Brendan Blaber, better known by his YouTube account "JelloApocalypse", is the creator of Epithet Erased and its predecessor Anime Campaign, a voice actor and a YouTuber that is well-known for the web series So This is Basically...
Brendan first joined YouTube in 2009.
- He is bisexual.
- He isn't against headcanons that people create for Epithet Erased, but just disinterested at them. [1]
- The one he detests the most is the Trans-Giovanni headcanon, because he finds it regressive and sexist and stereotyping Giovanni as female at birth only due to having feminine traits (like knitting and pink being favorite color).
- Out of the cast Molly and Arnold are his favorites.[2]
- He also loves Phoenica Fleecity and calls her his stupid bell daughter.[3]
- He has a tumblr page were he sometimes answers questions about Epithet Erased.[4]
- Plasterbrain whose real name is Erin Blaber is his younger sister.
- His favorite jokes from the series so far are “I wish my mom was a ghost! She’s just dead” and “NO! MY COUPONS! YOU CAN’T SCAN THE BARCODE IF IT’S GOLD! NOW IT’S WORTHLESS!!!” [5]
- He has a boyfriend. [6]
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