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Martin Blyndeff

From Epithet Erased Wiki
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Martin Blyndeff is the father of Molly Blyndeff and Lorelai Blyndeff, and the widowed husband of the late Calliope Blyndeff. He is also a bad father, self proclaimed "Inventor" and is likely the most hated character in the entirety of the extended Epithet Erased multi-media universe.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Martin is a middle-aged man with blonde hair and cereal-marshmallow stars in his beard.

He wears a green Hawaiian shirt paired with his god awful khakis, he also wears this with a bear key-chain attached to his belt.

He wears plain white socks with open toed brown flip-flops.

Personality[edit | edit source]

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Martin is shown to be childish, irresponsible and unfit to be a parent. He volunteered to be chaperone of the Trip to the Sweet Jazz City Museum and allowed the children to mess with the artifacts, further emphasizing his irresponsibility. He is even forgetful and negligent enough to forget to lock the door of his house and forgot Molly at the museum when she fell asleep due to Sylvie's sand.[2]

History[edit | edit source]

Past[edit | edit source]

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40 years ago, on March 23,[1] Martin Blyndeff was born in Sweet Jazz City, Taiga Country.[3]

He at some point married Calliope Blyndeff. She was a very serious woman but Martin was able to balance that out with his overly laid back personality.[Citation Needed]

Due to wanting his kids to have "unique names" he had Calliope pick the nicknames for them while he picked the full names, but his nicknames were ridiculous.[4] The first of his kids was born on October 18, 17 years ago,[5] and was named Lorelainebacker (Lorelai).[4] Five years later, on October 25,[6] Molly-Wolly-Doodle-All-the-Day (Molly) was born.[4]

At some point the two started a toy store, the Blyndeff Toy Emporium, with it being very successful. Martin would make the toys and Calliope would handle the business side of things.[7]

2 years ago, Calliope died in a housefire, putting the whole family in a difficult financial situation, however they were able to get a new live-in store in a worse part of town thanks to a family friend. However, the store still faced several problems. First off, a worse neighborhood meant less costumers to come buy the expensive custom playsets Martin made. Second was Martin's general incompetency. Being unable to be trusted with normal adult responsibilities, like doing taxes. Thirdly Being understaffed due to Marin and Lorelai often shirking their shifts (leaving Molly to cover cashier shifts). All this left Molly shouldering the responsibility of the well-being of the whole family, including Martin.[7]

Her father had managed to work out a system with the school where Molly worked even days and Lorelai went on odd ones.[8]

One time Molly came home to find Martin had bought a giant sized kiddy pool and several expensive pool toys. He was about to fill it up but he forgot to pay the water bill. Now they occupy 90% of the floorspace of the store.[8]

Phoenica Fleecity has attempted to gift money to Martin Blyndeff but after a couple early attempts the bank refuses to give him money.[9]

Museum Arc[edit | edit source]

to be added[2]

Prison of Plastic[edit | edit source]

to be added

Non-Canon[edit | edit source]

That Beautiful Sound Cover[edit | edit source]

to be added

Molly has had ENOUGH[edit | edit source]

Martin Blyndeff asked Molly Blyndeff if she was "working hard or hardly working" causing Molly to go on a rant about how Martin isn't funny and how she has never heard him say "thank you," as he rapidly looked around.[10]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

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"Unfortunately the group's disorganization and general rapscallyhood makes them difficult to track."

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Molly Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

Molly is Martin's youngest daughter. Martin has been shown to be a very awful and negligent parent, taking Molly's phone to play video games, forgetting her while leaving the museum, and making her stay night shifts at the toy store.

Lorelai Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

Lorelai is Martin's oldest daughter. Compared to his treatment for Molly, Martin shows more favoritism towards Lorelai, always leniently letting her indulge and immerse in her own created worlds with her Epithet, ★Augment★, so she can flex with her creativity. He also sides with her arguments half the time. However, his bias towards her has subsequently enabled her bratty and irresponsible behavior.

Calliope Blyndeff[edit | edit source]

Calliope was Martin's wife. Not much is known about their relationship, but it had been hinted that despite his own irresponsibility and laziness, their marriage had been a happy one. Due to them being foils of each other, their marriage and parenting was nicely balanced.

However, after her death, he, so far, seems almost unaffected by the loss, never discussing it with his daughters.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Skillset[edit | edit source]

  • Toy-Maker: Martin is able to creats toys. He is often inspired by the creations Lorelai Blyndeff makes with her Epithet.
  • Bad Parent: Martin is shown to be a bad parent and mistreat his daughters. He forces Molly Blyndeff to work long hours and has taken her phone. He also enables Lorelai to be mean and bratty. He has starved her of connections as well, if unintentionally, by not comforting her. He has also literally starved both of them by taking Molly’s granola that she was going to eat as dinner, and he only buys candy for their house.

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • Phone: to be added[2]
  • ICastle Playset: to be added

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Martin has always been a bad dad, but back when his wife who was a hard-worker could manage to balance his laziness out, things were much better.[11]
  • He always embarrasses his kids in restaurants.[Citation Needed]
  • His height is 5'8".[1]
  • His birthday is March 23.[1]
  • His favorite animal is the Sun Bear.[1]
  • His favorite food is frosting.[1]
  • He likes, games, schematics, and playing "just one more level!".[1]
  • He has self-proclaimed himself to be "great at parties". [12]
    • He will tell his daughters to make the cake for the party, and then eat it all.
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of how well liked in the fandom each character is, placing Martin in "Martin Blyndeff", the lowest tier.[13]
  • On Twitter, Jello made a tier list of Stardew Valley spouses, Martin being paired with leah because " "I too am an artist with zero business sense!" "They die poor together." "[14]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Main Article: Martin Blyndeff/Gallery

References[edit | edit source]