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Draft:Epithet Erased Wiki:Citation Policy

From Epithet Erased Wiki
This page is currently under conduction

This is the Epithet Erased Wiki's Citation Policy. Citations are important because it allows the reader to easily check sources and know where information comes from.

Adding a Citation[edit source]

Visual Mode[edit source]

To create a new citation, click:

and use one of the protocols found in the next section.

To reuse one, copy one that already exists. Then, paste or click:

Source Mode[edit source]

In source mode, you add a citation with the <ref></ref>, with the citation in the middle of the two, using one of the protocols found in the next section. To reuse them, change <ref> to <ref name=""> with a reusable name in between the "". To reuse the citation elsewhere in the article, insert <ref name=""/> and put the previous reusable name in between the "".

When & How to Use Citations[edit source]

Note: As of now, not every citation on this wiki follows these protocols. We are currently working to absolve that, as we are now just finalizing them.

You should use citations anytime a source can be traced from the information you've added, including Epithet Erased episodes and novels. This is especially pertinent for when the source is obscure or specific.

Epithet Erased Episode[edit source]

Whenever you cite an Epithet Erased episode in a wiki article, format it like so:

[[Epithet Erased]] | [[<link to article> | EP<ep #> - <episode title>]]

The citation should be named "EP<ep #>".

Novel[edit source]

Whenever you cite an Epithet Erased Novel in a wiki article, format a chapter like so:

[[<book title>]], Chapter <ch #>: <chapter title>

The citation should be named "<abbreviated book title><ch><chapter #>".

In the case of a prologue, format it like so:

[[<book title>]], Prologue <prologue letter>: <prologue title>

The citation should be named "<abbreviated book title><pro><prologue letter>".

Twitter[edit source]

Whenever you cite a Twitter post, please use the following format:

[<link> <twitter account name> - <date>]

Or, when applicable:

[link [title of tweet of thread] - <date> - <Twitter account name> (<number of tweets deep in thread>)]


[link <twitter account name> in response to <twitter account name> - <date>]

With the entire name linking to the source tweet.

Notable Creditable Twitter Sources[edit source]

Note: This is not an expansive list

Tumblr[edit source]

Asks[edit source]

Whenever you cite Asks on Tumblr, please use the following format:

Ask:<Text in URL> - <Tumblr> on Tumblr - <date>

FaQs[edit source]

Other Posts[edit source]

Streams[edit source]

Other YouTube Videos[edit source]

Whenever you cite a YouTube video that does not have its own article on the wiki, please use the following format:

[<link> <title>]

Commentary Tracks[edit source]

Whenever you cite a Epithet Erased commentary track, please use the following format:

[[Epithet Erased]] | [[<link to article> | EP<ep #> - <episode title>]] [ Commentary Track]

As Episode 3's commentary track is free, please use this format if citing it:

[[Epithet Erased]] | [[The Doctor is In | EP3 - The Doctor is In]] [ Commentary Track]

Citation Hierarchy[edit source]

Sometimes there are many places where you can find information, and for sake of not clogging up the pages, I've made a hierarchy. You should only cite from the highest tier available. It should also be noted that more recent information should be taken as fact.

  1. Incredibly Prevalent Information: When information is found so often in Epithet erased Media to the point of it being such a hassle to cite it, it shouldn't be cited. I.e. Molly Blyndeff's epithet being "Dumb".
  2. Episodes/Novels:
  3. 1st Level Other Media: Epithet TTRPG, Songs, Comic Dubs, Streams FaQs, interviews, etc.
  4. JelloApocalaspe Social Media:
  5. Other Crew Social Media:
  6. Anime Campaign Info:

Citation Tags[edit source]

Citation Tags are tags that an be placed to note something about citations. These are:

Citation Needed[edit source]

Citation Needed is a citation tag that should be added at the end of a statement that needs to be sourced but, for whatever reason, you cannot acquire the source or the source is not there.


There is also a version of this for a whole section without sections: Template:CitationNeeded

Out of Order[edit source]

Out of Order is a citation tag that should be added at the end of a citation whose link no longer functions. These should be replaced with a working citation when possible.
