TWO-LOWEEN, also known as the Halloween Special and the Unofficial Episode 7.5, is a script that jelloapocalypse wrote for Youmacon 2020 to be read by the cast of Epithet Erased.
to be added
TWO-LOWEEN starts off with Molly working at Blyndeff Toy Emporium, but on day she receives a mysterious letter from Giovanni. The letter is inviting her to come to a spooky Halloween party, but instead of it being on Halloween, it's on November the 1st because according to Giovanni "The REAL terror comes when you least expect it!". He also adds on that she can bring two guests but they have to have snacks and be cool. (No peanuts though.)
After reading the letter, Molly phones Sylvester to see whether he would like to come. Cut to Sylvie who's sitting on a comfy chair and eating raisins, his landline phone rings and the metaphorical screen splits to show both Molly and Sylvester.
Molly thinks about inviting her friend Phoenica (Feenie) but decides against it due to Phoenica being afraid of Halloween decorations, she then messages a group chat that her, Bellatrix (Trixie) and Feenie talk to each-other in. Molly invites Trixie to come to the party with her,
- Stink has a friend named Stonk. Stonk is "Skull-Shirt Kid".
- Sylvie's worst fear is implied to be the electoral college.
- Mera is canonically a furry. She describes her fursona as "an adorable arctic fox named Gwennifer."
- Trixie is confirmed to be non-binary in this stream, and goes by she/they.
- It is revealed in this script that Molly and Lorelai's birth certificates have their "full" names on them - their father wanted his kids to have "unique" names that no one else had, so their mother picked out their nicknames and their father extended them to their full names. Molly's full name is "Molly-Wolly-Doodle-All-the-Day" and Lorelai's is "Lorelinebacker".
External Links
- Cast Reading:
- Script:
Ramsey's drawing of Indus for Mera - art drawn by @beauhello