Epithet Erased: Prison of Plastic (Sometimes called Epithet Erased - Prison of Plastic[5] or simply, Prison of Plastic[6]) is the novel continuation of Epithet Erased. It is the 1stEpithet Erased novel published as well as the 3rd chronologically. It was also available at the Epithet Erased Meet & Greet.
One week after the events in the Sweet Jazz Museum, Molly Blyndeff tries to take some well-deserved time off at seashore with her friends. Her vacation is interrupted when the girls stumble on the freshly-beached body of Rick Shades, a bizarre "wizard" from the depths of the ocean.[5]
The trio of girls bring Rick back to Molly's toy store in order to help him recover, but things quickly take a turn for the worse when Molly's older sister Lorelai gets involved. Her epithet, β Augmentβ , gives her the power to create augmented realities, fantasy worlds that she refers to as "dream bubbles". Lorelai throws everyone into the store into one of her dream worlds and suddenly Molly's day off turns into an epic quest to escape Lorelai's world and rescue her friends from her sister's clutches. [5]
Prison of Plastic is the story of two sisters living in a broken home struggling with their magical powers, themselves, and each other. [5]
The Prison of Plastic Audiobook was released on Soundbooth Theater on December 9, 2022[Citation Needed] and was later released physically on to be added, 2024.[Citation Needed]
"You see, the trick of this challenge is figuring out what to do with an incomplete recipe."
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"Yeah! Those are... words!"
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June 13, 2021 - On Twitter, It was announced that this book and the next one would be a two parter called "Suger Cookie Jazz" with the first part being called "Prison of Plastic". The Synopsis given being "This book returns to Molly's storyline. She is trying her best to manage her family's toy store when her sister, Lorelai, uses her epithet to trap her and her friends inside a magical world themed after witches and candy. There are seven focal characters in this book. Molly and Giovanni return as leads. Molly is also joined by her friends Phoenica and Trixie and a mysterious man they meet on the beach named Rick Shades, all of whom had a small cameo in the last scene of Season 1. Molly's father, Martin, and Molly's teacher, Naven, are also involved in this book. Molly's sister Lorelai is the main antagonist." He also announced a third book called: SUGAR COOKIE JAZZ - Part II.
May 31, 2021 - On Twitter, a preview detailing the Blyndeff Family Relationship in the past was released.[7]
November 26, 2021 - A video was released on Jello's channel announcing the Prison of PlasticKickstarter.[5] He also released a preview of the first chapter.[8]
January 7th, 2022 - On Twitter, it was announced The audiobook finished recording and they had begun to edit it.[9]
March 1st, 2022 - It was announced that the Illustrations are coming along smoothly.[10]
March 5th, 2022 - On twitter, it was announced Four illustrations were released on Patreon. Showing one of them in the tweet.[11]
May 30th, 2022 - On Twitter, and Kickstarter, he announced that the first pass for audiobook's first 16 chapter were complete. Some lines needed to be re-recorded as well as 12 & 13 needed to be edited. He also announced that their main composer was focused on the score. As for the Illustrations, Only 2 or 3 of the 16 left. They also, announced that the poster will be modified version of the cover, or a specific illustration from chapter 12, either way it still needs to be finalized and touched up. He also released a new illustration from the book.[12][13][14][15][16][17]
June 7th, 2022 - after listening to the first mix of the audiobook he confirmed how emotional it is to the point of joking they should rename it "make me cry", Saying they are similar to the bonding scene between Molly and Giovanni in "Bear Trap" and the fire scene from "The Doctor is In".[18]
July 4th, 2022 - On Kickstarter he released an Update, explaining a lot of delays as well as pushing past/expand the release date for Patreon backers from July to summer. The good news, the audiobook is on its second past, getting any lines they missed. After that Jello and the lead engineer will listen through it. There is only one illustration left.
July 20th, 2022 - On Twitter he announced he would finalize the audio this weekend before adding the music. He also released clip where Phoenica meets Giovanni/Vincent Murder with Molly.[19]
July 22nd, 2022 - On Twitter he released two clips, one titled "Giovanni lesson of the day" and one about the dynamic of Giovanni and Naven.[20][21]
August 12th, 2022 - On Twitter, it was further explained that, Molly Blyndeff, Giovanni Potage, Phoenica Fleecity, Trixie Roughhouse, Lorelai Blyndeff, Rick Shades, and Naven Nuknuk will be major characters, and that Sylvester Ashling and Yoomtah will be minor characters.
August 14th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan announced that he will start releasing a clip everyday, one from each chapter, including one from Prologue B (2) about how Crusher is not a baker.[22]
August 15th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip from Prologue C (3), that answers if Lorelai watches anime. (The anime is yes).[23]
August 16th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip from Prologue D (4), that revealed what Yoomtah sounds like.[24]
August 17th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip from the first Prologue, that showed off Elise Lovelock.[25]
August 18th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip from the first Chapter, that was an exchange between Feenie and Rick.[26]
August 20th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan explained that he missed posting as clip yesterday because he was busy with finishing up Chapter and that it is 45 mins long.[27]
August 20th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip from the Chapter 2, showing Giovanni's and Lorelai's dynamic , which is Lorelai has a crush on Gio.[28]
August 21th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released another clip from the Chapter 2, That showed Vincent Murder's reveal.[29]
August 22th, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan explained that he lost a whole chapter [30] of music placement and retiming, meaning he's been set back a day or two.[31]
August 26, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released another clip from Chapter 4. That showed Naven after being kidnapped by Lorelai.[32]
September 12, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip from Chapter 5, about how the Party was playing a game with Spelling Bee, and Trixie broke the rules by using a made up word.[33]
September 13, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip, where Trixie explained what's in her holy water.[34]
September 13, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip, about the editor's reaction to Ray Chase being cast as Rick, and releasing a zany clip with his performance in the tweet.[35]
September 14, 2022 - On Twitter, it was announced that although he would like to have the trivia eyecatchers, it may not happen because each illustration adds a significant amount of money to the printing fee.[36]
September 14, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip featuring Ogre, who he says is the most powerful character in Epithet Erased. The clip is about the Ogre first meeting the neo trio and how he is baffled by them as they ask questions.[37]
September 15, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip where Molly and Lorelai have a serious conversation where Lorelai explained why she freezed someone, saying how as an added bonus she gets to look at his butt. Molly is baffled by this.[38]
September 17, 2022 - On Twitter he explained his plan is to, in the next 2 weeks to finish the musical version of Prison of Plastic and send it off the SFX guy, then finish the lyric video for Great at Crime Extended Version, then get the audiobook back and "finish it once and for all".[39]
September 19, 2022 - On Twitter, Brendan released a clip where Trixie gets trapped in cookie dough and has to be slowly eaten out of it by Phoenica as a being approaches.[40]
September 20, 2022 - In a Kickstarter update, Brendon explained that once he finishes adding music to all the chapters he will go back through and fine tune the timing while adding notes for the SFX person in a spreadsheet and then send it to him.
October 12, 2022 - He announced he was about two days away from being 99.9% of the audiobook.[41]
October 14, 2022 - He announced he was now 99.9% of the audiobook[42] Also explaining the next step was putting the SFX in the audiobook and get a distributer for both digital and hard copies, reformat the book, and find an audiobook host.[43] All the creative work is done now is just bureaucratic work.[44] Further saying that he's going to begin reaching out to distributers this weekend, saying he wants at least the digital version out before the holidays.[45] Also asking for anyone who knows a good print shop to message him.[46]
November 3, 2022 - In a Kickstarter update, he explained that he had secured a release platform for the audiobook, planning to not use audible at all. And will be looking more venues as well. He currently ahs two publishers interested with publishing a physical book, but due to how the industry works it will take a few more months before they are made. He also explained he is planning to release the digital copies in the first half of December.[47]
November 11, 2022 - On Twitter, it was explained it should be releasing in early December.[Citation Needed] And he announced that the audiobook was 100% secured and that he has a failsafe self-publish option but he is still talking to publishers.[48]
November 22, 2022 - On Twitter, it was announced it will release on December 9, 2022.[1]
November 22, 2022 - On in a Kickstarter update, the Audiobook will be released on Soundbooth Theater, but first they will do a cast-wide read through tomorrow. It will also be published on Self-Publishing ingramSpark, it should have all the promised features it won't have any of the personalized features he wants, due to the site being very generalized. But he does have an interested Publisher, although it will take about 10 Months for the book to be published by them, so about Summer 2023. Due to having to everyone already having to wait quite awhile, he's going ahead with releasing on Dec 9, 2022. Soundbooth has agreed to hand out keys to backers. Backers can choose to get the self-published or wait and get the published version. He notes that the self-published version should still be good quality, but since he hasn't gotten a test copy, he feels uncomfortable about praising it.[49]
November 29, 2022 - On Twitter, Jello said he was exporting the finalized versions of the audiobook to send to Soundbooth Theater.[50]
December 4, 2022 - In a stream to promote Prison of Plastic, it was revealed Marrissa Lenti plays Ogre, [51] that early version had too many exclamation points and it includes two in jokes with his friend Arim, The line "it's dough that gets thrown into the sun" and Phoenica being described as uniquely terrible.[52]
December 8. 2022 - The audiobook will cost ~$12, the eBook will cost ~$10, the hardback will cost ~$50. He is also currently working on a paperback alternative due to the hardback's cost.[53] Later he said the retail version may not be available till the next week.[54]
December 9. 2022 - The audiobook releases on Soundbooth Theater.[Citation Needed]
December 10, 2022 - On Twitter, Jello explained he cut 3+ pages explaining why Feenie couldn't just completely pay for Molly, that won't matter for several books. To summarize, the government forces his family to only give her set amount of my moment and have minimal support for economics reasons.[55]
December 16, 2022 - Epub releases on Barnes & Noble.[56]
December 17. 2022 - Bloopers were released on Patreon.[57]
December 20, 2022 - Jello announced he signed the publishing contract.[58]
February 20, 2022 - Jello announced he had approved copyedits of the cover after being delayed for 5 weeks due to being sick.[59]
May 9, 2023 - In a kickstarter update, Jello announced that the planned released ate for the hardcover was October-November, November being more likely.[60]
June 13, 2023 - In a stream, Jello explained he finished giving notes on the physical version of the book. The book will come out some time in Autumn.[61]
June 28, 2023 - In a Tweet, Jello announced that the physical release will release in the fall. And had a poll to determine if he should increase the print run. The results being: "I might get the book!" (64.7%), "Audiobook was enough" (21.4%), "Got it on Kickstarter" (11.1%), "Not getting the book" (2.9%).[62]
August 3, in a kickstarter update, it was announced that the final PDF of the book was done so now all he had to do was OK a physical copy once he gets one and then to ship and sell.[63]
October 10, 2023 - On Twitter, it was announced that production of the physical book had hit another delay and would take a little longer.[64] Brendan Blaber has gone through 5 copyedits and gets feedback done as soon as possible.[65] Brendan cannot reveal which publisher it is since he is still under an NDA. [66]
October 20, 2023 - On Twitter, it was announced that he had "finally" got to submit shipping instructions for the initial batch of books for him to sign. He said it is "Nice to feel like stuff is moving after almost a year!"[67]
November 9, 2023 - On Twitter, Brendan explained that the copies would pre ship for signing in late-december.[68] And that the plan is for a small physical release in March and then follow up "a year or so later" with a massive print of this novel with the Season 1Adaptions.[2]
November 15 - On Twitter and Kickstarter, it was announced that Brendan Blaber has got the first wave of books. With 50 books shipped to his home and 1000 books to a warehouse. The plan is for him to sign these and then send them to Kickstarter backers. A preorder for the public release will open in December 2023. While they will actually release in March 2024[3][69] He also announced the publisher is Mascot Kids. It is 370 pages with over 20 full-cover prints. It will be $24.95. [3]
November 23, 2023 - On Twitter, it was announced all kickstarter backers received a custom doodle in their physical copy. Also noting that he felt bad about messing Lorelai's hand count on one,[70] saying it was because he sued a pen.[71]
December 4, 2023 - On Twitter, it was announced there were only 18k copies sold in the first run.[72]
December 8, 2023 - On Twitter, it was explained people who did not live in North America could try emailing Mascot Kids directly for a copy of Prison of Plastic.[73] He also apologized for any confusion about the book's release, explaining that he's often told just as little as his fans.[74] He also revealed the reason for Prison of Plastic's name after a thematically impactful line.[75] Also announcing USB drives of the Audiobook would be sold.[76]
December 9, 2023 - On Twitter, It was explained that shipping prices for physical copies may be really high (60+) for places outside of the US, or even inside the US. Also noting you can buy Prison of Plastic on sites that are not Mascot, it would just last longer.[77]
C. December 22, 2023 - Epithet Erased Twitter account's name was updated to say that 746/1050.
December 22, 2023 - It was announced he was about 900 books deep and he noted he was running out ideas for doodles.[78] (Around the same time Epithet Erased Twitter account's name was updated to say that 896/1050.)
December 23, 2023 - He announced he had signed all the books and revealed it took over 80 straight hours.[79]
March 29, 2024 - It was announced that first print run had sold out and a second one had been ordered.[80]
Each chapter is said to only have one illustration.[6] However this only true for the Prologues and Chapters 1-3;5-8;13. Chapter 12 has two, one of which covers two pages. While Chapter 4;9-11 has none. So a better descriptor would be: there is a page of illustration for every Chapter.
Like it is in Prison of Plastic, The word "Beach" was previously used as example of an Epithet in the Anime Campaign TTRPG.
This arc's 'main party' is almost completely different than in Anime Campaign. In Anime Campaign the main party is Agitha Fuckwhistle, Lenny Baxter, Quinton, and Sylvester Ashling. While in Prison of Plastic Agitha Fuckwhistle and Quinton are completely cut. Lenny Baxter is reduced to an indirect namedrop in the form of Baxter's Department Store. Sylvester Ashling is reduced to an unnamed cameo.
Additionally, Molly Blyneff and Naven Nuknuk as NPCs that accompany the party. Molly Blyndeff is promoted to main character and Naven Nuknuk has a somewhat similar amount of time but in a much different way.
Phoenica Fleecity in Anime Campaign was a character that refused to join the party, while in Prison of Plastic she is a character that forces her way into the party.
Prison of Plastic development started with one chapter in winter 2020 and wrote the rest in May 2021, with additional work continuing to be done until the book's release.[84]
SoundBooth Theatre went down because of Prison of Plastic's audiobook's release and the ensuing traffic. Jeff Hays, SoundBooth's CEO, and Justin Thomas James, SoundBooth's project manager, had to fix it to an understanding audience.[85]
On Twitter, Jello revealed that in the original google doc of Prison of Plastic, that there is an interaction where Molly says, "I think I know how we can beat my sister." with a note that said "With a pipe!Β :)"[87]
On Twitter, Jello explained he cut 3+ pages explaining why Feenie couldn't just completely pay for Molly, that won't matter for several books. To summarize, the government forces his family to only give her set amount of my moment and have minimal support for economics reasons.[55]
IngramSpark did not cooperate with the images Jello sent due to their DPI bebing too big (despite being the minimum for quality printing), thus delaying the release of Prison of Plastic's hard copy. He found this out right before the stream.[88]
IngramSpark also delayed the release of the EPUB version of Prison of Plastic.[89]
Soundbooth made Brendan Blaber a PDF on how to Kickstarter Backers could get the Audiobook. This PDF was made by Justin who mad it quickly.[90]
Soundbooth, unlike most other steps in the Kickstarter, was willing to do extra and fix problems on their own.[91]
On Twitter, a 6 second clip was animated by the fan Luveygold.[92]
Luveygold impulsively[93] bought a 15 second ad for Prison of Plastic in times square, New York City for $40.[94] They attempted to get a refund but it didn't work.[95]Brendan Blaber would note that ""We've officially hit the point where fans are so desperate for content that they're renting out Time's Square to put up advertisements for us"[96] and that "It's a little unreal how good this ad looks tho tbh".[97] The ad is an clip from the Say No animated intro.
A fan, Freezaol, released an animation in the style of a "Mario and Luigi" game.[98] It is so good it has been endorsed by Brendan. Brendan helped and added resources to the project.[99] Additionally, the voice actors from the audiobook recorded additional lines for the game.[98][100]It was uploaded on Youtube.