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Naven Nuknuk

From Epithet Erased Wiki
Revision as of 16:16, 26 November 2021 by Anonymous

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Naven Nuknuk is a character that is set to appear in Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic. He teaches speech classes.

Physical Appearance

Naven is an adult man with a slender build, fair skin, bushy eyebrows, and messy lime green hair with a long cowlick (resembling a green apple). He wears a dark green cape, over a green sweater, which he wears over a white button-up shirt. He also wears light yellow and lime green pants (held up by a dark green belt with a red and lime green buckle), a pair of green slip-on shoes, red glasses and a single red heart-shaped earring hanging off his left ear. He can usually be seen holding an apple.


Not much is known about Naven yet. However, despite being a teacher, he seems to be a bit of a pushover, as he gets bullied by 12-year olds. He's also sensitive. If you yell at him, he might cry.


  • Naven has an apple motif, evidenced by his color scheme, hair shape and the apple found in his hand.
    • His apple motif may be a reference to the tradition of students giving apples to their teachers.
  • He is voiced by Brendan Blaber, aka JelloApocalypse, the creator of Epithet Erased.