank is valedictorian which also makes sense because, if there was a hamon school, he'd have graduated top of his class. (Maybe you can start to see a pattern here)
The fourth, associate justice, is also linkable to zeppeli since he is associated with Jonathan jostar, the embodyment of Justice.
The fifth is the vice principal which is more loosely tied to zeppeli because he, even in the face of despair, he sticks to his core principles.
The sixth, banzai captain, also applies to him since he lead the team in the right direction when they didn't know where to to... also he ran in and died in battle so, banzai and with that also the name of the Organisation, fits to the end of his life
The seventh, Blaster, doesn't make any connection (exept maybe that he uses his hamon to "blast" his enemies). Since he can use hamon, he doesn't need a gun to fight, making the lowest rank unrelated to him
My conclusion:the closer the titles are linked to Will Antonio Zeppeli, the higher they are ranked. You rank up until you eventually become him, the Baron Zeppeli himself. The Banzai Blasters are a secret cult that worships the legacy of Will Antonio Zeppeli.